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DerekAsirvadem 2012-03-15 04:38 AM

Do OG Stencils Work the Same with OG for iPad ?
I do not have an iPad to check this with. I use OG Pro for Mac heavily, and I have three [B]OG Stencils[/B], that I have made available on GraffleTopia:
[URL=""]Entity Relation Diagram[/URL]
[URL=""]Data Model (IDEF1X)[/URL] -- complex objects
[URL=""]Process Model (SSADM)[/URL]

Now Dennis (who has OG for iPad but not OG for Mac) wants to know, has anyone used them on OG for iPad (as in, do they work) ?

I presume, they do, as I designed the Stencils explicitly to be composed of simple objects, and for non-Pro, but I have not found someone with an iPad [I]and[/I] OG for iPad, to prove it.


whpalmer4 2012-03-15 05:20 AM

All 3 appear to download and install in the stencil menu without incident, and are indicated as compatible with OmniGraffle for iPad on the Graffletopia site. I had no trouble making a facsimile of the example shown on the Graffletopia page for the ERD diagram with the components provided by the stencil. I was able to do so without disturbing the two felines slumbering on top of me, so I'm going to call this one a successful use of tablet computing.

If the chap has an iPad and OG app already, what was stopping him from trying it? I could understand being reluctant to purchase the app not knowing if it would suit your needs, but the stencil should fit most any budget :-)

DerekAsirvadem 2012-03-15 04:16 PM

That's a fair amount of effort, thanks, Bill. I was expecting someone who already had the stencils loaded to respond.

I get a fair amount of email re the stencils. This one was clearly a newbie on a trial; with the list of questions he had, it sounded like a pre-purchase decision.

Ok, now for the progressed version of the question. Can you please look at [URL=""]this thread[/URL]. On OG for iPad, Do my stencils get rasterised and thus lose their vector quality like that ?

whpalmer4 2012-03-15 05:03 PM

The beauty of the iPad app is that it really wasn't very much effort at all. Maybe 5 minutes for the whole project. Some things are kind of fiddly to do on the iPad, but this wasn't one of them.

DerekAsirvadem 2012-03-15 06:12 PM

Thanks. Please check my edit.

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