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tdonut 2009-03-19 09:25 PM

Bonjour Synch stuck at "preparing to synchronize" [Answer: Mac Firewall Preferences]
I've just installed OmniFocus on my new 2nd generation ipod touch. I've been using the desktop for a few months. When I go through the steps for the initial synching via Bonjour, something goes wrong.

I believe I am connecting directly from MacBook to iPod via Air Port. I have no wireless gear other than these two devices, and my iPod Settings' WiFi info shows the iPod as connected to my MacBook.

After I choose "Set Up Sync" on the iPod, I click "Share Settings" on the desktop "Synchronization Preferences", my computer immediately replaces the "searching" text in the box near the bottom of the "Sync with Mac" screen on the iPod. I touch it and get a grayed-out OmniFocus top level menu, with "Preparing to Synchronize" and what appears to be a progress bar on top. The progress bar never moves and after about 75 seconds, I'm popped back to the "Synch with Mac" screen and the "searching" text has reappeared.

Any ideas?

Many thanks for your help!

-- Elizabeth

tdonut 2009-03-20 09:46 AM

I figured it out!

It was my firewall. D'oh!

Here's what I had to do, in case someone else comes across this while trying to solve the same problem:

Navigate through Apple > System Preferences > Security > Firewall

Choose "Set access for specific services and applications" and add OmniFocus to the list.

-- Elizabeth

shalimar 2009-05-09 03:17 PM

iPhone does not show up in client list
Can't get any sync between iphone and Mac. They are on the same local wifi network. Iphone detects settings sent from Mac, but when try to sync I get message (on the Iphone) that no server can be found the matches the settings. How can this happen? Mac does NOT list phone on the clients list.
What is up?
I have the latest versions of both Mac and mobil OF apps.
I even removed the previous files, and downloaded a brand new version of the OF for IPhone. Still the two machines are not seeing each other in OmniFocus sync process.


shalimar 2009-05-09 04:47 PM

this was the solution I needed.
After much trouble, I now have communication between devices. Thanks.

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