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RicardoSaporta 2012-03-27 01:40 PM

AppleScript to create a Project inside a folder?
Hello All,

Using an applescript, I would like to create a project inside a designated folder. but I am having difficulty with the correct way to tell Omnifocus where to create the project (it keeps placing it at the document (root) level).

I have the folderName and the folderID and am happy to use whichever (though I'd prefer the folderID).

the line for creating the project that I am using is

make new project with properties {name:ProjectName, note:ProjectNote, XXX}

I've tried:

and tried different keywords after the properties close-bracket, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

whpalmer4 2012-03-27 02:10 PM

[code]set myFolder to folder id folderID
set myProject to make new project with properties {name:ProjectName, note:ProjectNote} at end of projects of myFolder

RicardoSaporta 2012-03-27 04:01 PM


Thank you so much. That was exactly what I was looking for

Christian 2012-03-28 11:18 AM

Is this the complete code necessary? Can I run the script with just this and it will work? Thankee.

RicardoSaporta 2012-03-28 11:42 AM

[QUOTE=Christian;108884]Is this the complete code necessary? Can I run the script with just this and it will work? Thankee.[/QUOTE]

Hi Christian,
This is what I am using. (Note that it is part of a bigger script, and so some variables are not properly declared in the example below)

(* Since this code is copied from part of a larger script,
it is missing the variable declerations.
Make sure to Set Variables as needed:

set FolderName to ...
set ProjectName to ...

tell application "OmniFocus"
set theDoc to default document

tell theDoc

set StatusContext to context "ContextInHere" of context "ParentContext" --modify as needed

--Create the folder with Project and Task
set NewAcctFolder to (make new folder with properties {name:FolderName} at end of folder id RootFolderID)
set NewOppProject to (make new project with properties {name:ProjectName, note:ProjectNote, context:StatusContext} at end of projects of NewAcctFolder)
set NewStatusTask to (make new task with properties {name:TaskName, note:TaskNote, context:StatusContext} at end of tasks of NewOppProject)

end tell
end tell

Christian 2012-03-28 12:05 PM

Grand, thanks for the quick reply! I'll test this tomorrow, could save some time for work projects.

RobTrew 2012-03-28 11:51 PM

FWIW it's also possible to nest the [I]make[/I] commands within the scope of the appropriate parent objects using [I]tell ... end tell[/I].

The new objects will be placed, by default, at the end of that parent's children.

[CODE]tell application id "OFOC"
tell default document
set oContext to first flattened context where name = "Library"

tell (first flattened folder where name = "Reading Cycles")
tell (make new folder with properties {name:"Shakespeare"})
tell (make new project with properties {name:"Lear", note:"Sturm und drang", context:oContext}) to ¬
make new task with properties {name:"First reading", note:"Skip the critical theory at this stage", context:oContext}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell[/CODE]

whpalmer4 2012-03-29 11:18 AM

[QUOTE=RobTrew;108916]The new objects will be placed, by default, at the end of that parent's children.
And if you should need them placed elsewhere, you can insert the necessary specification:

tell application id "OFOC"
tell default document
set oContext to first flattened context where name = "Library"

tell (first flattened folder where name = "Reading Cycles")
tell (make new folder with properties {name:"Shakespeare"})
tell (make new project with properties {name:"Lear", note:"Sturm und drang", context:oContext}) to ¬
make new task with properties {name:"First reading", note:"Skip the critical theory at this stage", context:oContext}
tell (make new project with properties {name:"Othello", note:"Jealousy drives men mad", context:oContext}) to ¬
make new task with properties {name:"First reading", note:"Joe Green thinks this might make a good opera, agree?", context:oContext}
tell (make new project with properties {name:"Julius Caesar", note:"Beware the Ides of March!", context:oContext} [b]at after first project[/b]) to ¬
make new task with properties {name:"First reading", note:"Skip the critical theory at this stage", context:oContext}

end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell

RobTrew 2012-03-29 02:46 PM

Some good reading projects developing here :-)

RicardoSaporta 2012-04-03 06:32 AM

Hi Rob / Whpalmer,

Thanks for the extra tips, much appreciated.

Out of curiosity, how does the term flattened work? what happens if it is omitted?


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