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doodiebrad 2010-07-12 07:26 PM

YOUR GUESS: How much it will cost vs. how much it should cost?
My guess:
Omnifocus for iPad...

1) WILL COST: $39.99
2) SHOULD COST: $19.99

I'm wondering what others think, take your best shot!

Leif 2010-07-12 07:34 PM

[QUOTE=doodiebrad;80067]My guess:
Omnifocus for iPad...

1) WILL COST: $39.99
2) SHOULD COST: $19.99

I'm wondering what others think, take your best shot![/QUOTE]

This product is helping me so much (boosting my performance) the price is neglectable (in these price ranges). I guess it'll be about $50 but would happily pay a lot more than that.

sfkeydel 2010-07-12 08:07 PM

To second Leif, if I were to compensate the OmniGroup fairly for the return I get on both OmniFocus for Mac and OmniFocus for iPhone, I'd probably have to set up a small escrow account and send in a yearly user fee.

There are very few applications out there (apps or otherwise) that will provide a better return on your investment.

$50 sounds like a bargain.

daverobeson 2010-07-12 08:45 PM

I'm expecting $40 but I'd pay $50. I paid that for OG, which I don't use nearly as much as I use OF.

RiK 2010-07-13 12:07 AM

OF is an absolutely integral part of my workflow and as a result the savings / income I've made as a direct result of using it outweigh the cost by a huge factor.

I'm happy to pay whatever Omni feel they need to charge for it to continue making the best quality S/W they can.

BwanaZulia 2010-07-13 01:48 AM

I would like it to be around $20, but knowing OmniGroup and their pricing (OmniGraffle), it is going to be half of the desktop version ($80) so $40.

OF iPhone: $20
OF iPad: $40
OF OSX: $80

If so that will put my total investment in OmniFocus at $140 which might seem like a lot, but not when compared to other POS software I buy and barely use (Office, Adobe Photoshop) isn't so bad.

That being said, OmniFocus 2 is probably 6 months away so I will be upping the anti at that point.

As to where I want to see the price, I think it should be $24.95. That is up from the iPhone (more functionality, etc) but not as high as OmniGraffle.

OmniGroup should just start the price at $0 and raise it $.25 every time someone complains about how long it is taking to release it.


jonoslack 2010-07-13 04:14 AM

Should be £75
Will be £35

chuckbo 2010-07-13 05:56 AM

What would I charge?
Thinking if it were an app of mine, I'd be charging around $20.
$25 feels like the right answer for what should be the charge.
Thus, I predict it'll be $40. :confused:

sfkeydel 2010-07-13 08:04 AM

[QUOTE=emory;80085]This thread is terrible. Gt a blg.[/QUOTE]

As he adds to it... ;-)

Young Daniel 2010-07-13 12:43 PM

Like many of the other posters here, the price is negligible and I will pay whatever they think is fair to compensate for their hard work. I'm in the middle of a $9,000 training program and OmniFocus is helping me stay organized and focused. An extra $100 for an ipad app is a small price to pay for the added potential it adds to all areas of my life.

That being said I would guess it would cost $40 or $50 due to the app culture and people not seeing value past $20.

doodiebrad 2010-07-13 03:05 PM

thn bcm a mdrtr, nd sht t dwn. Until then, your opinion is just that...your opinion.

Brian 2010-07-13 03:44 PM

Emory & Doodiebrad: we don't have a problem with threads like this, and the opinions you're expressing are fine.

However, it's not appropriate for either of you to tell another guest what to do on our forums. Please stop.

Eye_Doc 2010-07-14 03:03 AM

The simple fact is that Omni are the only people doing 'desktop' quality software on the iPad and that includes Apple who's cut down iWork suite is only fit for the lightest or word processing.

The only way Omni can afford to make 'desktop' software for a new risky platform is to charge for it.

So I would be pleased if it is expensive. The more expensive it is the more work they can put into it and other Omni products.

The sad thing however is that It does raise the barrier for entry. I haven't been able to justify the cost of OmniGraffle on the Ipad as I just don't use it that often. but when I can find a reason.....

So the price should reflect the quality and features of the software.

PS hoping it will be no more than £30(!)

hypotyposis 2010-07-14 07:07 AM

Will be: $49
Should be: $99+

I still am unable to comprehend how OG is able to provide such fantabulous support while charging such seemingly ridiculously low prices.
As per BZ's post, plenty of much more expensive software out there that I don't use nearly as much; but I've also had to call (yeah, emailing doesn't seem to work) Microsoft support more than once, and the experience was... painful. Omni is essentially the only company I [U]can[/U] use for my "trusted system".

endoftheQ 2010-07-14 10:56 AM

I'd pitch it at 99¢ and drop the price for OmniFocus for iPhone to the same level, and hold both there for a month.

I receive, in an average week, a dozen App recommendations from family, friends, colleagues, etc. If it's under a buck, I just buy - no reading reviews, no agonising over whether it's worth it, etc.

OmniGroup would be betting the farm, but locking in hundreds-of-thousands - if not millions! - of new users ("price competitively, go for volume") and the attendant publicity, might very well pay huge dividends in the long-term.

OK, fantasy over. I'm with hypotyposis on this one, expecting to pay $49, and more than happy to do so.

ckeck 2010-07-14 11:21 AM

Shouldn't cost more than it's other mobile counterpart -- $20 would be fair (and still quite high, but fair)

Just my opinion...already have over $100 invested into OmniFocus in some form/fashion. Hopefully if it is more they will include a discount somehow for current OF desktop license holders.


whpalmer4 2010-07-14 11:44 AM

In my opinion, one of the best, if not the best, things about any Omni product is the support behind it. Right now the support group seems to do well at keeping up with the work load, but there have been times in recent memory where they didn't (launch of the original iPhone OmniFocus and sync) until the group was expanded significantly. While it is true that they might get more revenue selling 50x as many copies at 1/40th of the price, I'm not convinced that it is in their interest, or ours, to have quite that many customers on board at that price point. Let's face it — there's a steep learning curve here, and a lot of those buyers are going to need help getting up it, but won't have contributed anything to the cost of providing that help.

I think Omni is better off sticking with the Apple approach vs. the Dell approach. They focus on customers for whom price sensitivity is relatively low, make some decent revenue, and plow a lot of it back into support and future development.

I suspect it won't take long to convince most people that the iPad app is worth considerably more to them than the iPhone app.

endoftheQ 2010-07-14 12:19 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80176]In my opinion, one of the best, if not the best, things about any Omni product is the support behind it.

Right now the support group seems to do well at keeping up with the work load, but there have been times in recent memory where they didn't (launch of the original iPhone OmniFocus and sync) until the group was expanded significantly. While it is true that they might get more revenue selling 50x as many copies at 1/40th of the price, I'm not convinced that it is in their interest, or ours, to have quite that many customers on board at that price point. Let's face it — there's a steep learning curve here, and a lot of those buyers are going to need help getting up it, but won't have contributed anything to the cost of providing that help.[/QUOTE]

Oh, c'mon whpalmer4, we regular users of the Board know you have a vested interest in putting forward [I]that[/I] argument. You've probably opened your second bottle of Jacky D. at the thought of hundreds-of-thousands of moronic users like myself demanding your attention on this Board with technically illiterate requests for help!

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80176]I think Omni is better off sticking with the Apple approach vs. the Dell approach. They focus on customers for whom price sensitivity is relatively low, make some decent revenue, and plow a lot of it back into support and future development.[/QUOTE]

The quote, "price competitively, go for volume" is from Steve Jobs (commenting on the App store), which, from a historical perspective, looks pretty hypocritical, along the lines of 'do as I say, not as I do'.

I have to confess, that prior to the high-volume sales of the iFamily, I wasn't completely convinced that Apple would actually survive. After all, I was around - way-back-when - to witness the demise of Apricot, Compaq, IBM, Olivetti, et al.

Admittedly, I would feel a bit more confident about my 'bet the farm' suggestion if there was a PC version of OmniFocus for the desktop!

whpalmer4 2010-07-14 01:33 PM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;80185]Oh, c'mon whpalmer4, we regular users of the Board know you have a vested interest in putting forward [I]that[/I] argument. You've probably opened your second bottle of Jacky D. at the thought of hundreds-of-thousands of moronic users like myself demanding your attention on this Board with technically illiterate requests for help!
Hey, if OmniFocus for iPad isn't really great, I won't be able to handle the increased workload :)

I do route quite a bit of my forum posting through OmniFocus, btw.

I had a couple of glasses of Jack with my friends last night, in fact, and got quite a late start today, maybe you shouldn't encourage that sort of thing ;)

hypotyposis 2010-07-14 02:18 PM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;80185]Oh, c'mon whpalmer4, we regular users of the Board know you have a vested interest in putting forward [I]that[/I] argument. You've probably opened your second bottle of Jacky D. at the thought of hundreds-of-thousands of moronic users like myself demanding your attention on this Board with technically illiterate requests for help!

:D :D :D

I think OF iPad [I]should[/I] cost more than its "mobile counterpart". As argued in another thread, I don't consider the iPad to be just a big iPhone (thats what eventually got me buying it -I initially thought it was just that but after some time playing with one realized it was incredibly different, and, how to put it?... Magical? *insert Unicorns here*).
I also think that besides support extraordinaire, the OmniGroup is also not too bad at marketing. So when I read posts about selling OF for $.99 (although that would be nice), I wonder what the reaction at OG must be: everyone was botching about the price of OG iPad as well, and look how many copies they sold. Obviously high pricing doesn't necessarily preclude volume selling.
Before I get chewed on, I'm a poor (well, indebted) student: I technically can't pay for the price I'm ready to pay for OF, but I'm happy to invest in it, because I know that any other solution would be broken soon enough to need a replacement, and thus more investment, etc. With Omni I'm guaranteed the robustness and support I need for an app I truly depend on.
[Yes, OmniGroup, I'm trying to sell my soul being your publicist in the hopes that my loud cries for a higher pricing of OF will get me a free copy...]

Joke aside, how can anyone drink Jack Daniel's?

vballas 2010-07-14 02:24 PM

I believe below 20$ and above 50$ would be too less or too much therefore i vote for the sweet spot in between.

Omnigraffle for mac costs 100 and they sell for 50$, so half.
Omnifocus costs 80 so half would be 40$ BUT many users have already paied for the iphone version also.
Because of that and the factmwe have been waiting for so long, i believe they should start low so that early adopters would benefit, and with version 1.1 raise the price.

endoftheQ 2010-07-14 02:58 PM

[QUOTE=hypotyposis;80209]Joke aside, how can anyone drink Jack Daniel's?[/QUOTE]

hypotyposis, having carefully checked the thread, no one was suggesting that whpalmer4 was drinking (!) Jack Daniels. Those of us in the know, believe that the Member concerned is chained to a trolley in Omni Group's basement and intravenously fed from the roof. :p

[QUOTE=hypotyposis;80209]As argued in another thread, I don't consider the iPad to be just a big iPhone (thats what eventually got me buying it -I initially thought it was just that but after some time playing with one realized it was incredibly different, and, how to put it?... Magical? *insert Unicorns here*).[/QUOTE]

Please, no really... PLEASE!... don't get me started on [URL=""]Unicorn[/URL] actions. I have learnt, through bitter experience, they simply can't jump, probably because they are sodding robots.

LMAO aside, I will happily pay, within reason (<$1000), whatever Omni decides to ask for OmniFocus for iPad. However, I'm afraid that I disagree with you, hypotyposis, I believe high pricing does deter volume selling.

[QUOTE=hypotyposis;80209]I'm trying to sell my soul...[/QUOTE]

No problem. I suggest doing a quick search for 'Sith Lords' on the OmniFocus for iPhone Board. Make contact with the relevant Members, you'll be in charge of the Empire in no time, and probably end up richer than God! :)

blewis 2010-07-19 02:48 AM

$30 is what I want to pay. I'd like it to be $20 since I already own the desktop and the iPhone version - I.e. Loyalty discount, but $30 is a no brainer.

$40 is what I paid for the desktop version when it was beta. The race to avoid $80 played a big part here.

I'll pay $40, but I'll be a bit annoyed. And it better be bullet proof and it better be obviously better than the iPhone version. I'll be watching that intro video to help me make the call.

If it's $50, it better have all desktop features except anything prohibited by iOS4 like Mail clippings etc.

If its $50, I'll likely consider not buying the desktop version when OF2.0 hits.

At least there's a method for offering upgrade discounts on the desktop version, so I reserve the right to change my mind if the pricing for OF2.0 is flexible. However, it seems like OF iPad has to hold us out for a while since OF2.0 looks like a ways out now.

blewis 2010-07-19 02:51 AM

OmniOutliner for ipad will be an interesting one to price. Most of us got that for free with our macs, so it's hard to tell what value people put on it.

BwanaZulia 2010-07-19 02:57 AM

[QUOTE=blewis;80410]OmniOutliner for ipad will be an interesting one to price. Most of us got that for free with our macs, so it's hard to tell what value people put on it.[/QUOTE]

I also find that with OmniFocus and OmniGraffle I have little use for OmniOutliner. In fact, none.

All my notes go into evernote. Work related lists go into Google Wave.

Maybe to build really good check lists?


EspeGalera 2010-07-26 09:31 AM

[QUOTE=doodiebrad;80067]My guess:
Omnifocus for iPad...

1) WILL COST: $39.99
2) SHOULD COST: $19.99

I'm wondering what others think, take your best shot![/QUOTE]

I absolutely agree

Orisons 2010-07-26 09:38 AM

The unfortunate thing is that because so many apps are free or in the $1.99 region many people will balk at anything over $9.99. Unfortunate because many people expect apps to be cheap but do not realize you really do get what you pay for.
My experience with Omni(insert program) is that the programs are not only well thought out but extremely well executed. A thing many developers do not do.
Personally if the Omni for ipad is less than $100 I believe it will be worth it.

Wasgo 2010-07-26 10:31 AM

I'm hoping that $29.99 is the sweet spot by comparing the cost of OmniFocus for Mac to iWorks, but think they'll probably put it out at $39.99.

jklymak 2010-07-26 12:09 PM

I'll pay a fair bit for this app, but I expect Omni should consider charging considerably less than $20. On the Mac I can use a trial version. On the iPad, its all or nothing, and folks aren't going to pay $40 for something they aren't sure if they want. However, they might pay $9.99 on speculation if it is well-reviewed. So who will Omni go after, their hardcore base or the unwashed masses? I bet they'd make a lot more money at $9.99 than $40 or even $20.

Eye_Doc 2010-07-26 12:24 PM

Some developers release a limited version for free as a demo. Perhaps an app that only allows 20 or so tasks to be entered.

That might help to rope in a a few more OF devotees!

whpalmer4 2010-07-26 12:25 PM

Well, not everyone bothers to read the full description before making their decision, but the App Store description for OmniGraffle for iPad does clearly state that you have 30 days to ask for all of your money back if you don't like it, and I see no reason to believe that Omni will not include OmniFocus in that policy ([url][/url]).

No doubt there will be people who don't even look at the app when they see the price (whatever it is), but below some price point, for an application you want to support and have your customers actually use for more than a few hours before tossing it aside, it just isn't worth the trouble to get most of those people on board as customers. Disposable app <-> disposable customers. Figuring out just where that limit is is something I'm glad I don't have to do :)

Wasgo 2010-07-26 12:58 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80836]No doubt there will be people who don't even look at the app when they see the price (whatever it is), but below some price point, for an application you want to support and have your customers actually use for more than a few hours before tossing it aside, it just isn't worth the trouble to get most of those people on board as customers.[/QUOTE]

This is certainly true for Omni Group products. You're definitely paying a premium for high quality customer support, and they certainly couldn't afford to increase their user base without consideration of that cost.

gopi 2010-07-26 01:20 PM

[QUOTE=Eye_Doc;80835]Some developers release a limited version for free as a demo. Perhaps an app that only allows 20 or so tasks to be entered.

That might help to rope in a a few more OF devotees![/QUOTE]

I don't think that is likely to work. Properly analyzing OF takes a lot of work. Watching or reading tutorials would be, IMHO, far more effective for a newbie than a 20 task version of OmniFocus. I think you'd get a *lot* more noise - people who didn't get it getting confused - than signal.

atreinke 2010-07-26 02:26 PM

I am totally expecting to pay around the $40 range for OF iPad version, and I will be happy to do it.

I purchased OG for $50 without ever using OG before (Mac version). I trusted that OMNI would put out a good product based on my previous experience with OF for the Mac and iPhone. I did read all the reviews before purchasing, and that is something everyone should do, as well as read the description/specs/etc. that are listed for the app. I generally go to the developers website and poke around before I purchase any app that is more than $5. A lot of apps do not come with a manual, it's the forums that give you that extra help to figure something out and OMNI has very good and active forums, along with customer support. That is one thing that makes it worth the price, but the main reason is the power (functionality) that OMNI puts into their apps. The quality and functionality of the desktop version of OF is brought into the iPone app and I fully expect it to be in the iPad app. Why would anyone expect it to be less than half that of the desktop version?

jklymak 2010-07-26 03:43 PM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80836]Well, not everyone bothers to read the full description before making their decision, but the App Store description for OmniGraffle for iPad does clearly state that you have 30 days to ask for all of your money back if you don't like it, and I see no reason to believe that Omni will not include OmniFocus in that policy[/QUOTE]

Ah, well that is cool. Certainly with a 30-d return policy, folks should be willing to try it w/o worrying about the cost. However, I suspect you are right that not everyone gets that far in the description. I haven't noticed money-back offers from too many app developers and I'm not sure how seriously I'd consider them even if I saw one.

endoftheQ 2010-07-27 12:36 AM

AppAdvice have some interesting comments on Omni's pricing, albeit in regard to OmniGraphSketcher, see this [URL=""]link[/URL].

whpalmer4 2010-07-27 03:56 AM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;80871]AppAdvice have some interesting comments on Omni's pricing, albeit in regard to OmniGraphSketcher, see this [URL=""]link[/URL].[/QUOTE]

"adequate support"?!?

As for the lasting appeal, it seems like a tool to be bought only if you need to produce that sort of graph for which it is well-suited. If you have a regular need to do so (the most rational reason for buying it, I think) I don't see why the appeal should fade.

I only have the Mac version, couldn't justify buying the iPad version as well. It turns out my need to produce such graphs on the iPad consists almost entirely of cases where I want to help someone on the forum do so on theirs :)

Hadn't heard of that podcast, thanks for bringing it to my attention. We now return to the regularly scheduled waiting and speculation about OmniFocus for iPad :)

hypotyposis 2010-07-27 05:36 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80895]"adequate support"?!?

As for the lasting appeal, it seems like a tool to be bought only if you need to produce that sort of graph for which it is well-suited. If you have a regular need to do so (the most rational reason for buying it, I think) I don't see why the appeal should fade.

I only have the Mac version, couldn't justify buying the iPad version as well. It turns out my need to produce such graphs on the iPad consists almost entirely of cases where I want to help someone on the forum do so on theirs :)

Hadn't heard of that podcast, thanks for bringing it to my attention. We now return to the regularly scheduled waiting and speculation about OmniFocus for iPad :)[/QUOTE]

"without more features, few outside of the business community will find this otherwise fantastic program worth the 15 bucks."

Med student here. OGS iPad = only tool I've seen that helps me memorize graphs and charts by redrawing them "by hand" but looking closer to the textbook original than the Kraken (I can't draw to save my life). Well worth the price for me.

endoftheQ 2010-07-27 05:43 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80895]"adequate support"?!?[/QUOTE]

You'll have to try just a little bit harder, whpalmer4 :)

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80895]I only have the Mac version, couldn't justify buying the iPad version as well.[/QUOTE]

Too expensive, huh? OK, how about if it was 99¢ ... ? ::rolleyes:

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80895]It turns out my need to produce such graphs on the iPad consists almost entirely of cases where I want to help someone on the forum do so on theirs.[/QUOTE]

Confess! What are you after, martyrdom or canonisation? :p ps. I have a suspicion from most of the responses to my posts that I'm going to be burnt as a witch!

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;80895]We now return to the regularly scheduled waiting and speculation about OmniFocus for iPad :)[/QUOTE]

Um, wrong thread? This one's all about pricing!!

HiramvdG 2010-07-27 06:21 AM

I paid for both the iPhone app and the Mac app. Paying for yet another "parallel incarnation" of OF 1.x frankly is not something I look forward too. But if the price isn't exorbitant (say, over $35) I guess I'll do it anyway.

Having said that, the higher the price of this iPad version turns out to be, the less likely it is that I will ever pay for an update to OF 2 on the Mac.

I think a fair price would be $25.

whpalmer4 2010-07-27 06:41 AM

[QUOTE=endoftheQ;80903]You'll have to try just a little bit harder, whpalmer4

Uh, right! And cut into my ability to provide guaranteed 4 hour response time to you? I don't think so ;)

I know you're just joking, but I think Omni has a fabulous support group, and the support is usually what I think of first whenever the topic of "why pay so much?" comes up. In an ideal world, no one would have a chance to find out how great they are, but this world isn't quite there yet...

Too expensive, huh? OK, how about if it was 99¢ ... ? ::rolleyes:
Maybe...but do you know how many posts I have to write to earn 99 cents?!? I think I would do better putting up links for sites peddling Ugg boots and WoW gold!

Besides, I'm hoping to have some other Omni apps that I do really miss on the iPad to buy before too long. I'm quite eager to have live OmniOutliner docs instead of read-only PDF copies.
Confess! What are you after, martyrdom or canonisation? :p ps. I have a suspicion from most of the responses to my posts that I'm going to be burnt as a witch!
Neither, really. A very smart guy once told me that the best way to really cement your knowledge of something was to teach it to someone else. A few years ago, I decided it was time to get more than a passing familiarity with some of the apps I found myself frequently using. Remembering that sage advice, I first decided to just try figuring out the answers to forum questions as a learning exercise, and it didn't take too much of that before the experiment achieved critical mass, so to speak.

Um, wrong thread? This one's all about pricing!![/QUOTE]
Aren't we waiting to see the price? Not much reason to think it will be intentionally revealed to us before it goes on sale if they haven't told us yet, is there? I already know what it looks like, sure, but I still don't know how many soft drink cans I'll need to collect to own it :)

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