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dervid 2009-07-04 08:19 AM

Default Time for Start Date
This must have come up, but couldn't find it in search. I'd like to set the default time for Start Date (default is always 12:00am) the same way we can for Due Date. Most days I'm up past midnight - I don't like to see all the next day's tasks ("check calendar", "take vitamin", "pack lunch") popping up while I'm still thinking about the day before. Setting the start time to 6:00am solves this, but I must do it manually for each new task. Allowing me to set a default time in Preferences (so that all Start Dates are set to 6:00am) would save me a lot of work! - thanks

curt.clifton 2009-07-04 11:00 AM

You can use [URL=""]Help --> Send Feedback[/URL] to submit feature requests.

sterlingcurrency 2010-01-18 09:10 PM

[QUOTE=curt.clifton;62206]You can use [URL=""]Help --> Send Feedback[/URL] to submit feature requests.[/QUOTE]
I agree that this would be a great feature, I prefer that most of my start times kick off from 8am - it would save me a reasonable amount of time if it were possible to have that as the default time.

magown 2010-01-21 01:17 AM

I'm in the same boat. I have to manually configure every start date or else my phone will randomly chime at mid night on some nights.

curt.clifton 2010-01-21 03:00 PM

Me too posts don't affect the development database. If you want your vote to count use Help → Send Feedback.

beelers 2010-11-13 06:38 AM

I think I've requested this feature for the Data Preference before, but wanted to be sure. Please mirror the option for a "Default Time for Due Dates" with a "Default time for Start Dates" option. In my case, the default of midnight is a bad time for reminders.

Or is there a "defaults write…" option that would allow me to change my Default time for Start Dates?

Cross-posting to this forum and Help>Send Feedback…

Eric Beavers
IM EricLBeavers blog [url][/url]

RobTrew 2010-11-13 08:14 AM

In the meanwhile, if you want to check that there are no midnight starts, you can do a search and replace with applescript.

Something like this, for example:

[CODE]-- Find and replace start dates
-- Edit properties below (integers in range 0 - 24 for hours, 0 - 60 for minutes)

property pFindHours : 0
property pFindMins : 0

property pReplaceHours : 6 -- Desired start (hours)
property pReplaceMins : 0 -- Desired start (mins)

on run
tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
tell default document
set lstTasks to (flattened tasks where start date is not missing value)
set lngChanges to 0
repeat with i from 1 to length of lstTasks
set dteStart to start date of item i of lstTasks
tell dteStart
if (its hours = pFindHours and its minutes = pFindMins) then
set {its hours, its minutes} to {pReplaceHours, pReplaceMins}
set start date of item i of lstTasks to dteStart
set lngChanges to lngChanges + 1
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell

display dialog (lngChanges as string) & " start dates changed from " & PadNum(pFindHours, 2) & ":" & PadNum(pFindMins, 2) & ¬
" to " & PadNum(pReplaceHours, 2) & ":" & PadNum(pReplaceMins, 2) with title "Find & Replace Start Time"
end run

on PadNum(lngNum, lngDigits)
set strNum to lngNum as string
set lngGap to (lngDigits - (length of strNum))
repeat while lngGap > 0
set strNum to "0" & strNum
set lngGap to lngGap - 1
end repeat
end PadNum

whpalmer4 2010-11-13 08:20 AM

This is a fine example of the two-minute rule in GTD processing. I read the thread, clipped the thread to my OmniFocus inbox and put it in my Applescripts project, thinking it would be an easy project to write a script that let you adjust the start time of a bunch of actions. Rob looked at the request, thought to himself "I can type a script to adjust the start time of a bunch of actions in less than two minutes" and did it immediately :-)

atreinke 2010-11-13 08:37 AM

Thanks RobTrew, works great.

johnwin 2011-05-21 02:08 PM

Thank you for this script.

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