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iBsteve 2007-11-17 08:15 AM

Missing Features

First let me say that this is a lovely designed and thought out program.... however it seems to be missing several things that would make it really useful. Now I have only been working with it for a few hours so I may have completely missed some stuff. It appears that it is very good at reminding you what to do but does not have much to help you get it done.

There is no integration with address book. I attempted to drag a vCard to a call task with no luck.

There appears no way to actually link a file. Although I did stumble on an "x" that double clicking on gave me a warning that it could not find an attached file, however I was unable to figure a way to actually link a file or make a file a task. (I did see that you could add a pdf to the body)

Web archive. Much needed.

It would be great if right from a task you could add an address, phone number or a vCard, link a file or add a web archive.

I do realize I can copy stuff as a clipping but I really believe there should be a more elegant way. It's there and others have implemented it.



Craig 2007-11-17 09:02 AM

Dragging and dropping file icons on top of actions places a link in the notes field of that action for me.

pvonk 2007-11-17 05:10 PM

You can drag a record from the address book or a web archive file icon into a note in OF, then right-click the reference in OF to get back to the address book or Safari. (Perhaps I don't understand your comment related to "Web archive".)

Toadling 2007-11-17 08:18 PM

Maybe the Address Book, web archives, file links, etc. need to be more visually obvious in what they do, perhaps something like the lozenges OmniOutliner uses to denote attached items.

iBsteve 2007-11-18 10:53 AM

First thanks to all.

Am I correct that Focus will only allow a link to a web page not store a web archive. If so I really believe it should have the ability to archive web pages. If you are somewhere without an internet connection all that information is unavailable.

I guess I was getting the links into the notes just didn't see anything visual that would alert me. The web link is blue and underlined and the cursor does change to a finger, maybe other links should do the same. It would also be nice if you could highlight a piece of text and add a link to it. Going along with this if you type a name, have the ability to search that name in AB from Focus.

I would also like to see the linked vCard opened not just highlighted. Maybe that could be an option for those that prefer it the way it is.


brianogilvie 2007-11-18 06:28 PM

[QUOTE=iBsteve;25017]Am I correct that Focus will only allow a link to a web page not store a web archive. If so I really believe it should have the ability to archive web pages. If you are somewhere without an internet connection all that information is unavailable.[/QUOTE]

Many of us think the opposite: OmniFocus should be a lean application that handles our projects and actions, while linking to programs that are more robust at storing the data that we use to work on our projects.

Many applications, from DEVONthink to Zotero, handle web archives. Why should Omni code web archive support into OmniFocus, instead of allowing us to link to those programs? Every time data is added to the OF database, it gets larger and more in danger of corruption.

And if you really want a whole web page in OmniFocus, just "select all" and then use the OmniFocus clippings service. You'll get the web page in your inbox.

iBsteve 2007-11-18 11:38 PM

I respectfully disagree. I don't want to have a slew of programs just to a accomplish a few simple things. I am not talking kitchen sink here. The way other like kind programs handle this is a selectable preference to add a web archive or just a url. I would like that choice.

Selecting all and saving in the inbox does not often capture the page but gives you a lot of jumble.

One last thought. If you really wanted to keep with a forced minimalistic philosophy why allow the saving of emails or even clippings?

pvonk 2007-11-19 05:49 AM

[QUOTE=brianogilvie;25064]Many of us think the opposite: OmniFocus should be a lean application that handles our projects and actions, while linking to programs that are more robust at storing the data that we use to work on our projects.

I agree. Otherwise people will ask why aren't pdf files stored within the app's database (I'd imagine pdf files with info related to projects are common), why aren't Word files stored (certainly Word files that relate to projects are common for many people in business), etc. etc. Where would it end. (Someone recently ask for Jott integration - I never even heard of Jott until then.)

This is OF, not DEVONthink Office Pro, which *is* an information manager. OF is a GTD/task manager. I don't want the kitchen sink.

iBsteve 2007-11-19 06:01 AM

[QUOTE=pvonk;25134]I agree. Otherwise people will ask why aren't pdf files stored within the app's database (I'd imagine pdf files with info related to projects are common), why aren't Word files stored (certainly Word files that relate to projects are common for many people in business), etc. etc. Where would it end. (Someone recently ask for Jott integration - I never even heard of Jott until then.)

This is OF, not DEVONthink Office Pro, which *is* an information manager. OF is a GTD/task manager. I don't want the kitchen sink.[/QUOTE]
I do think the answer is that those other files exist on your computer. That web page does not. Also I have just noticed that when you link a file you have the option to link to it or embed it. What is the problem with having a choice?

Usable Thought 2007-11-19 06:51 AM

Address book integration is poor
Right now, it's too much work to get an address book reference into OmniFocus! Open address book; find address; fuss with window positions to make dragging feasible; and then do the drag.

When running Windows, I use Intellect as my contact manager/e-mail client - not that well known but does certain things very well, including very easy integration with contacts.

This is a real shortfall in OmniFocus's functionality right now, like it or not.

My ideal would be to type a name or nickname, right click and be able to select fields from Address book for pasting, e.g. phone or e-mail. I wonder if a script could take care of this sort of thing ...

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