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mumblingsages 2010-08-04 12:29 PM

Text Expander
Any plans to support text expander in OF for iPad? or iPhone for that matter?

Brian 2010-08-04 05:51 PM

We've got feature requests open on supporting it in both iPad and iPhone editions - interested parties can email our [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] and let them know they'd like to see the change. Items with more customers attached tend to bubble up the priority list.


lmsboy 2010-08-05 02:23 PM

[QUOTE=mumblingsages;82661]Any plans to support text expander in OF for iPad? or iPhone for that matter?[/QUOTE]

Who really want's to use another App to write a text and transfer this to something like OF? I don't think that this is productive. I never understand, why people really wants TE support on any App...

Steves71 2010-08-06 08:21 AM

[QUOTE=lmsboy;82766]Who really want's to use another App to write a text and transfer this to something like OF? I don't think that this is productive. I never understand, why people really wants TE support on any App...[/QUOTE]

I don't think you realize what the OP means by textexpander support. As it stands, if you use textexpander with OF for iPad/iPhone you need to do as you mentioned, type it up in textexpander then copy/paste into OF. If support for textexpander was added it would eliminate this need to switch apps as OF would be able to use any of the shortcuts. It's basically a workaround to the sandboxing nature of the iOS and allows it to work like it does on a Mac.

I am another that would benefit by OF enabling support for textexpander.

lmsboy 2010-08-06 01:40 PM

So does it mean it would work in background? I thought Apple disallowed this to Apps, so I was thinking, that you'll always have to use copy/paste/AppSwitch which would be very bad ;)

Steves71 2010-08-06 11:20 PM

It doesn't work in the background as such, you don't have to have textexpander running in the background to make it work. I'm not a developer so don't know how this link between two programs is executed but from the user side of things it appears that if an application is developed to include textexpander support it can read outside it's own environment and see the shortcuts created in the text expanded application folder.

A few application that I have used that provide textexpander integration are Appigo ToDo, Twitter for iPhone (formally Tweetie 2) and Twittelator Pro. One of the main reasons this would be helpful to me is for phone numbers. I could set up a list of frequently used phone numbers within textexpander then within OF when creating a new event to phone someone all I have to do is type the shortcut that I predefined. This would save a huge deal of time jumping back and forth between OF and the address book app and when I see an event to make a phone call I could initiate it directly from within OF on the iPhone.

That's just one example but there are many more ways in which it would save time.

lmsboy 2010-08-07 02:09 AM

That sounds really good!! So yes, please support it ;)

whpalmer4 2010-08-07 09:14 AM

[QUOTE=Steves71;82891]One of the main reasons this would be helpful to me is for phone numbers. I could set up a list of frequently used phone numbers within textexpander then within OF when creating a new event to phone someone all I have to do is type the shortcut that I predefined. This would save a huge deal of time jumping back and forth between OF and the address book app and when I see an event to make a phone call I could initiate it directly from within OF on the iPhone.

I'm not sure I see any huge advantage in this particular example. If you go to the Address Book app, you can tap and hold on the desired phone number, and select Copy. Now go to OmniFocus and paste it into the note of the action to call someone. When it comes time to actually execute that action, you can just tap the phone number and the iPhone will call it.

Your scheme might save a bit of tapping but at the cost of remembering a bunch of abbreviations for various phone numbers. Measured as a percentage of the total number of taps to enter the action, shortcut, etc. going to the Address Book might not be much marginal overhead. Streamlining this by allowing you to pick contact cards directly from the Address Book database while in OmniFocus would seem like a friendlier solution.

Not to say that Text Expander support wouldn't be welcome, of course!

Steves71 2010-08-07 11:07 AM

@whpalmer4 I gave this as an example because it is one I already use with the Mac version of OF. I already have over 20 textexpander shortcuts to phone numbers, all simple to remember eg. bobmobile, bossmobile, bossoffice etc. So when I'm on my Mac I don't have to switch to the address book to get a contacts number. It would work exactly the same with an iOS version, everything could be done within OF without having to switch out to a different app to get additional info.

It's not just phone number, URL's too, not simple web addresses but long ones that go to a specific page that I visit on a regular basis. If these could be entered via a textexpander shortcut too it's all saves time from switching apps.

I use shortcuts for plenty of other shortcuts too, and I'm sure anyone else who uses textexpander on their Mac has their own way of using it and will agree that it can become a huge timesaver, and would save even more time on an iOS device. Unless you are a regular user of textexpander a lot of people don't realize it's benefits, I too thought like that up until a year ago.

Where OF helps you to organize your life and help you to be more productive. Textexpander can help you save time in the organising part, leaving more time to be productive.

hypotyposis 2010-12-07 07:14 AM

Ok, I'm bumping up this thread because I've become seriously addicted to TextExpander, and I'd like to know whether there's any chance to see support on OF iPad any time soon. (And yes, I've already sent in my vote a long time ago.)
The Textexpander website claims it's "very easy" to integrate Textexpander into another app, and have the following link to their free SDK for such purposes: [url][/url]

The reason the app became indispensable for me is because of the ease of creating symbols with it (both on desktop and iPad/iPhone). For technical fields (in my case, medical), it's really useful and unfortunately not standard otherwise. My joy at being able to insert a simple arrow up is quite sad, really.

Please, OG, make this happen quickly!

Brian 2010-12-07 03:42 PM

I can't make specific product or scheduling promises, but I can tell you that it is one of the more frequent feature requests against both the iPhone and iPad apps. Likely to show up, but I couldn't tell you exactly when.

Between our uncompleted iOS apps, the Mac App Store stuff, and whatever other curveball the next 12 months throw at us, I'm beginning to accept the fact that "juggling multiple projects" is the new normal! :-)

(In the meantime, please don't interpret this post to mean that folks don't need to send in requests. Emailing the support ninjas is always helpful to us, even for popular requests.)

acetuk 2010-12-09 05:44 AM

I use TextExpander for one real simple thing in OF for Mac - entering dates in the notes field.

I keep extensive notes in OF for my task and project items and have the simple shortcut '.dd' followed by a space enter the text '09 Dec - '. That way I can start typing immediately without having to think about the date entry.

Really useful.

I use the same short cut in iOS apps that support TextExpander. Integration in to OF for iOS would be a real obvious step and from the number of times this is requested something a proportion of your users want.

I've already sent the ninjas my request on this.

gameboy213 2011-11-26 02:40 PM

[QUOTE=acetuk;90196]I use TextExpander for one real simple thing in OF for Mac - entering dates in the notes field.

I keep extensive notes in OF for my task and project items and have the simple shortcut '.dd' followed by a space enter the text '09 Dec - '. That way I can start typing immediately without having to think about the date entry.

Really useful.

I use the same short cut in iOS apps that support TextExpander. Integration in to OF for iOS would be a real obvious step and from the number of times this is requested something a proportion of your users want.

I've already sent the ninjas my request on this.[/QUOTE]

I do the same thing and it is indispensable to me. I am dying for this to finally be adopted into OF for iPad d and iPhone. Hopefully soon.

mumblingsages 2012-04-01 08:42 AM

Just sent a follow up request to the ninja's on this. Bumping here as well.

gameboy213 2012-04-01 08:49 AM

I am still desperate for this to be added to both the iPad and the iPhone.

I'm actually kind of shocked that it isnt already something that Omni is using. Seems like a no brainier to me really.

dhm 2012-04-02 07:18 PM

+1 for TE support in OF. I have to say I use Typinator more on the Mac side (it's faster and works reliably to enter OmniFocus URLs in Quicksilver).

Listening to Merlin these days, he has said that the first thing he does with a new iPad or iPhone app is to see if it works with TE. If not, it's buh-bye.

mtennes 2012-05-01 05:14 AM



Brad I 2012-05-04 06:55 AM

What about now using the built in text replacement in IOS? I know it doesn't have all the features that textexpander has, but if you're using abbreviations for just a few statements then it will probably suffice.

dhm 2012-05-05 09:48 PM

One reason for using TE over the iOS built in expansion is you can share snippet sets. This gives you consistency and saves having to manage the expansions manually.

endoftheQ 2012-05-19 04:39 AM

Omni sadly has always appeared to persue an isolationist policy and looks unlikely to ever integrate or support third-party apps. OF doesn't even take advantage of core iOS functions that facilitate any form of communication or sharing, features that today are essential. The OmniFolk post: "it's a popular request", "it'll be done shortly", etc., but year-after-year goes by and nothing ever happens. The OF suite has IMHO become a hugely outdated mish-mash that is becoming relevant only to those who have an interest in historical GTD systems. It's a real shame.

hypotyposis 2012-06-25 06:24 AM

Any news?
Hi Omni,

Any news on this? It's been 1.5 years since your last post... still no TE support. I'd appreciate knowing it if it's something you're actually not intending to implement (see above post by endoftheQ). You've been one of the more honest and forthcoming companies in the past, some communication here would help.


marisa8184 2012-06-25 07:12 AM

I would like this function too. Textexpander is invaluable as a tool for entering things quickly

emory 2012-06-27 07:27 AM

Any news on this? It's been 1.5 years since your last post... still no TE support. I'd appreciate knowing it if it's something you're actually not intending to implement (see above post by endoftheQ). You've been one of the more honest and forthcoming companies in the past, some communication here would help.

qft, couldn't have said it better myself.

Msburdick 2012-06-27 02:20 PM

Another +1 for textexpander support pretty please!

Brian 2012-06-29 03:20 PM

We're certainly not opposed to supporting it, but we don't have an ETA or any firm plans one way or the other, either.

Pro: makes a portion of our customers happy. Con: have to introduce a dependency on a code library we didn't write into our app, there are other things folks have expressed a desire for more frequently.

In any case, votes recorded and we'll continue to do so - thanks!

Greg Jones 2012-06-30 01:34 AM

Brian, perhaps the request could be worded to say "Explore resources needed to add TextExpander support to OmniFocus iOS." I say this because I am a beta tester for the DEVONthink apps, and when DEVONthink to Go was in the initial alpha stage I made a request to include TextExpander support. The developer said he would look into it, and 3 hours later we had a new beta release with TextExpander support added. It was just that easy and to my knowledge we didn't have a single bug or other issue that could be traced to adding this.

emory 2012-07-02 09:32 AM

I don't think implementing it is hard, obviously it's trivial. I can understand OmniGroup's reluctance to include a library from a third party when it has potential to introduce bugs and adds another loop to regression testing, etc.

What I can't understand is how their best customer and biggest advocate hasn't been able to convince them to do it anyway. I can't imagine Mr. Mann hasn't been asking for this for the last few years at every opportunity. I am very curious how they've been able to tell him "no" for this long, personally ;)

ProjectPlanningPro 2012-08-10 12:38 AM

thanks for sharing a nice info

Boneman 2012-08-17 04:13 AM

A possible solution...
I've found a way to (kind of) make TextExpander work with OmniFocus on iOS. There's an app called [URL=""]Drafts[/URL] which integrates with TextExpander. It lets you write out some text then send it to OmniFocus. Works great for me.

lucaberta 2012-08-22 11:22 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;112151]We're certainly not opposed to supporting it, but we don't have an ETA or any firm plans one way or the other, either.

Pro: makes a portion of our customers happy.[...]

In any case, votes recorded and we'll continue to do so - thanks![/QUOTE]

another request for TextExpander Touch support in OmniFocus iOS, on both iPad and iPhone.

Is there a better way to flag this request to Product Management other than the forum? It cannot be too difficult to integrate TextExpander given the SDK available at a link already posted in this very thread.

Unless someone at Omni Group has something personal against somebody at Smile Software, that is... :D

Thanks, Luca

cris 2012-09-09 12:56 PM

Just wondering
Hi Guys,

I'm just wondering what TextExpander can do for you on your iPhone/iPad nowadays?
I use TextExpander on the Mac but not on my iOS devices.
iOS has the functionality to manage own keyboard shortcuts. It cannot do Macros (Date, Time, Math etc.) but just the normal text expansions yes.

What exactly are you missing? Maybe I'm getting inspired to buy TE for iOS?

marcia 2012-09-10 01:02 PM

If you need a special symbol in a keyboard shortcut on the iPad and don't have a Bluetooth keyboard, you can create the symbol on your Mac, then put it on your iPad (through syncing a Note or Reminder for example) then just select and copy the symbol. You may also find the symbol as text on a website and copy from there. Then you paste the symbol when you create the shortcut.

bstr 2012-09-10 11:16 PM

I'm missing timestamps very much. That's the only reason for me but it's enough since I use timestamps extensively.

lucaberta 2012-09-13 12:59 AM

I would add that I very much liked the idea of using the exact same macro on both the Mac and iOS, for consistency. And the fact that TextExpander syncs via Dropbox makes this a breeze.

Given that I use OmniFocus a lot on the iPad too, having the TextExpander support in iOS would make things very similar to the Mac.



Ken Case 2012-09-17 08:22 AM

We've added support for TextExpander in today's update to [URL=""]OmniFocus for iPad (v1.6)[/URL]. Enjoy!

cdhutch 2012-09-17 09:50 AM

It helps to turn off Auto-Correction and Auto-Capitalization, else iOS may try to fix your TE abbreviations.

glasside 2012-09-17 02:30 PM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;114633]We've added support for TextExpander in today's update to [URL=""]OmniFocus for iPad (v1.6)[/URL]. Enjoy![/QUOTE]

Simply - thank you. Amazing news,


bstr 2012-09-18 12:49 AM

At last. Thanks, OMNI

Jamesvi 2013-01-23 07:18 AM


Having an issue setting up TE with OF for iPad and iPhone. I've activated "share snippets" but for some reason I can't find the OF setting. Am I correct that I don't need to cut n paste from TE into OF? Any help gratefully received.

Brad I 2013-01-23 08:58 AM

I don't think there is any other configuration you need to do. After enabling in TE. Then try entering a snippet. If it doesn't work, try force closing both apps and try again.

Jamesvi 2013-01-24 04:57 AM

Hmm, no joy.

Lizard 2013-01-28 10:56 AM

Jamesvi: It may be easier to sort out what's going wrong via email or phone. 1 (800) 315-6664 or 1 (206) 523-4152 or [email][/email].

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