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schakwin 2013-04-13 09:51 AM

Quick export from OO outline item to OF task
I use OO for many things, including brainstorming about projects. It would be very helpful to know a way to select an OO item and have it sent as a task to the OF inbox. I know that I can simply select it and copy and paste, but I'd like to make a simpler and faster solution.
I don't see a way to do this in OO3 or in the alpha of OO4.
If I use services, I don't get a clean move, instead I get the name of the outline as my inbox item with the line I selected as a note. It's (much) better than nothing but not really much of an improvement over copying and pasting.
I guess that it could be done by writing a script or perhaps with Automator, but before I get into that kind of fiddly stuff, I want to make sure that I'm not overlooking anything that's already here.
Anyone have ideas?

Cypher 2013-04-13 01:17 PM

I was going to suggest using the Clipping shortcut which is set in (Omnifocus - Preferences - Clippings)

However I've just tested it in OO4 and OO3 and it does the same as you mentioned for the services The OF Action becomes "From OmniOutliner - outline title" and the actual clipped text becomes the note field :(

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