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darius 2006-10-25 09:56 PM

Are there any plans to include iCal synchronisation, or at least automated updating of iCal from OmniPlan?

For myself, the ideal scenario is to be able to auto-update an iCal file on a webDAV server from the project plans. That way, I can import the file into iCal, and others in my organisation can view the file also.

I've just installed OmniPlan and started tinkering, and it's looking pretty so far :)

Lizard 2006-10-25 10:20 PM

We do hope to improve iCal cooperation, though probably not for 1.0 and might wait for Apple to release 10.5. Currently if you export as "Web Page" (I think that's what it's called in b8, we renamed it in b9) that will generate a whole folder of stuff, including several iCal files. Now if I can just coax our developers into making export accessible via AppleScript, I think it would be possible to write a script to export an iCal file and upload it to a server. Then add that to your toolbar, or set it up to run periodically.

darius 2006-10-25 11:46 PM

iCal support - thanks
[QUOTE=Lizard]We do hope to improve iCal cooperation, though probably not for 1.0 and might wait for Apple to release 10.5. Currently if you export as "Web Page" (I think that's what it's called in b8, we renamed it in b9) that will generate a whole folder of stuff, including several iCal files. Now if I can just coax our developers into making export accessible via AppleScript, I think it would be possible to write a script to export an iCal file and upload it to a server. Then add that to your toolbar, or set it up to run periodically.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like I might have to finally learn some AppleScript. If you can convince your devvies to do just that, then I for one would be real happy :)

Thanks for the quick response,

darius 2006-10-26 06:51 PM

fix so far
Incidentally, my fix so far:

* mount our office webDAV server
* File->Export an ics file manually to a location on that webDAV mount
* Subscribe iCal to that file via http

As you say, if I could automate the export process, this would be sufficient.


dancingbrook 2006-10-31 07:28 PM

[QUOTE=Lizard]We do hope to improve iCal cooperation, though probably not for 1.0 and might wait for Apple to release 10.5. Currently if you export as "Web Page" (I think that's what it's called in b8, we renamed it in b9) that will generate a whole folder of stuff, including several iCal files. Now if I can just coax our developers into making export accessible via AppleScript, I think it would be possible to write a script to export an iCal file and upload it to a server. Then add that to your toolbar, or set it up to run periodically.[/QUOTE]

You folks have to get your integrated act together. OmniPlan, Outline, and Graffle should all be integrated, and of course iCal should be linked as well.

mr_projects 2007-10-28 08:21 AM

I second that, Im looking forward for ical synchroniztion on omniplan, im a bit disappointed not seeing this important feature ...

globetrotterdk 2007-12-04 02:47 AM

I admit I feel a little cheated as I had of course expected iCal support to already be implemented. I would like full iCal support for OmniPlan and not just support of "to-do" items as in OmniFocus.

skwirl 2007-12-17 10:47 AM

OmniPlan exports both to-do items and events to iCal (you can select this when you're on the iCalendar export panel), but we won't have automated iCal synching support until 2.0 most likely.

dancingbrook 2007-12-17 11:09 AM

Come on. Leopard's out, and now you're releasing 1.5 without iCal sync. And what's this about "...full automated iCal synching..."? Do you currently have partial or non-automated syncing? Isn't it really just manual exporting, or am I missing something?

skwirl 2007-12-17 12:31 PM

[QUOTE=dancingbrook;28948]Come on. Leopard's out, and now you're releasing 1.5 without iCal sync. And what's this about "...full automated iCal synching..."? Do you currently have partial or non-automated syncing? Isn't it really just manual exporting, or am I missing something?[/QUOTE]

Sorry dancingbrook, I shouldn't have written "full" because it's misleading (mixed my words after reading globetrotterdk's comment about full iCal support instead of just "to-do" items). I'll revise my post above to fix this mistake.

You're right, we only have manual exporting to iCalendar right now in OmniPlan. OmniPlan 2.0 will take utilize some of Leopard's new calendaring features.

dancingbrook 2007-12-18 05:20 AM

Oh no! I was only looking for you to correct the current status, not reduce future functionality. ;-) While we are asking, are we going to see multi-project support (ie shared resources across multiple projects)? This seems more obvious and critical than iCal sync.

skwirl 2007-12-18 10:42 AM

[QUOTE=dancingbrook;29063]Oh no! I was only looking for you to correct the current status, not reduce future functionality. ;-) While we are asking, are we going to see multi-project support (ie shared resources across multiple projects)? This seems more obvious and critical than iCal sync.[/QUOTE]

Multi-project support is definitely one of the big features we'd like to consider for 2.0, as is iCal syncing. We have big plans and I think OmniPlan 2.0 is going to rock! :-)

dancingbrook 2007-12-18 05:27 PM

Well thinking and seeing are two different things. So when are we going to see something?

bayoyong 2007-12-18 07:16 PM

Can a task be marked complete in OmniFocus and sync'd?
iCal sync has worked extremely well for me..except for when I mark the task complete in OmniFocus. It doesn't mark it complete in iCal, and instead, keeps popping back up in OF when I do an iCal sync. Anyone?

dancingbrook 2007-12-18 07:45 PM

Wrong forum buddy. This is about OmniPlan, not OmniFocus.

skwirl 2007-12-18 11:58 PM

[QUOTE=dancingbrook;29135]Well thinking and seeing are two different things. So when are we going to see something?[/QUOTE]

Even we don't know when OmniPlan 2.0 will be out. We usually decide on what features we want to have in the release, work on them until we're happy, then release the app in the form of sneaky peeks and public betas.

Any date I give you now will be useless, so I'll refrain until there's new info to share.

dancingbrook 2007-12-19 04:38 AM

OK, then I'll give YOU a date that's useless: January 5, 2008

BTW: The other guys have released a beta that has iCal sync.

See you later.

ajrichardson 2007-12-19 12:58 PM

And see you later. No need to be so snippy.

sydneyshan 2008-09-03 03:23 AM

Looking forward to this iCal sync happening. I've used the comment of one member in this thread to get iCal synchronized to a locally hosted ics/iCal file that I am manually saving using a custom filter at present. I would be great to see this happen automatically... I can see this request has been out for quite a while! Looking forward to when it is introduced!

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