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Ken Case 2008-10-03 10:10 AM

Now Available: Mac-to-Mac Bonjour sync over local networks
If all goes well with our internal testing this morning, we plan to turn on the option to sync OmniFocus over a local network using Bonjour.

Bonjour syncing is a very simple way to let Macs and devices on your local network discover and sync with a copy of your OmniFocus database. As it doesn't require special setup or a subscription to a service, this is the simplest way to synchronize Macs or devices locally.

Bonjour only works over local networks. If you're having trouble seeing your Bonjour server from another system, try setting up a direct network between the machines that you're syncing. (You can do this by plugging an ethernet cable directly from one machine to another, or by setting up a direct Ad-Hoc Wi-Fi network between the two.) If that doesn't work either, please contact [email][/email] so we can try to help you figure out what's going wrong.

The current 1.0.3 release of OmniFocus for iPhone doesn't have support for Bonjour syncing, but assuming this test goes well we plan to add that support for the next release.

We look forward to your feedback!

Brian 2008-10-03 10:49 AM

A sneakypeek with the Bonjour syncing enabled was just pushed out. Have at it, folks. :-)

Lizard 2008-10-03 10:50 AM

Known issue that didn't quite make the release notes: Setting up OmniFocus on a 10.4 (Tiger) machine to "Connect to an existing sync database" for Bonjour syncing will crash.

We have an engineer looking at this right now and plan to get a fix out ASAP.

Nerdygirl 2008-10-03 11:22 AM

Just tried out Mac-to-Mac syncing and it's mega fast. Nice one chaps. If this works with my iPod I will be one happy customer.

I probably won't use the mac-to-mac syncing much, as I primarily use my iPod and macbook, so as a practical solution it's a bit fussy at the minute although I can sync over Bonjour, then switch back and sync over Mobileme... it's just messy. I will keep trying it out though, for testing purposes, and report any issues of course.

But bring it on chaps - well done so far.

(PS Any idea when iphone v1.1 will be ready? I have to cancel Mobileme in a couple of weeks time if I don't want to be charged 60 quid.... ;) )

ext555 2008-10-03 11:26 AM

Hopefully 1.1 with support for iPhone will come out within the next 40 days before my " mobile me " trial runs out : )

For now I just use a macBook and the iPhone so I can't really test .

LOL just saw the post above , guess I'm not the only one .

Brian 2008-10-03 12:15 PM

We're testing Mac-to-Phone internally; we'll fix any issues that appear under this setup, and then roll the feature out on the phone.

Releasing solid code is always our number 1 priority, but "preventing folks that don't want MobileMe from needing to pay for it" is a very close second. :-)

Toadling 2008-10-03 01:02 PM

I mentioned this in another thread, but I'll bring it up again here. What do you think of the idea of allowing both MobileMe and Bonjour syncing to be active at the same time rather than having to choose one or the other? In other words, have OmniFocus use the Bonjour network if available, otherwise fallback to syncing with MobileMe.

I'd love the speed of Bonjour when I'm at my desk, but I don't want to give up the "security blanket" of MobileMe syncing while I'm out.


PS - This is assuming that Bonjour syncing between a Mac and an iPhone is actually significantly faster than going over MobileMe with those two devices on a WiFi connection.

Lizard 2008-10-03 01:23 PM

Toadling: It's an interesting concept, and I invite you to send our ninjas an email suggesting it. However, that would be a fairly major change to our current syncing system. Since MobileMe syncing stores the shared data on MobileMe and Bonjour syncing stores the shared data on a Mac, switching between the two systems would require moving your data back and forth, or a rather different approach to syncing altogether. So it'd be unlikely that we could add this any time soon.

abh19 2008-10-09 08:25 AM

Thanks for the bonjour syncing. It's just what I'm looking for: desktop to laptop.

zosont 2008-10-11 06:50 AM

I run an os x server on my home network, and this would seem like the ideal place to keep the sync database, however I'm getting an error saying that it could not launch httpd.

Has anyone else managed to host the sync database on leopard server?

Cheers. Nick

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