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Modjo 2007-01-14 01:28 PM

command-key functionality
First off, i hadn't used OW for a long long time. I was a hardcore Safari user and supporter. But this thing (5.5.3) is amazing! Great job!

Second, the feature request :)
Two things that bother me though, things that were available in Safari.
1) Command-click (or enter) functionality: in Safari you could type something in the Google search bar, command-enter and it would give you the search results in a new tab.
Same goes with bookmarks, command-click on a bookmark and it would open in a new tab. This does work in OW, but ... not with a mouse button configured to emulate that command-click. It does however work correct if you use it to click on a link in a page.
2) PDF in browser support, but i'm sure that'll be supported in the future. I know it has been requested before. But This is a great OSX-browser and PDF support in OSX is one of it's strenghts, because it's dead simple and easy to use. So, integrating it in thé OSX-browser seems logical.

Sorry for the elaborate explanation :)

troyb 2007-01-14 04:42 PM

Same goes with bookmarks, command-click on a bookmark and it would open in a new tab. This does work in OW, but ... not with a mouse button configured to emulate that command-click. It does however work correct if you use it to click on a link in a page. [/QUOTE]
Does this work better if you quit OmniWeb and run the terminal command below?

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 MiddleClickLoadsTab -bool False

Modjo 2007-01-16 12:09 AM

Nope, sorry.
Thanks for the code.

However, this isn't the only osx browser with this behaviour. I've only seen it work in Safari, not in FF, Opera, Shiira, or Camino.

I missed something.
It does work (middle click on bookmark) if the bookmark is not inside a bookmark folder.
Sorry, i should have probably looked into that.

George the Flea 2007-01-25 05:18 PM

I would also love to see command-enter used to open forms (and search bar, of course) in a new tab. This is actually one of the features that I like best about Safari, although I'm currently falling in love with OmniWeb's tab bar.

Personally, I can't get middle-mouse functionality in the bookmarks at all, although I haven't overwritten the default yet. If it works after that, I'll edit this. Otherwise, I would love to see middle-mouse button working in the bookmarks!

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