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Mark Lawrence 2008-07-10 11:27 AM

WebDAV sync problems
I have two possibilities for WebDAV syncing, but neither is working.

The first is through I added an OmniFocus folder to my account, but when I tried to sync, OF throws up an error message that says

Unable to read document.
No root transactions found in “[url]”[/url].

and doesn't sync. Any idea why this is happening?

My second possibility is through an account at This attempt fails at an even earlier stage with the message

untrusted server certificate

I understand this message, but every other application asks me if I want to trust the server anyway. OF doesn't.

I have to say this is pretty annoying. The application description at the App Store says "Synchronize OmniFocus with your Mac using the OS X version available separately from" I took this to mean that I could sync through iTunes. I had read about MobileMe and WebDAV syncing, but I didn't think they were required.

I bought OF for the Mac recently in anticipation of OF for the iPhone. If I can't get them to sync, they're useless to me. And I don't want to get MobileMe just to sync OF.

What do you suggest?

Mark Lawrence 2008-07-10 11:41 AM

I forgot to mention that I'm using sneakypeek v77.4.0.102663.

jcasella 2008-07-10 12:17 PM

I'm using the same sneakypeek version of OmniFocus, and am getting the same "untrusted server certificate" message. There seems to be no way to bypass this as you can in other applications.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

troyb 2008-07-10 12:30 PM

Are you guys able to sync via http instead of https?

jcasella 2008-07-10 12:35 PM

I should have mentioned this in my initial post. Doing http instead of https yields this error consistently:

"lost network connection"

Mark Lawrence 2008-07-10 12:42 PM

Halfway home
OK, I got OF on the Mac to sync to the WebDAV host with the untrusted certificate. I did a "Connect to Server" from the Finder, and when the notice came up asking if I wanted to trust that server, I clicked on the little "Always trust" checkbox. I then had to type in my Administrator password. Now OF on the Mac syncs via WebDAV. I should have thought of this earlier.

Unfortunately, my iPhone doesn't trust the server and is now putting up its own "untrusted server certificate" message. Any ideas on how to get it to always trust a particular certificate?

Lizard 2008-07-10 12:43 PM

I haven't tried this out, but there's a tiny chance that doing an iTunes sync will sync the certificate trust over from your keychain?

jcasella 2008-07-10 12:47 PM

Connecting to the WebDAV host via Finder works fine for me as well although even once I'm logged in (via Finder), attempting to sync in OF is still unsuccessful.

I'm using OSX 10.4.11, but I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

Mark Lawrence 2008-07-10 12:57 PM


I put the iPhone in the cradle and resynced it through iTunes before trying to sync OF. The certificate trust didn't transfer.

I also just tried connecting to the WebDAV URL via Safari on the iPhone. It told me the certificate was untrusted and asked if I wanted to go there anyway. I said yes and got a directory listing of the WebDAV folder. Unfortunately, I saw no way to make the trust permanent, and OFiPhone still doesn't trust the certificate.

There are, I think, a lot of WebDAV servers out there whose certificates aren't signed by Thawte (or whoever else is considered authoritative). Omni needs to let us get at those servers.

Mark Lawrence 2008-07-10 01:49 PM

OK, taking up troyb's suggestion, I changed my OFMac preference to a non-secure WebDAV using http:// instead of [url]https://.[/url] The sync from OFMac *appeared* to work, and OFiPhone got further along in the sync than did before. There was no more "untrusted certificate" message when the sync started on the phone, and OFiPhone asked me for my username and password on the server.

Now there's a new error message:

Cannot copy.
Unable to get list of source files from file://localhost/var/mobile/Applications/blahblah/Documents/OmniFocus.ofocus/".

where the blahblah is substituting for a long alphanumeric string.

Looking at the WebDAV server, I see that the sync from OFMac has created a folder called "OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-blahblah" which has nothing in it. This is apparently the same problem matt_c has been having (mentioned in another thread today).

In summary, using http instead of https gets around the certificate signing problem, but syncing still doesn't work. Apparently, OFMac is *not* sending the data to the WebDAV server.

CrzyMke 2008-07-11 07:06 AM

I was able to get desktop OF to sync to a WebDAV (I just used [url][/url] as the address, after connecting to it via finder).

I was able to log in to the webDav on my iPod Touch, but got the following message:

Cannot Copy
Unable to get list of source files from file://localhost/var/mobile/[etc]/Documents/OmniFocus.ofocus/."

It also pops up twice in a row, if that offers any hints. Any ideas?

(Using Sneaky Peak 1.1 v77.4.0.102736 on an iPod Touch)

jeremydb 2008-07-11 07:10 AM

It means that the DAV connex to is timing out before the sync is completing. Some people seem to have had luck doing a sync to disc and then copying that folder to their DAV store. appears to just be too slow, or OF too impatient, for the sync to work properly.

If you look in the DAV folder online, you'll see some folder named Omnifocus-sync-in-progress or similar.

Anyway, check out BingoDisk. It's not free, but it's cheaper than MiniMe, and worked the first time out for me.


CrzyMke 2008-07-11 07:28 AM

Keeping with the thread: I tried sync to disk (which for some reason didn't work on a flash drive I tried - it also left me w/ a sync in progress file). Then trying to copy it directly to the dav gave me this error:

You cannot copy some of these items to the destination because their names are too long or contain invalid characters for the destination. Do you want to skip copying these items and continue copying the other items?

I tried changing the extension and arbitrarily shortening the name of the file to no avail.

I tried to go the more direct route by uploading through the webpage, but for some reason OmniFocus.ofocus is greyed out and unavailable.

rmacnaughton 2008-07-11 07:31 AM

BingoDisk works great
Yep... I spent all day yesterday trying to sync using several other WebDavs (sharemation, etc). Per the last post's suggestion, I signed-up for bingodisk ($19/yr for 10gb); and it worked right away. Thanks for the tip!

CrzyMke 2008-07-11 07:43 AM

I have to believe that after spending all this money there has to be some free way of getting information from desktop to ipod.

I'm afraid I'm about to get hit with an extra charge for floor mats, now.

Lizard 2008-07-11 09:44 AM

[QUOTE=CrzyMke;40064]I have to believe that after spending all this money there has to be some free way of getting information from desktop to ipod.

I'm afraid I'm about to get hit with an extra charge for floor mats, now.[/QUOTE]

If you're happy only syncing while on the same wifi network, you might check this post:

kidtreo 2008-07-11 09:45 AM

Ja...I too don't want to pay or rely on a 3rd party server. And as of yet, I can't find instructions on how to set it up locally in a way that seems manageably easy.

No joy. No T's G-ing D today. Sigh.

galfridus73 2008-07-11 12:30 PM

[QUOTE=Lizard;40093]If you're happy only syncing while on the same wifi network, you might check this post:

Those instructions work perfectly. And if you have dynamic DNS set up then syncing over the Web should work just fine (port forwarding may apply). I'm working with two Macs, however (I do not have an iPhone or iPod touch).

bckspcr 2008-07-11 02:09 PM

Localhost webdav
I also followed the instructions at [url][/url] and was able to setup and successfully connect via webdav to my localhost via both the Finder's "Connect to Server..." and the Goliath WebDav client. In both cases I was able to upload and delete files.

But when I try to sync via webdav to localhost, OmniFocus returns the error 'The server returned an error 502, “bad gateway”.' The sync preferences report a failed sync, though despite this error, OmniFocus is actually writing "OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-xxxxxxxxxxx" files to the webdav.

Any thoughts?

I'm running 1.1 sneakypeek v77.4.0.102736 on OS X 10.4.11.

Eraserhead 2008-07-12 05:13 AM

[QUOTE=Mark Lawrence;39898]There are, I think, a lot of WebDAV servers out there whose certificates aren't signed by Thawte (or whoever else is considered authoritative). Omni needs to let us get at those servers.[/QUOTE]

Definitely, I'm personally on ASmallOrange.

Eraserhead 2008-07-12 07:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=troyb;39867]Are you guys able to sync via http instead of https?[/QUOTE]

That works until it comes up with a read/write error of:

Brian 2008-07-12 08:40 AM

Eraserhead - that's a separate issue, which I know the engineers are working on as well. Keep an eye on the sneakypeeks over the weekend.

yann 2008-07-12 12:00 PM

The only reliable WevDAV synch for the desktop app for me so far has been locally + dyndns BUT iPhone can't synch... I get a "timed out" error every time... :'(

Actually, after deleting, starting from a clean backup - OF, the latest desktop version seems to be working with most WebDAV options I have available, but the iPhone version is stuck on similar bugs the desktop version had before...

Hopefully an iPhone update will come soon :)

Eraserhead 2008-07-12 01:32 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;40306]Eraserhead - that's a separate issue, which I know the engineers are working on as well. Keep an eye on the sneakypeeks over the weekend.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it.

MrAleGuy 2008-07-12 03:54 PM

WebDAV error
SP 102775 still seems to have the "404" problem.

Ken Case 2008-07-13 12:54 PM

The 404 problem should be resolved in r102781:

[QUOTE]Fixed another sync incompatibility with cPanel WebDAV servers (such as those hosted by

The fundamental issue we've been facing is that cPanel doesn't preserve the names of files uploaded by the client, so when OmniFocus goes back to look for something it isn't where it put it. (In fact, if you try to browse to those files using a web browser you'll find that they can't download them either.)

We've hopefully worked around this by tracking the WebDAV URL independently from the transaction name, so we can use the URL when we need to fetch data from the server but use the original transaction name when deciding how that data fits together.

Please note that the iPhone version 1.0 of OmniFocus doesn't yet have these fixes; they'll be in version 1.0.1.[/QUOTE]

chucksense 2008-07-14 11:39 AM

[QUOTE=Ken Case;40552]The 404 problem should be resolved in r102781:[/QUOTE]

When is that lovely 1.0.1 likely to come out?


dconjar 2008-07-14 08:20 PM

When is the new iPhone app update coming?

It would have to be before my MobileMe free trial ends, because I am definitely not paying for that piece of crap. Apple's making people lose a lot of money right now.

Ken Case 2008-07-15 06:59 AM

I'm not sure how long Apple's review process will take, but my hope is that the 1.0.1 update will be posted sometime this week.

dconjar 2008-07-15 07:08 AM

Judging by the amount of time it's taking for Apple to move and create MobileMe accounts on their servers, we can probably expect an app store update within the next decade.

JeffB. 2008-07-15 04:28 PM

I just bought OmniFocus iPhone. I waited because I didn't want to use OmniFocus until I could sync with the iPhone. Come to find out it does not support WebDAV with personal SSL certs yet. Hopefully soon, because it's useless to me right now. In my opinion, syncing is the #1 most important feature. And really all of this iPhone/ 1.1 stuff should have been done by App Store launch.

Overall, good work. Bravo OmniGroup. Just get it all working asap.

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