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Ward 2007-09-04 07:03 AM

"Within the last month" group includes future tasks
Setting the scene: I have a bad habit of letting undone tasks slip into "Within the last week" and even "Within the last month." From time to time, I reschedule, close or delete this overdue tasks. Otherwise, I tend to ignore the overdue groups in Context mode.

I knew I had scheduled several critical tasks for today. When they didn't appear in my Today context, I returned to Project mode, focused on the client folder, and returned to Context view. Now my Context groups were sparse enough to notice the three critical tasks, all displayed as due today but in the "Within the last month" group.

As an experiment, I changed the due dates on two of the problem tasks to tomorrow and next Tuesday, but they are still stuck in the "Within the last month" group. I added a new dummy task to the project and set it due today; it's also showing up in the last month group.

This serious problem appears to be isolated to a single project. Tasks in all other projects, including two sibling projects in the client folder, are fine.

Moving a task from the problem project into another project causes it to show up in the proper Context group.

I suspect I can eliminate this problem by moving all tasks from the corrupted project into a new project. I'll hold off for a bit in case the OmniFocus developers want to do exploratory surgery on my OmniFocus database.

[SIZE="1"][ submitted as formal feedback ][/SIZE]

ext555 2007-09-04 07:52 AM

do you have a due date on the project itself ?

Ward 2007-09-04 11:59 AM

Parent task is past its due date
[QUOTE]do you have a due date on the project itself ?[/QUOTE]
The handful of today's tasks in the "Within the last month" group turned out to be sub-tasks, and the parent task has an erroneous due date of August 10.

Clearing the parent task's due date (in Project mode) cleared up grouping problem in Context mode.

Although some may say this is a simple case of user error, OmniFocus could help users from making this kind of mistake. For example,[LIST][*]When the due date of a project or parent task is earlier than the due date of a subordinate task, display one or both dates in [COLOR="Red"]red[/COLOR], or perhaps [B][COLOR="red"]bold flashing red[/COLOR][/B] :-).[*]Refuse to accept a conflicting due date.[*]Display a warning when a conflicting due date is entered.[*]Some combination of the above, controlled by a user preference.[/LIST][ submitted as followup to my earlier formal feedback ]

ext555 2007-09-04 12:23 PM

Maybe at some point the " conflict checking " that's in omni plan [or a watered down version of it ] can be implemented .
I realize that omni focus is reportedly going to market at 39.00 compared to 150.00 for omni plan .

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