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dryver8 2008-07-14 05:42 AM

iphone feature request / suggestions

I've never been one to do this, but I felt a need to with this one, I know how important it is to you and the users as well..... This should not be taken as complaints in any way that is not the nature of this post, just really a few thoughts that all...... By the way, love what you've done, keep up the GREAT work!!!
[LIST=1][*]Any way for a "today" feature, it would be really nice to pull today items in so you don't have to go through everything. Perspectives work nice n the desktop app, but I'm sure would be too difficult to implement in the iphone app.[*]Please get rid of the time feature when creating a new action. The nature of "GTD" is timeless, all that's need is a date, or at least just make time an option, not a demand[/LIST][LIST=1][*]please get rid of the overdue when it relates to "time", this ties back to the time feature I mentioned above, no one likes to think they are "overdue" on something especially when it's tied to a time constraint, again maybe just an option for assigning a time for an action.[/LIST]

blewis 2008-07-14 06:42 AM

[QUOTE=dryver8;40676][*]Please get rid of the time feature when creating a new action. The nature of "GTD" is timeless, all that's need is a date, or at least just make time an option, not a demand[/QUOTE]

This doesn't appear to be a problem for me with my OF iPhone. In fact, I can't even see how I would associate a time with an Action using the OF iPhone.

dryver8 2008-07-14 06:48 AM

time in OF iphone
when you go to put due date on an action it requires a time ( i do use due dates frequently) if you don't put a due date on an action you would never see this.....

bbebop 2008-07-14 10:12 AM

[QUOTE=dryver8;40687]when you go to put due date on an action it requires a time ( i do use due dates frequently) if you don't put a due date on an action you would never see this.....[/QUOTE]
instead of eliminating time from actions, OF should be changed so that time is less granular. how about 15 minute increments? also OF should automatically assume that due dates are in the future, not. right. now.


MacSparky 2008-07-15 07:47 AM

Set Default start time to 12:00 a.m.?
One gripe I have with OmniFocus Touch is that when I move a task to the next day it sets the time to match the time I move the event. For instance, if at 10:00 a.m, I move a start date to tomorrow, it also sets the start time to 10:00 a.m. so I wont see the task in the morning when I plan my day. Is there a way to force OF to keep the start times at 12:00 a.m.?

fjordao 2008-07-15 12:12 PM

As a related request, I'd like to see an option to select a day without a time, for something that has to get done anytime that day. I've been picking noon as a default, but prefer to have them as "all day" actions.

gr8fultx 2008-07-16 01:54 PM

I agree. It would be very helpful to have a preference to turn off the need to set a time with a due date. When I use OmniFocus on my Mac, I just type today, tomorrow, Wednesday etc. To be exact, I have the preference set to 12:00AM on my Mac version of OmniFocus. I would like to see similar capability in the iPhone version - specifically to turn off the need to set a time and have a preference default that you can set for all events.


daverobeson 2008-07-16 07:45 PM

I think it may be logical if I'm entering an action for it to default the time to right now, since it's unlikely I'd schedule an action for the past and I can just roll it forward to the time I want. But if I change the day, it should roll the time to 12:00 am; if I need a more precise time I can change it, but if it's currently 10:37 am and I'm setting an action for tomorrow, it's highly unlikely I'll want to do it at 10:37. In the rare event that I've already completed an action this morning that wasn't in OF already, and I want a record of having done it, I should be able to roll the day forward or back, have the time change to 12:00 am, then roll it back to today and have the time stay at 12:00 am; I can set it more precisely if necessary.

Also, if I'm creating an action for today and the time defaults to right now, if I change the hour the minutes should roll to 00. How likely is it that if it's 10:37 am and I'm setting up an action to do on the way home this afternoon that I'll want to do it at 37 minutes after whatever hour I set it to?

Just my 2 cents. Who's with me? :)


MichaelG 2008-07-16 08:10 PM

I like the idea also to have it as an option to use time as it is now, or toggle a switch to turn it off. I wouldn't want it gotten rid of.

Brian 2008-07-16 08:25 PM

We've got a preference that controls that in OmniFocus for Mac; I'm opening up one feature request to have the iPhone app honor that preference, and another for UI to set the preference in the iPhone version, for folks who use it as a standalone app.

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