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JohnJ80 2009-07-27 01:17 PM

Email an action? Please!
I have several other todo list managers - each one of them allows me to send an action as an email. This feature is extremely useful for reminding others of things that they have to do and for delegating tasks. OF for the iPhone doesn't have this, but I have written an applescript that does this on the Mac. Since the iPhone doesn't support applescript, I'm sort of in a bind.

With the new 3.0 OS on the iPhone, you can generate and send an email all without leaving the application. This would obviously help to add this feature in the application.

Any comment on this happening? I'll also send this to the ninjas.

marisa8184 2009-07-27 01:36 PM

I'd like to vote for this feature to be added if possible too please, it would save no end of time.

whpalmer4 2009-07-27 02:03 PM

[QUOTE=marisa8184;63605]I'd like to vote [/QUOTE]
To have your vote officially counted, you should use Send Feedback on the Settings page of the application.

marisa8184 2009-07-28 01:40 AM

Will do!

JohnJ80 2009-09-16 12:16 PM

Any word on this?

Ken Case 2009-09-16 12:24 PM

Any suggestions on what the resulting email message might look like? Which fields would you like it to transcribe (probably not repeat interval?), and how would you like it formatted?

JohnJ80 2009-09-16 12:31 PM

I had sent that to the Ninjas a while ago. I do this in the Mac version with an applescript. This should answer your questions if it is formatted the same in the iPhone version. Parts I plagiarized from others and modified it.

Here it is:

[COLOR="Blue"][INDENT]tell front document of application "OmniFocus"
-- get the window the user is using
set |w| to first document window whose index is 1
-- find out where we are and if there's anything we can do

set theItems to selected trees of content of |w|

-- Detect common failure modes and explain

if ((count of theItems) is 0) then
display alert ¬
"Select an action to " & toolName message "You have not selected an action"
end if

if ((count of theItems) is greater than 1) then
display alert ¬
"Select just one action to " & toolName message "You have selected more than one item, please select just one"
end if

set selectedItem to value of item 1 of theItems

if ((class of selectedItem) is inbox task) then
display alert ¬
"Sorry, action not supported" message "Actions in inbox do not reveal their projects in version " & toolVersion & " of " & toolName
end if

if ((class of selectedItem) is not task) then
display alert ¬
"Select an action to email." & "You have selected something that isn't a single action"
end if

set _dueDate to (get due date of selectedItem as date)
on error
set _dueDate to "None"
end try

set _note to (get note of selectedItem)
on error
set _note to ""
end try

set _project to the name of (get containing project of selectedItem)
on error
set _project to "None"
end try

set _context to the name of (get context of selectedItem)
on error
set _contect to "None"
end try

set _subject to the name of selectedItem
on error
set _subect to "No Subject"
end try

set _body to "Action Item: " & _subject & return
set _body to _body & "Date Due: " & _dueDate & return
set _body to _body & "Project: " & _project & return
set _body to _body & "Context: " & _context & return

set note of selectedItem to ((current date) as string) & " " & "sent followup up email " & return & _note

end tell

tell application "Mail"
set _signature to content of signature 1
set _body to _body & return & _signature
set _id to (get id of (make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Followup on Action Request:" & _subject, content:_body}))
set win_index to (get index of front window)
set visible of outgoing message 1 to true
end tell
I'd also like (if possible) for a time stamped note to be put in the notes field.

The fact of the matter is that unless you can send an item to someone it takes away much of the functionality of a GTD application. You delegate, you have status you have to report back etc... For that you need email.


whpalmer4 2009-09-16 12:46 PM

[code] try
set _context to the name of (get context of selectedItem)
on error
set _contect to "None"
end try

set _subject to the name of selectedItem
on error
set _subect to "No Subject"
end try
Looks like you've got some typos in there -- "_contect" and "_subect"

JohnJ80 2013-04-03 12:54 PM

Email an action?
Time to bump this to the top of the list again.

Being able to email or iMessage an action is a fantastic way to delegate. It's great on the ipad but it would be even more important on the iphone to have it. And it's driving me nuts that we don't have it.


Ken Case 2013-04-05 06:19 AM

[QUOTE=JohnJ80;122047]Being able to email or iMessage an action is a fantastic way to delegate. It's great on the ipad but it would be even more important on the iphone to have it. And it's driving me nuts that we don't have it.[/QUOTE]

Right now our development focus is OmniFocus 2 for Mac; after that, we'll look at adding this to the iPhone app.

JohnJ80 2013-04-05 10:54 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;122149]Right now our development focus is OmniFocus 2 for Mac; after that, we'll look at adding this to the iPhone app.[/QUOTE]

Great. You see the functionality, correct?

If you add this, I will have all my employees get Omnifocus for their macs, their phones and ipads. Then, I can send them actions to complete and then can send me things that they need me to do. It's a big help in delegation.


JohnJ80 2013-04-15 06:39 AM

You really can't today, that's the whole issue. It's available on the iPad although only a single action at a time.

On the mac version you can email a version of an action if you write an applescript but it won't be in a format that would be accepted by the person to whom it was sent. They would have to create an action and type in the data.


conorati 2013-06-14 11:21 AM

[QUOTE=JohnJ80;122047]Time to bump this to the top of the list again.

Being able to email or iMessage an action is a fantastic way to delegate. It's great on the ipad but it would be even more important on the iphone to have it. And it's driving me nuts that we don't have it.

I agree! I really miss this feature on the iphone, it's so much easier for me to delegate tasks to my staff with this.

JohnJ80 2013-06-14 12:05 PM

[QUOTE=conorati;125309]I agree! I really miss this feature on the iphone, it's so much easier for me to delegate tasks to my staff with this.[/QUOTE]


Here's the thing. If the email (or imessage) had a clickable link that turned it into a OF action on the recipient's phone, I'd buy all my employees a copy of OF for the iphone and for their macs. That way I could delegate one to the other they could use it to keep track of their tasks that I've given them. I'd also like to be able to send them a whole project.

That one feature would cause me to pay for a lot of copies of OF. I would imagine this could have a very positive impact on sales.

Ken Case 2013-07-15 01:42 PM

Today's update to [URL=""]OmniFocus for iPhone v1.16[/URL] can now send actions by email.

JohnJ80 2013-07-15 08:30 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;126189]Today's update to [URL=""]OmniFocus for iPhone v1.16[/URL] can now send actions by email.[/QUOTE]

Ahhhhhh. You can't believe how good that feels. Can't wait to try it and I'm going to have my employees buy it.



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