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ciwa 2009-03-25 03:33 PM

Omnifocus with Evernote
I'm using OF for GTD process and Evernote just for filing reference material. My question is:
Is there a possibilty to link Evernote notes to actions in OF?
Tried hard to find a way but haven't found a solution yet.

gberezow 2009-03-26 09:25 AM

Well, you can use clippings with the web version. With Safari, just hit cmd-L and then your clippings hotkey. This doesn't pull in content. You can also select the note content and hit your clippings hotkey to pull in content.

I haven't figured out a way to get a link to the local Evernote application, however.

jasong 2009-04-03 09:09 PM

This is an Evernote issue. They're great about getting stuff *in* and horrible about getting stuff out.

jbkendrick 2009-04-04 03:07 AM

Clipping from Browser and Mail
Because of the lack of connection between Omnifocus and Evernote, I have reduced my use of Evernote to non-project related clippings. If the clipping relates to a project, I just select the text and/or other media I want to save, and drag it from the browser to Omnifocus on the dock.

This saves the clipping and also the URL for the page to the inbox, and then when I process my inbox I assign it to the appropriate project and context, and assign dates as needed.

I use Firefox, so the clipping command key doesn't work. I've looked at the other solutions for FF here on the forum, but for me, its just as easy to drag clippings to the dock, especially since I get the URL along with the clipping. I do use the mail script and CTRL+C command key for transferring mail messages, or portions thereof, to the OF inbox. John

Finlay Boo 2009-04-04 07:52 AM

Evernote clipping is great and, as an application it's cool for general notes/ journal data that relate to a variety of areas of responsibility. However, the lack of ability to get notes out limits it somewhat.

However, OmniOutliner is great for notes relating to specific projects so I have an OO document in the notes for each of my projects and store a variety of meeting notes, thoughts, etc in there. I use OO to 'flesh' out projects. I can access the OO file via quick look and it provides a fairly 'complete' system.

jbkendrick 2009-04-04 09:15 AM

Using OmniOuliner as component of OmniFocus
@Finlay Boo - interesting concept. Do you use OO standard or pro and if pro, can you provide any insight into the advantages? How do you get your OO document into the project, just drag the file in after creating it outside of OF? And how to you handle searching for note information, since OF will presumably not look in linked files. Thanks, John

Finlay Boo 2009-04-04 12:37 PM

I use pro but I can't honestly remember if that would provide me any distinct advantages over the standard version in terms of how I use it. I also tend to add OO documents as linked files, to duplicating matter on my filesystem. As for searching, I guess I've just learned to love Spotlight again, which searches both OF and OO documents (and Evernote, for that matter)

jbkendrick 2009-04-04 04:08 PM

@Finlay Boo - thanks for the reply and information. Didn't think about spotlight, though that wouldn't help with iPhone searches, I am probably pushing the envelope there and can always just wait to get back to the office for a deeper search. It is not needed that often. I would imagine that Quicksilver searches would work as well. Thanks again for the great idea on using the Outliner, I'll give it a try and see if it works with my workflow. John

Greg Jones 2009-04-05 01:40 AM

There is a great script linked [url=]here[/url] that creates a project notes folder and/or an OO project file linked to an OmniFocus project. I use this all the time with OOP and I consider it to be the most useful 3rd party script available for OF.

Finlay Boo 2009-04-05 05:22 AM

@Greg Jones That script is great...good find! It's ideal for how I like to work with and maintain my project data within the file system. Thanks.

jbkendrick 2009-04-21 03:20 PM

I've been using Harrison's scripts for a couple of weeks now and love having a place to put notes just a click away. The advantages of this approach are the obvious, saving space in your OF database, and not so obvious, providing an easy method of getting to project notes for completed projects.

I do have one issue with the script. While it creates a folder in the correct hierarchy and names the file using the project name, when the OO editing window opens, the document it has created is in the Documents folder. If you click Save after creating the first note, it saves in Documents. I am finding that I have to do a Save As and navigate to the folder that was created in the hierarchy.

The funny thing is, once I do this, whenever I click the notes button to run the script again, it opens the file from the correct folder hierarchy. Has anyone else experienced this or have a work around?

I've never done any scripting in OS X, so I don't know how to properly open the script to look at the code, which I might not understand anyway.

Also, does anyone know of a way to use an OO template other than the default when creating a new project notes document with the script. I have tried editing the New Document Template, but the new documents created by the script don't appear to use it. Thanks, John

Humbro 2009-05-11 12:26 AM

[QUOTE=ciwa;57409]I'm using OF for GTD process and Evernote just for filing reference material. My question is:
Is there a possibilty to link Evernote notes to actions in OF?
Tried hard to find a way but haven't found a solution yet.[/QUOTE]

I was wondering about the same thing, and was a bit dismayed by this thread, getting the impression it was impossible.

I just stumbled upon the quite simple solution, though: Search for the Evernote note in Spotlight/Finder, and drag the note from the Spotlight/Finder window into the note field in OF. Voilà!

The one catch is that the EN note won't show on the iPhone client, but hey.

marshallj 2009-06-15 01:06 PM

[QUOTE=Humbro;59625]I was wondering about the same thing, and was a bit dismayed by this thread, getting the impression it was impossible.

I just stumbled upon the quite simple solution, though: Search for the Evernote note in Spotlight/Finder, and drag the note from the Spotlight/Finder window into the note field in OF. Voilà!

The one catch is that the EN note won't show on the iPhone client, but hey.[/QUOTE]

I have been using OF with Evernote for some time. I use an application called Leap which is a file manager that great for organizing lots of files. You can browse all your files including Evernote clippings based on Spotlight results so it gives you the title of the note instead of the funky reference names you get in the finder. I browse all my Evernote clippings from within Leap and then use Clip-O-Tron to create tasks from my clippings. I can Quicklook the Evernote note from within OF and double clicking it open the note. If I want some of the content on my iPhone, I just copy and paste what I want.

You can do the same simply by searching for the EN note with Spotlight, cmd click on the file and then clip to OF.

Evernote supports applescript so I'd love it if some smart person would write a script that made a script for this.

RobTrew 2009-06-15 08:30 PM

[QUOTE=jbkendrick;58867]I've been using Harrison's scripts for a couple of weeks now and love having a place to put notes just a click away. ... does anyone know of a way to use an OO template other than the default when creating a new project notes document with the script ? [/QUOTE]

See this [URL=""]post[/URL] in another thread.

Humbro 2009-06-16 02:54 AM

Interesting, marshallj. But does your method with Leap work across computers?

That is the problem with my Spotlight-method (I thought I had updated this thread when I found out): it only works locally. It uses the Finder cache or something, and if you sync Evernote and OF across several computers as I do, a link won't work on any other computer than where it was created. I guess it might eventually expire too, but that hasn't happened to me yet.

marshallj 2009-06-20 05:51 PM

[QUOTE=Humbro;61283]Interesting, marshallj. But does your method with Leap work across computers?

That is the problem with my Spotlight-method (I thought I had updated this thread when I found out): it only works locally. It uses the Finder cache or something, and if you sync Evernote and OF across several computers as I do, a link won't work on any other computer than where it was created. I guess it might eventually expire too, but that hasn't happened to me yet.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... I only use one computer... My laptop which I take with me wherever I work. I sync Evernote to my phone but that's it. I guess using multiple computers may be an issue. I haven't had an issues with the links expiring although I usually complete the tasks within a couple of weeks.

Warwick 2009-06-25 05:25 AM

Email function of evernote
[QUOTE=ciwa;57409]I'm using OF for GTD process and Evernote just for filing reference material. My question is:
Is there a possibilty to link Evernote notes to actions in OF?
Tried hard to find a way but haven't found a solution yet.[/QUOTE]

Its late and my brains not working well enough to try this out and write it up now but........

You can email into evernote, so if you go to your EN web account settings page you will see an email address in the bottom right corner like [email][/email]. You can email a photo, pdf etc and it appears just like other clippings in your EN inbox. You can also email out from - file menu/edit/email out

So perhaps there is a way - probably script based (hint Curt) - to use this feature and OF's ability to use email to achieve something ?

kevinkingmd 2009-08-08 05:02 PM

Evernote integration?
Hi all,

I've gotten quite smitten with Evernote of late and have migrated the MAJORITY of my filing -- reference and tickler -- to Evernote.

I was wondering if there are any plans to use the newly-available Evernote APIs to allow us to link an Evernote note to Omnifocus actions?

This would be sweet. Even sweeter if it could work the same way on the iPhone (although I doubt the sandboxing in the iPhone would support this.) What do you all think?


Toadling 2009-08-08 07:24 PM

I don't use Evernote, so you'll need to fill me in here. Can you get a link to an Evernote database item, perhaps copy to the clipboard or something like that? If so, you should be able to just paste it into an OmniFocus note field. Or, have you tried dragging an Evernote item directly into an OmniFocus note field? Just curious what that might do.

My wife uses Yojimbo. I know that app allows you to copy a link to database items. It works really well when you paste those into OmniFocus.


kevinkingmd 2009-08-09 08:21 AM

Evernote integration...
Dragging the notes to Omnifocus does nothing. And you can't copy the note to the clipboard. You CAN copy the contents of the note, but not the note itself.

What I would absolutely love to have is some sort of linking between Omnifocus and Evernote. Drag the note to Omnifocus, create a link. Click the link and pull the info up from Evernote. Don't think that importing the entire note would be helpful since the contents of notes, especially project related notes, can be dynamic, UNLESS Omnifocus updates those imports regularly.

It would be especially useful to have the link since you can use an Evernote note as a working note. Clicking on the link in Omnifocus would pull up the note from Evernote (using Evernote, likely). Just prevents you to have to go a search for a note.

Would be nice. I'm not even sure if the APIs support this functionality.


Toadling 2009-08-09 09:56 AM

[QUOTE=kevinkingmd;64288]Dragging the notes to Omnifocus does nothing. And you can't copy the note to the clipboard. You CAN copy the contents of the note, but not the note itself.

What I would absolutely love to have is some sort of linking between Omnifocus and Evernote. Drag the note to Omnifocus, create a link. Click the link and pull the info up from Evernote.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, copying the contents wasn't really what I was expecting either. It's disappointing that Evernote doesn't seem to support linking to its database items.

Unfortunately, I really think the burden here is on Evernote to cooperate better with other apps. External linking seems quite common among other Mac apps (e.g. Apple Mail, Address Book, Yojimbo, DevonThink, Journler, etc.). I'd expect Evernote to be able to do the same. In fact, I'd personally be hesitant to use an app missing this important functionality.

Have you tried making a feature request with the Evernote developers?


Jay Levitt 2009-08-12 07:53 AM

I started looking into this at one point... IIRC, Evernote doesn't assign GUIDs to its notes until it syncs with the server (so they can be sure there aren't any duplicates). Which means you can't be guaranteed that a note has a GUID, which means they didn't want to expose an URL scheme to pick a note by GID... each part is logical but the result is "no URLs".

I think you can use the API to search for a note by its title, and it'd be theoretically possible to write an AppleScript URL handler that uses the API... but that's about as far as I got.

Kevin Yank 2009-08-13 10:46 PM

I am eagerly awaiting this capability as well.

Evernote’s forums have a statement from 2008 that they’re working on providing note URLs, but there has been no news since.

A partial work-around that currently exists is to search for the note to which you wish to link in Spotlight. You can then drag the document it finds into OmniFocus to get a link in the Notes field. The problem with this solution, aside from the inconvenience of going via Spotlight, is that the links are specific to the machine on which they were created. They won’t work on another computer where you sync your OmniFocus and Evernote libraries, and they won’t work on the iPhone.

yennta 2009-09-21 02:47 PM

I'm here because I have the same issue. I LOVE evernote. They have just joined up with Reqall, another app I love & which links with mail and phone and ical.

The only way I've found to bring an evernote file into OF is to right-click on it and export it as a searchable pdf. Then you can import it into OF.

alexjander 2009-09-23 05:04 PM

You can do a Spotlight search for the note, then drag the note from finder into OF. One step too many, but it works!

I'm also starting to like Evernote better than Devonthink. Devon, where's websharing? where's easy formatting that makes sense to other applications?

shovland42 2010-03-14 09:49 PM

[QUOTE=alexjander;67321]You can do a Spotlight search for the note, then drag the note from finder into OF. One step too many, but it works![/QUOTE]

What am I missing about this? If I do a search in Spotlight, Show All results to open a Finder window, and drag one of the Evernote results to an entry in my Inbox, a new link is created with what looks to be the filename from the metadata folder (p253.evernote). The link is displayed as an Evernote icon in OmniFocus. If I then double-click that link, Evernote activates but does not take me to the correct note. Have I missed something?

Something that seems to work consistently for me (at least, while experimenting tonight) is using a link to a note in the web interface for Evernote. Open a note and drag the URL from the address bar into OmniFocus and a (very long) hyperlink is created. The link seems to work from browser session to browser session, so I think its static. The down side is that obviously you are using the web version of Evernote, not the app version, but they've made some nice progress with the web version over the last year or so.

jdh 2010-03-25 05:58 AM

This highlights the main reason I moved away from Evernote. The actual back-end and web solution was great, but the Mac and iPhone clients completely miss the boat in providing a native-like UI on either platform. Put simply, the Evernote Mac app not only doesn't even feel very Mac-like, but it doesn't play nice with other apps, as illustrated above.

Jay Levitt 2010-03-27 05:33 AM

So where do you take notes now? Did you find something that's more Mac- and iPhone-like that syncs?

jdh 2010-03-31 12:56 PM

I switched over to SOHO Notes 8 on the Mac and Notelife on the iPhone for a while, and I definitely liked its interface on both ends far better than Evernote. The only downside was Wi-Fi based syncing between the iPhone and the Mac, which meant both devices have to be on the same network and I have to remember to actually sync occasionally.

That said, it's still a nice solution if you need to deal with rich-text notes, photos, PDF files and so forth. In my case, however, I decided that all I really needed was a simple and straightforward way to deal with [i]text[/i] notes, and so ended up using Simplenote on the iPhone combined with Notational Velocity on the Mac side, both of which sync over the cloud.

Everything other than text notes is normally only for reference on the iPhone anyway, so I use Dropbox for that, along with its corresponding iPhone app.

mister blahblah 2010-04-04 11:48 AM

nozbe has in-app links with evernote now. can we get this?
i just saw this article on the nozbe site. ummm, mommy can i have that?
this would be killer in OF. ill post it in feature request if its not there already.

check it:

mister blahblah 2010-04-04 12:00 PM

speaking of evernote integration...
saw this today on the nozbe site. how do you like them apples?
i think my OF would look great in that outfit! yours?

i made a feature request to the support ninjas so if you agree drop them a note to cast a vote for it

check it:

SpiralOcean 2010-04-05 07:03 AM

My biggest argument against this is... I don't want all my personal information on someone else's server where they can browse my life, my ideas, my plans at their whim. I'm not saying either of these companies do this... but all the information is totally available to them. Not to mention the security of the information on the transit to the servers.

That said, I use Evernote religiously because it's the only note taking app that I can use to sync with the iPhone. If another company comes out with a strong note taking application that can sync locally to my iPhone, I'd be all in in a heart beat.

Yojimbo was my tool of choice, but when the iPhone came out they didn't continue with a way to sync. So I went over to Evernote.

I agree, it would be nice to have some sort of note implementation in OmniFocus.

Often, the work I'm doing in actions is gathering information. If I store it in an OmniFocus action note and complete, then the note is completed.

Someone could write an applescript to compile all the notes of actions into a single note... however I clip a lot of emails into OmniFocus and may not want all those into the master note.

One way omnifocus could work with notes is to have one global note attached to a project. Anytime I add a note to an action and complete it, the project note is updated.

SpiralOcean 2010-04-05 07:29 AM

[QUOTE=mister blahblah;75432]how do you like them apples?

there's a worm inside.

mister blahblah 2010-04-05 08:25 AM

[QUOTE=SpiralOcean;75464]My biggest argument against this is... I don't want all my personal information on someone else's server where they can browse my life, my ideas, my plans at their whim. [/QUOTE]

i can understand your concern, but i dont get what your saying. if your 'syncing' at all or using any "cloud computing" environment, then its already on someone else's server and available to them anyway, but then again so is just about all your other personal information: email, insurance, medical, banking, tax info, facebook, flickr, google docs etc. you might as well shoot yourself now if thats your concern or go back to a pad and pencil on a desert island and eat the notes when your done with them. how is this any different? do you sync OF?

evernote's info is just as secure as any other data, and the premium accounts have increased security. furthermore, if your worried about sensitive data you can always encrypt it within the app before you sync so that it can only be read on your own machine. if you use it 'religiously' i dont see what you could be hesitant about... and there are other syncing note applications.

...just eat the worm.

-from an evernote security doc as old as 2008:
[I]"When you add a note to the service, it is secured like your email would be at a high-end email provider. This means that your notes are stored in a private, locked cage at a guarded data center that can only be accessed by a small number of Evernote operations personnel. Administrative maintenance on these servers can only be performed through secure, encrypted communications by the same set of people. All network access to these servers is similarly protected by a set of firewalls and hardened servers. Your login information is only transmitted to the servers in encrypted form over SSL, and your passwords are not directly stored on any of our systems.'[/I]

Toadling 2010-04-05 09:41 AM

Call me paranoid, but I agree with Spiral. Evernote and Nozbe are probably fine companies with fine products (I don't know since I don't use either), but I'm automatically wary of keeping my most important data on servers that aren't under my control, or that I can't at least exercise some control over. This is the primary reason I avoid these kinds of hosted services (aka "cloud computing") for anything I consider sensitive.

Clearly there are a lot of people who do not share my paranoia, or these business models wouldn't exist today. So do as you wish with your data. But claiming everything is available anyway so you might as well give your stuff away freely is like deciding to leave your house unlocked 24/7 because any burglar could break in anyway if he really wanted to, even with the door locked.

As for syncing OmniFocus, we have the option to sync locally via Bonjour or to sync to a WebDAV server under our direct control. Even syncing to MobileMe feels slightly safer than a hosted service -- yeah, Apple owns the server, but at least I can see where my data is going and modify it, move it, or delete it whenever I want.

Ideally, OmniFocus would encrypt its database sent to the server. Then you could sync it anywhere and not have to worry. BTW, there's a feature request open on that if you want to email the support ninjas.

I admit, unless you're going to live in a cave, you ultimately have to trust someone else at some point. But I feel more comfortable keeping things as "close to home" as possible. And if I have to rely on another company, I like to stick with as few as possible, and only those with whom I've worked with for a long time and who have earned my trust.


mister blahblah 2010-04-05 10:29 AM

i respect your opinions and dont want this to be taken as a rant in any way but...

i didnt say you should just give out your information freely i just said there really isnt much difference, or to roughly use your analogy if you use a padlock on the back door its pointless to put an electrified fence and an optical scan on the front unless its only to have the impression of feeling safer. although in this case we are hardly talking about padlocks.

-"Even syncing to MobileMe [B]feels slightly safer[/B] than a hosted service -- yeah, Apple owns the server, but at least I can see where my data is going and modify it, move it, or delete it whenever I want."

i think [B]feeling[/B] is the key word here because it really isnt much more than that. i mean, ignoring specific applications, most allow you to move, delete, modify etc but they all keep back ups, etc and have an entire process the end-user has no control over.

which leads to your very valid point that you limit your exposure to decrease probability of intrusion. optional encryption pre-sync would be great, ill drop a note. i dont use or know much about nozbe but evernote does allow you to fully encrypt any note and the key is only stored with the user locally.

-[I]the service allows users to encrypt all, or any part, of any note, and the company says it doesn’t receive the key to decrypt this material. The only part of a wholly encrypted note that the company would hold on its server would be its title and tags, if any

-Walter Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, 2010[/I]

SpiralOcean 2010-04-05 07:13 PM

There is another level of GTD that you haven't reached yet.

Once you start processing relationships and personal things in GTD, then it becomes more than just a grocery list. Once you start putting your dreams and desires into it to try and make them happen, then it becomes something other than facebook or email or even financial data.

I'm aware that all emails are going through others servers. I don't get personal with emails. If I want to get personal, I talk to someone on the phone or in person.

This is not a luddite stance. I use all the tools of technology and embrace them. But that doesn't mean I shove down my throat to consume any idea that any one has. You do this, you'll get parasites.

There is a normal amount of trust in the good in people that is healthy. And there is an amount that is reckless. And there is the amount that is paranoid.

How many people, if they found their sig other's journal lying on the counter, wouldn't open it and read it? This is someone who they care about. And yet you think a company is trustworthy, just because why??? Everyone is doing it? You think some stranger, sitting in a server room, really cares anything about you? That's not trust, that's something else.

This is the one thing Apple could do to compete with the google giant. They could offer encrypted email servers. Not just to and from their servers, but email encrypted on their servers, verified by a third party, that no one but their sender and receiver could read, including their employees. Who else offers this service? Google never would, because they make money off scanning, analyzing your emails. The only hope you have is that you are a drop in the bucket.

There are people in the world with ideas. And there are people in the world who know how to get things done; people with power, people with money. There are people in the world who feed off others, because they don't have ideas, but they have connections, or power, or money. There is give and take in the world. It's important we know what is being given and what is being stolen. There is a difference.

SpiralOcean 2010-04-05 07:19 PM

[QUOTE=mister blahblah;75475]

-[I]the service allows users to encrypt all, or any part, of any note, and the company says it doesn’t receive the key to decrypt this material. The only part of a wholly encrypted note that the company would hold on its server would be its title and tags, if any

-Walter Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, 2010[/I]

Yes... you can encrypt a note. And then it is not searchable, and to read every note, you have to type in the password. Defeats the purpose of Evernote.

Maybe OmniFocus could come out with an OmniNote, that is Bonjour sync able?

One of the best and worst things Apple did was to not allow 3rd parties to sync through a cable. Worst, because of how insecure almost all 3rd party apps are. Best, because it pushed a crowd of people into the wifi arena.

mister blahblah 2010-04-06 12:04 PM

[QUOTE=SpiralOcean;75507]There is another level of GTD that you haven't reached yet.
Once you start processing relationships and personal things in GTD, then it becomes more than just a grocery list. Once you start putting your dreams and desires into it to try and make them happen, then it becomes something other than facebook or email or even financial data....And yet you think a company is trustworthy, just because why??? Everyone is doing it? You think some stranger, sitting in a server room, really cares anything about you? That's not trust, that's something else.[/QUOTE]

maybe i should be worried about you since you presume to know so much about me?! i may be new to omnifocus with GTD but that doesnt mean im unorganized or didnt track very personal items using other alternatives.

look, more or less i agree with everything your saying so lets not get too excited. i only was expressing a desire to link up with the notes in evernote that i deemed helpful, and im sure a lot of people agree with me as i see it mentioned all the time.

if something is supersensitive, then i can track it another way or i can encrypt the sensitive portion and leave a title, tags and description unencrypted (that is searchable) i can also keep my entire local database in a fully encrypted sparse bundle that is completely accessible while it is open. nobody is putting a gun to my head telling me i have to deal with everything the same way. its just an option.

Besides, not all of one's data is sensitive, a lot is reference or just a convenience. you are saying all this yet you say you use evernote "religiously". obviously at some level you have already accepted the risk of everything your talking about or you wouldnt do it. no?

btw, and with no sarcasm, i really did like your last paragraph in that post. very poetic and darkly well written. fantastic! i thought maybe morpheus was going to appear in my room at any moment or some girl knock on my door with a bunny tattoo. you would take the red pill wouldnt you?

[QUOTE=SpiralOcean;75507]There are people in the world with ideas. And there are people in the world who know how to get things done; people with power, people with money. There are people in the world who feed off others, because they don't have ideas, but they have connections, or power, or money. There is give and take in the world. It's important we know what is being given and what is being stolen. There is a difference.[/QUOTE]

SpiralOcean 2010-04-11 09:24 AM

I've accepted risk with my notes...

Although having access to someones notes can say a lot about a person and give a pretty good psyc profile, goals & actions is a persons core. My tolerance for risk goes way down with this.

If there was another note application that synced between my iPhone and desktop, offered robust searching, audio & picture taking, I would jump to it.

I've tinkered with using OmniFocus for my notes but, it doesn't offer the following:
• a place to store all my notes as notes (sometimes I have notes in projects and sometimes I just have notes).
• robust searching
• efficient viewing of notes

I would love to have all my notes in OmniFocus, especially with the reviewing feature that OF has! I've even suggested Evernote have a review feature but it fell onto barren ground.

I have my own work arounds in Evernote for creating an inbox (untagged searching), and reviewing based on a relative date modified (the reviewing is buggy).

Every day I go through untagged items in Evernote and delete, or place a tag on them. It's my note 'Inbox'.

One question to ask is... why do we even have "cloud" computing? In my mind is a silly buzz word.

Syncing has been around forever. I was syncing notes between my palm and mac desktop 10 years ago. Windows users have been doing it longer.

So why the emphasis on cloud computing?

They didn't have desktop software, and started making web applications. Others jumped on the bandwagon.

It's easier for companies to develop cloud computing... i'm assuming... they can aggregate all the users data, and make fixes without rolling out updates; syncing is easier, but the main reason they love it, is centralized data.

They have access to all that data.

And all the fish follow... mostly because google is free. My main email account is google, because it's free, adds are non intrusive, and if I ever needed to cancel my email accounts due to budget issues, I wouldn't need to change my email address. But all email servers are alike, the companies who host can peruse the data, and emails are insecure.

But where does goggle make their money?

For a long time there has been a division of whether computers should be dumb terminals attached to a mainframe (where it all started) or individual machines. In fact, Apple's initial bet was that computers could be more than dumb terminals. Hence the name Personal Computer. And they were laughed at. And now there is the danger of returning to the dumb terminal attached to a cloud.


SpiralOcean 2010-04-11 09:56 AM

Another thought on using Evernote. Although I use it for the majority of thoughts, I certainly don't use it on my most important ideas. That's tucked away in another application that has no syncing capability.

SpiralOcean 2010-04-11 10:51 AM

Couple more thoughts...
while it may seem from my posts that I am anti-Google or Evernote... I'm not. Thank God for Google... compared to the other search engines. Can you imagine a world where there was no search engine that was streamlined, user friendly and free?

Google has been instrumental in bringing the world onto the internet. Extremely non intrusive and community building.

I would rather trust Google with all the search data than any other search engine out there.

I absolutely love google for all the things that it's doing.

However, there is the concern about what it can do. Any company who rises to the top will have this responsibility.

I love using Evernote... it's just not everything I want it to be. Especially with the concerns about it being on a server.

If Mac were the top dog right now, I would be one of the fishes, swimming with it.

Software giants are huge whales swimming in the ocean, with third party rhemora's attaching themselves and users schooling along.

As for the tyranny of the masses... sometimes the masses group together and overthrow the monarchs.

SpiralOcean 2010-04-11 11:00 AM

Comparing putting data on Google servers or Mac servers, I don't trust either for OmniFocus. In the past, I used Mobile Me to sync OmniFocus up to Mac, but it's all unencrypted on iDisk for anyone at Apple to peruse, or anyone who can get into my iDisk. So I stopped syncing to Mobile Me. That was the primary reason for me purchasing a Mobile Me account.

Apple vs Google? I'd put them at the same place as far as trusting certain types of information.

Google vs any other free email account? Google wins hands down. I probably wouldn't even use a free email account if Google didn't offer one.

Humbro 2010-05-02 02:56 AM

[QUOTE=alexjander;67321]You can do a Spotlight search for the note, then drag the note from finder into OF. One step too many, but it works!

Actually, it doesn't. Not for very long anyway – I guess you might have noticed that by now?

This workaround relies on a temporary cache and does not work across machines. On the same mac the links seem to work for a while, but after a few months or so they don't work anymore. For me, anyway.

The way I do this now, is I add a note in OF, something like "EN: Title of note", so I remember I have something stored in EN relating to this or that OF item. I then use my search-EN-hotkey if I need to look at it. Not as good as a link of course, but not all that bad, either.

It's sad that EN is progressing so slowly on giving us proper linking capabilities, but hey, what can we do? I don't see any other app out there that rivals Evernote right now.

emiron 2010-05-09 01:00 PM

OmniFocus Evernote integration
Let me cast another vote (plea) for OmniFocus integration with Evernote

Xeijin 2010-05-22 02:00 AM

Sorry to bump this old thread but I think the posibility for OF to integrate with the Evernote API is immense!

Have a look at what Nozbe + Evernote are doing:


Essentially in this system, Evernote simply replaces the "note" function of Nozbe, while Nozbe takes care of GTD in a much more intuitive way than the GTD "hacks" for Evernote. I think it would be great if Omni could implement this kind of functionality.

A technical question for programmers out there, would it be possible to interface with the Evernote API and implement this kind of functionality with an AppleScript? I'm planning to purchase OF this summer after my exams are finished and this would be a perfect side-project to test out my new system!

cas_johnson 2010-07-14 07:40 AM

I'm just starting to use Evernote, and I agree, integration with OmniFocus, maybe similar to the integration set up with Nozbe + Evernote's API like Xeijin mentioned would be PERFECT. I use OmniFocus for Actionable Tasks, and Evernote for Reference Material/File Cabinet (ala GTD). Having a way for the two to interface so I could attach Evernote "Notes" or "Notebooks" to projects so I could just click links to go back and forth between the two would make my day.

P.S. - Supposed to be a HUGE announcement today re: Evernote - waiting to see what that is!

imlad 2010-07-15 01:23 PM

[QUOTE=Xeijin;77539]Sorry to bump this old thread but I think the posibility for OF to integrate with the Evernote API is immense!

Have a look at what Nozbe + Evernote are doing:


Essentially in this system, Evernote simply replaces the "note" function of Nozbe, while Nozbe takes care of GTD in a much more intuitive way than the GTD "hacks" for Evernote. I think it would be great if Omni could implement this kind of functionality.


I agree. While I like the idea of using OO with OF (and will try that), EN is much more ubiquitous than OO (at least for now), as I can access EN on any of the platforms I use (iPhone, Mac, Ubuntu, Web). The ability to have access to project related documents anywhere I go would be a huge added bonus as far as I am concerned.

Jonathan Korman 2010-08-01 07:01 AM

New Evernote developments
Evernote has recently improved their APIs ...


... and has set up a service for surfacing database integration of third party apps to users ...


... so good Evernote / Omnifocus integration should be much more possible now.

Personally, I'm in the process of trying to migrate EVERYTHING into OmniFocus and Evernote, so strong integration between the two would be an enormous boon to me.

atreinke 2010-08-01 09:33 AM

[QUOTE=Jonathan Korman;82181]Personally, I'm in the process of trying to migrate EVERYTHING into OmniFocus and Evernote, so strong integration between the two would be an enormous boon to me.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually doing the same thing. I love Evernote and OmniFocus. They would be a great match. Especially if it could be done not only on the Mac but carried through to the iPad.

BK0001 2010-08-02 01:43 PM

[QUOTE=atreinke;82212]I'm actually doing the same thing. I love Evernote and OmniFocus. They would be a great match. Especially if it could be done not only on the Mac but carried through to the iPad.[/QUOTE]


anthughes 2010-08-03 02:12 AM

[QUOTE=atreinke;82212]I'm actually doing the same thing. I love Evernote and OmniFocus. They would be a great match. Especially if it could be done not only on the Mac but carried through to the iPad.[/QUOTE]
I'd love this too.

imlad 2010-08-04 09:16 AM

[QUOTE=anthughes;82482]I'd love this too.[/QUOTE]


I don't always work on Mac OS X, so I need something that runs on Linux (Evernote doesn't really, but a version on it runs just fine under Wine). Tighter integration with OF would be very, very, VERY welcome!

mdiamant 2010-08-06 02:14 PM

Please OF let's do this

zero 2010-08-07 05:16 AM

I asked for this many times and I still hope Evernote and Omni team up on this. I remember having heard that one problem is that Evernote is not offering a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). So it's not possible to reference a note on every device seamlessly.


curt.clifton 2010-08-07 05:45 AM

Use Help → Send Feedback to submit feature suggestions to get them entered in the development database. (See [URL=""]this sticky thread[/URL] at the top of the forum for details.) Me-too posts on a thread aren't counted.

policarpo 2010-08-14 06:33 AM

Have you guys checked out Egretlist on the iPhone? It's a little different for setting up Tasks but it does work with Evernote. I've been playing with it for about a day. You might want to check it out if Evernote is a serious bit of your workflow.

I haven't figured out how to bind existing notes to it yet but I think it's doable via the desktop.

cbmackay 2010-08-14 01:12 PM

What about using links from Are those URIs stable, long-term? Might that provide a link that would work across iPad/iPhone/Mac that iOS doesn't otherwise allow (or simply isn't possible without embedding attachments into the OF file, which makes little sense)?

policarpo 2010-08-18 09:00 PM

[QUOTE=policarpo;83437]Have you guys checked out Egretlist on the iPhone? It's a little different for setting up Tasks but it does work with Evernote. I've been playing with it for about a day. You might want to check it out if Evernote is a serious bit of your workflow.

I haven't figured out how to bind existing notes to it yet but I think it's doable via the desktop.[/QUOTE]

Nix the whole EgretList app route...while I enjoy the UI, it's too much of a hassle if you want to move the db around as it is locked to the device you configured it on (so that means you can't migrate your stuff to a new device when you upgrade).

I ended up using the Smart Folder solution with OF and it works if we could just somehow get he RTF notes from Evernote to display in OmniFocus, we'd have a solid referencing system of sorts. :)

policarpo 2010-08-18 09:06 PM

Coming late to the Evernote game...has there been any additional progress on tighter integration with Evernote and OmniFocus? I'm just using the Leap to Clip-o-tron method to get my EN notes into OF.


hypotyposis 2010-08-19 08:21 AM

[QUOTE=policarpo;83810]Nix the whole EgretList app route...while I enjoy the UI, it's too much of a hassle if you want to move the db around as it is locked to the device you configured it on (so that means you can't migrate your stuff to a new device when you upgrade).

I ended up using the Smart Folder solution with OF and it works if we could just somehow get he RTF notes from Evernote to display in OmniFocus, we'd have a solid referencing system of sorts. :)[/QUOTE]

Hey policarpo,

Think I might have posted about that somewhere else... How were you using EgretList exactly? For general reference material? I'm finding it very useful specifically for checklists that need re-using (and I put in a feature request with the dev to have one-click check/uncheck all).

policarpo 2010-08-19 08:37 AM

Yeah I am in contact with the developer. I was using Egretlist as a simple task management app to sync in to my Evernote Notes but since I am upgrading my iPhone I decided to drop the app. I spent about a week getting it set up the way I wanted but not having the ability to sync that setup to a new device was a deal breaker.

I really like the app, but I think it should be a solid GTD app with solid EN note integration. Right now it's about 70% of what it could be.

Rajmadhure 2010-09-06 08:34 PM

I too would love this integration. The challenge as a few people have mentioned is that you don't just want a link between the locally stored omnifocus task and Evernote note objects. I use both apps on two different macs, an iPhone, and an iPad (not to mention Evernote on a PC too)!

This issue is really on the Evernote side. There needs to be some universal identifier that associates the Evernote app and note.

I did find a pretty good work-around today. The web version of Evernote is very robust. Just keep a tab open with web Evernote. When you need to access that note from omnifocus, go to Evernote, view the note you need, copy the URL, and paste into the memo line into omnifocus. This has the advantage of working from any omnifocus client (iPhone will open safari I think).

This is how I integrate my email too. I use the URL for my current gmail message. And it also works for showing your Evernote or gmail in a mind manager mind map.


jdh 2010-09-07 07:30 AM

[QUOTE=Rajmadhure;85073]This is how I integrate my email too. I use the URL for my current gmail message. And it also works for showing your Evernote or gmail in a mind manager mind map.[/QUOTE]
I do the same thing with GMail, but unfortunately they seem to use a different URI structure for their mobile (iOS-optimized) sites, so the desktop link doesn't work.

I've actually been hacking around with some modifications to the Send-to-OF bookmarklet to try and get this to work more seamlessly by at least providing a second, rewritten link for the mobile site.

Do Evernote links made from the desktop work on the iPhone and iPad? Obviously they won't open the iOS [i]app[/i], but I guess that would be useful if they could at least open the web page.

SpiralOcean 2010-09-15 07:23 AM

There isn't any company immune from this. Google, Evernote, Apple, Microsoft.


[QUOTE]A Google Site Reliability Engineer was fired in July after an internal investigation by the company that confirmed that he violated the privacy of several underage users.

David Barksdale, the fired 27-year old Google employee, seemingly abused his power to access various information located in the users' accounts and used it to demonstrate his power over at least four minors who were members of same technological group as him.

He allegedly accessed the accounts, contact lists and chat transcripts, call logs from Google Voice and, in one instance, removed the block that one of the minors set up on Gtalk in order to cut communications with him. He used the information found in the accounts to taunt the victims and to demonstrate his power, but according to a Gawker source, the harassment seems not have been sexual in nature.

When contacted, Barksdale refused to comment on anything, saying only that Gawker must have heard some pretty wild things if it thought that him getting fired was newsworthy.

Google issued a statement that confirmed that Barksdale was fired for breaking its internal privacy policies. "We carefully control the number of employees who have access to our systems, and we regularly upgrade our security controls–for example, we are significantly increasing the amount of time we spend auditing our logs to ensure those controls are effective," says Bill Coughran, Senior VP of Engineering at Google. "That said, a limited number of people will always need to access these systems if we are to operate them properly–which is why we take any breach so seriously."

If the company was unaware of the privacy violation until they received the complains, they should definitely use this incident as an indication that security controls must be reviewed.[/QUOTE]

Oogiem 2010-09-15 09:33 AM

Since this popped up let me add my voice to all the concerns you pose about cloud computing.

I am in control of the other apps that sync with my handhelds and I too was a Yojimbo user and synching Yojimbo to my Palm before I moved to an iPod Touch. Now I too use Evernote but I am not happy about it.

There are issues with Evernotes encryption ( which I use but it's a kludge to get ti to work properly) that make is unreliable.

Currently passwords and stuff are stored in 1Password, which syncs wifi over my own personal network.

If you ever find another app that supports notes like Evernote or Yojimbo that syncs over Bonjour or local wifi only let me know as well.

dbourbon 2010-11-16 10:03 AM

Smart Folders and Omnifocus
[QUOTE=policarpo;83810]Nix the whole EgretList app route...while I enjoy the UI, it's too much of a hassle if you want to move the db around as it is locked to the device you configured it on (so that means you can't migrate your stuff to a new device when you upgrade).

I ended up using the Smart Folder solution with OF and it works if we could just somehow get he RTF notes from Evernote to display in OmniFocus, we'd have a solid referencing system of sorts. :)[/QUOTE]

Hey, policarpo:

Can you explain the "Smart Folder solution?" Seems I lost that link somewhere.


policarpo 2010-11-16 01:58 PM

Just do a Search for your Evernote Documents on your local desktop, and save this Search Result as a Smart Folder. This will let you quickly view your local Evernote files and link them to your OmniFocus Tasks.

This is extremely limited and only good for seeing the Evernote notes on that particular machine, as they do not relate to the actual note stored in the Cloud.

So far, there is no 'elegant' solution to managing external Note Files with OF on all 3 devices.

Oh to dream :)

Omnifocuser 2011-01-23 05:56 PM

[QUOTE=Xeijin;77539]Have a look at what Nozbe + Evernote are doing:

It's been half a year since Nozbe came out with Evernote integration but still no news on the OF front. Now I'm considering whether to Nozbe, not to mention its "team/user-group" feature which is also missing on OF!

Does anyone know if OF is actively working on Evernote integration?

Brian 2011-01-24 02:20 PM

I usually check in with the Evernote guys at Macworld; this years' show is later this week. Last time I looked at this, though, Nozbe was basically doing lots of queries of your Evernote database. Each project in Nozbe asks Evernote for a list of items with a tag that matches the project name.

Most folks that have contacted us have been asking for a way to link a specific action in OmniFocus with a specific note in Evernote. That's a different feature.

When I talked to them last year, direct linking to items wasn't possible. Maybe that's changed, though... (It's also possible that my understanding of Nozbe's feature is out of date, as well!)

In any case, I've still got the business card of the guy I talked to at Macworld sitting on my desk. I'm hoping they'll have a booth again this year so I can bug them some more. :-)

Brian 2011-01-24 02:29 PM

Whoops, forgot my standard addendum which is that it's always a good idea to send feature requests like this in an email to our [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL]!

Items with more customer interest expressed tend to get assigned higher priorities. This isn't an uncommon feature request, but it's currently got about 1/5th as many customers attached as the most popular requests.

Mango Himself 2011-01-25 06:06 AM

I am not sure if this is what you want.

I use a lot of clippings I've taken and saved to Evernote in my projects. I manage my projects with OF. What I do is open Evernote, email myself whatever clippings I need and thenm from the email, send the note to my inbox. Once there, I distribute it to my projects.

remedy5 2011-01-26 04:24 AM

I watched an Evernote Q&A session the other day at [url][/url] where the EN founders shared that direct links are on their roadmap.

2shortplanks 2011-02-07 01:48 AM

Applescript solution

I think I have a working solution in applescript!

Essentially the script computes a link to the current OmniFocus project/folder and opens an Evernote window searching for anything that has a source url that matches that.

The script also checks before displaying the search window that Evernote would return at least one note - if it wasn't going to do so it automatically creates a blank note in Evernote with a useful title and the source URL set up.

Obviously from within evernote you can click on the source URL to go back to OmniFocus.

See: [url][/url]

imlad 2011-02-07 04:48 AM

Need to post project/folder URL to Evernote?

I think I have a working solution in applescript!

Essentially the script computes a link to the current OmniFocus project/folder and opens an Evernote window searching for anything that has a source url that matches that.

The script also checks before displaying the search window that Evernote would return at least one note - if it wasn't going to do so it automatically creates a blank note in Evernote with a useful title and the source URL set up.

Obviously from within evernote you can click on the source URL to go back to OmniFocus.

See: [url][/url][/QUOTE]

Thanks for posting this! Does the script assume that when you create the Evernote notes you paste the URL of the OF project/folder in the body of the notes somewhere (so that the search would work)?

dbourbon 2011-02-15 05:27 PM

Omnifocus with Evernote
I put my resources into an Evernote notebook and share it with myself (email.) I copy the url into the task or project note in Omnifocus so I can have easy access to the resources. I think you can do something similar in OmniOutliner.

Brian 2011-04-29 01:16 PM

I haven't used this myself, but a couple of the scripts on the page that Veritrope mentions in [URL=""]his post about Outlook[/URL] are meant to help use OmniFocus and Evernote together.

Thanks, Veritrope, and hope this helps other folks!

SpiralOcean 2011-05-18 07:40 AM

Curiouser & curiouser:

Dropbox Lied to Users About Data Security, Complaint to FTC Alleges



turadg 2011-06-07 06:44 AM

Clipping from Evernote with link to the note
Evernote now supports "Single note sharing" which creates a semi-secret web URL for any note. E.g.,


Can Omnifocus be made to include those links when clipping from Evernote? It would be a killer combo.

imlad 2011-06-07 08:29 AM

[QUOTE=turadg;98354]Evernote now supports "Single note sharing" which creates a semi-secret web URL for any note. E.g.,


Can Omnifocus be made to include those links when clipping from Evernote? It would be a killer combo.[/QUOTE]

I second that strongly. Referring back to the note would be very helpful (say, in case the note changes).

intranation 2011-06-15 10:34 AM

Might be of interest:


[QUOTE]You can paste that link into just about anything—other notes, calendars, to-do lists, third party apps, etc. Whenever you click on the link, it’ll open the note.[/QUOTE]

policarpo 2011-06-15 04:16 PM

Support for Note Links ROCKS! works great with OF on all platforms. :) Finally!

andyreed 2011-06-17 09:12 AM

Notable Workflow System improvement

I must say, finally being able to link a OF task to a granular Evernote note item is [B]huge[/B] for me.

After taking detailed, handwritten meeting notes, I extract any next actions, then scan, title and tag the paper notes into Evernote for record keeping.

Then in the Next Action item note field, I establish a link to the scanned meeting notes. When I am ready to act on the action, boom, there are the complete notes, in context, ready for my review, as needed, to provide context.

It brings the filing system of Evernote to life. Being able to "reach in" and directly access a specific note has quite an impact.

I'd encourage OF power users to explore this and leverage it into the system.

And, as always, YMMV.

peace and love,


Tarion 2011-06-19 07:15 AM

[QUOTE=policarpo;98632]Support for Note Links ROCKS! works great with OF on all platforms. :) Finally![/QUOTE]
Evernote Note Links are indeed great.

1) When clipping to OmniFocus Mac, is there a way for a Evernote Note Link to be added automatically to the Notes Field (just as it does for URL’s from Safari, for example)?
2) Is a plug-in needed?
3) Does it already so function and I am missing it?

imlad 2011-09-16 08:13 AM

[QUOTE=Tarion;98732]Evernote Note Links are indeed great.

1) When clipping to OmniFocus Mac, is there a way for a Evernote Note Link to be added automatically to the Notes Field (just as it does for URL’s from Safari, for example)?
2) Is a plug-in needed?
3) Does it already so function and I am missing it?[/QUOTE]

This does not seem to be the case. If you want the text of the note AND a link you need to paste the text and then go back to the note and copy the link and paste it to OF. I am finding that pasting the link is good enough, as when I click on it, the right note opens.

If I am wrong and there is a way to clip the note text and the link to the note all at the same time, someone holler.

turadg 2011-09-16 09:10 AM

Request the feature
I think you're right that it requires two steps and the clipper doesn't include the note URL as it does in, say, Safari. I would love it to so I'm writing to OmniFocus support: [email][/email]

I think that's the only way they take feature requests so if you'd also like to be to clip from Evernote and have the link back to the note be included, go ahead and email them.

[QUOTE=imlad;101885]This does not seem to be the case. If you want the text of the note AND a link you need to paste the text and then go back to the note and copy the link and paste it to OF. I am finding that pasting the link is good enough, as when I click on it, the right note opens.

If I am wrong and there is a way to clip the note text and the link to the note all at the same time, someone holler.[/QUOTE]

turadg 2011-09-24 03:36 PM

Applescript to make an OF task from Evernote
Support was nice but didn't say they'd be implementing this, so I hacked together an AppleScript:


Feel free to fork and improve upon it.

imlad 2011-09-25 10:20 AM

[QUOTE=turadg;102202]Support was nice but didn't say they'd be implementing this, so I hacked together an AppleScript:


Feel free to fork and improve upon it.[/QUOTE]

This works very well. The only caveat is that the Evernote Note containing the task needs to by synchronized BEFORE the task section is highlighted. Otherwise there is a prompt asking to synchronized before making a notes link, and the OF task does not get the link generated. I tried to force synchronization in the script, but I think a delay needs to be put in before the copying of the Note link, and I have not figured out how to do it. If a note is synched all is well.

nicksieger 2012-01-02 10:47 AM

[QUOTE=imlad;102225]This works very well. The only caveat is that the Evernote Note containing the task needs to by synchronized BEFORE the task section is highlighted. Otherwise there is a prompt asking to synchronized before making a notes link, and the OF task does not get the link generated. I tried to force synchronization in the script, but I think a delay needs to be put in before the copying of the Note link, and I have not figured out how to do it. If a note is synched all is well.[/QUOTE]

I tweaked the code to pull from Evernote to look like this:

tell application "Evernote"
set noteList to selection
set currentEvernote to item 1 of noteList
set theTitle to title of currentEvernote
set theTaskNote to note link of currentEvernote
if (theTaskNote is missing value) then
repeat 6 times
delay 0.25
set theTaskNote to note link of currentEvernote
if (theTaskNote is not missing value) then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if (theTaskNote is missing value) then
display dialog "Sync was needed and is taking a while; dismiss me when sync is complete"
set theTaskNote to note link of currentEvernote
end if
end if
if (source URL of currentEvernote is not missing value) then
set theTaskNote to source URL of currentEvernote & (return) & (return) & theTaskNote
end if
end tell

This initiates a sync if the note link doesn't exist yet, checks for 1.5 seconds to see if the link was created, and then prompts with a dialog if the sync is still not finished. Seems to work pretty well. I couldn't find any way to detect if the EN sync finished, and it's not a good idea to loop forever, hence the dialog as a failsafe.

(I also changed the code to not use system events to copy the note and link. For my purposes, I don't need to copy the selected text to OF.)


StevenMay 2012-02-21 01:53 PM

Omnifocus ipad app - request for Evernote integration
Omnifocus is such a great app, it suits me really well in terms of action management but there is only one thing I wish was added - Evernote integration to see project support materials without even leaving Omnifocus app.

It's possible to do and an example of this is Nozbe ipad app (different gtd task management app). It looks for a tag in Evernote with the exact name as the project name in Nozbe and loads and shows all notes. Saves time. But Nozbe lacks quite a lot of stuff which I like about Omnifocus so it's not worth it for me personally to use Nozbe.

If this were implemented in omnifocus then it'd also promote omnifocus among Evernote users so I think it's a good idea for developers in any case.

mlondon 2012-02-21 05:02 PM


StevenMay 2012-02-21 06:41 PM

Btw here is a pdf about how I personally use Evernote and other tools such as mind mapping and Omnifocus on the iPad... Just to give you some perspective of where I'm coming from :)


ambitions2o 2012-02-27 11:41 AM

+1 also.

gabep 2013-08-26 07:00 PM

You can [URL=""]copy a link to the note in Evernote and paste it into the notes field in a task in OmniFocus[/URL] (link to article I wrote explaining it). I do this to keep OmniFocus exclusively for tasks and link to related reference material in Evernote. It works for me.

GeoffAirey 2013-08-27 01:11 AM

You can link to any note in Evernote by use of the Link function. On the windows version right click on the note and select 'Copy Note Link'

Just add this link into your Omnifocus tasks and when you click on it, it will open the note in Evernote.

Troy@TaskClone 2013-10-22 12:59 PM

Automatically get Evernote tasks into OF (with note links)
We struggled getting tasks entered Evernote into our task app (e.g. Omnifocus). Didn't too much like the idea of cutting and pasting from our meeting notes - we like automatic better.

We built TaskClone to solve that problem. TaskClone copies or "clones" the tasks from Evernote (associated with an EN checkbox) and sends them to Omnifocus as a task and the note link is added as a note to the task in OF so you can get back to the notes that contaned the task for reference.

Several OF users are already finding this useful and we hope it helps others. You can see a quick 2min video of the process or checkout the homepage below.


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