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joerg.battermann 2006-06-18 05:12 AM

Database Layout?
Hey there,

I was wondering whether any of you uses Omnigraffle to create database layouts?

Best regards,

Cortig 2006-06-21 06:29 PM

I have... Once or twice (it's not something I need to do every day and FileMaker/4D have rather decent way to represent database layout for my purposes).

delu 2006-06-25 01:29 AM

I tried, but it was horrible.

I used the MySQL stencils from [url][/url]
but they are quite bad.
E.g. I miss a PK/FK support, like Visio has it.

Hope someone will provide a better solution, because I really like OmniGraffle.

luftikus143 2007-01-12 01:06 AM

Hi there,

any news concerning this subject? Anybody who meanwhile created and posted a stencil for database design?

Thanks for any hints!

edwardog 2007-05-15 11:54 AM


I'm also looking for the SQL Schema Import extra which seems to have disappeared. Anyone still have it hanging around?

JKT 2007-05-15 03:14 PM

For stencils, try [URL=""]Graffletopia[/URL]

edwardog 2007-05-15 04:18 PM

I'm actually looking for the script that'll turn SQL into an OmniGraffle diagram; anyone still have it handy?

halbtuerke 2007-10-08 04:05 AM

Does anyone have this script?

Thanks in advance

pingu 2008-03-14 05:12 AM

Did anyone manage to track this script down? If so would you mind posting up a URL?


fmueller 2008-03-18 04:30 AM

There are scripts that generate Graphviz files (see [URL=""]here[/URL]). These, in turn, can be imported in OG.

anndr0id 2011-05-23 11:59 AM

That link doesn't work - I'm trying to import a mysql file into a diagram.... anyone? Please :( This is making me want to cry!!

DerekAsirvadem 2011-08-08 02:23 AM

Database "layouts"
Sorry, I might be a bit late to the thread.

I use OG extensively for drawing my Data Models. For large assignments, of course I use heavy duty software which connects directly to the db server, but the diagrams are poor. So for many years now, for any small to medium assignment, or to elevate the quality of boring diagrams on a large assignment, I use OG. if you use the File/Export facility to produce a PDF; and the Properties/Action to JumpElsewhere in the doc, you can create quite large and complex models. Here is an example of a 4-page [URL=""]Data Model[/URL], with links (click the blue glass buttons or shadowed or collapsed objects).

I do not understand why people use all sorts of different diagramming techniques with various symbols, when there is a stongly established standard, IDEF1X, which most customers want, so I draw only standard-compliant Data Models. The idea is, the diagrams are complete and convey all important info.

I developed a series of Stencils of OG, posted them at Graffletopia, and received good reports. And yes, I keep them up-to-date. Please read the intro/description on each of them (saves me typing here):

[URL=""]Data Model (IDEF1X)[/URL]

[URL=""]Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)[/URL]

[URL=""]Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)[/URL]

I am working on a IDEF0 (Process) stencil.

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