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Richard Flynn 2009-02-27 03:22 PM

Project completion state not being synced to Macs?
This is a funny bug that has troubled me since the beginning. Because it is relatively minor I haven't brought it up here before now.

I sync OF to two computers (Mac Pro and MacBook Pro) and an iPhone using iDisk. For the most part it all works fine. However, I have noticed one problem. When I am not travelling I tend to do most of my work on the desktop, thus most of the OmniFocus work is done on that one computer. A couple of times a week I open the MBP, partly to ensure that OF is kept up-to-date. Everything syncs fine, apart from Project completion state: the actions in a project are all ticked off but the project itself is still marked as active. I've only ever noticed this with projects that have due dates set, so often by the time I look at the MBP the projects are overdue (even though they might in reality have been completed days earlier).

Has anyone else noticed this? At first I thought that it was just a bit of a kink in the pipework but it has been happening so consistently since I started using the OF 1.1 sneaky peaks, and has continued in spite of various database re-builds and fresh syncs etc., that I've come to realize that the problem seems to be here to stay.

The iPhone correctly syncs the 'completed' state for a Project, albeit very S-L-O-W-L-Y. Yes, it got better with whichever new version it was some months ago but it still syncs so much slower than the desktop version of the application, even when the phone is connected to Wi-Fi.

JKT 2009-02-27 11:06 PM

Projects are not marked complete automatically and never have been (I won't go into why here - it has been debated a lot already on the forum). However, the ability to have this happen is being added in 1.6 which is currently in the sneakypeek phase of development.

Richard Flynn 2009-02-28 02:04 AM

Thanks for the reply. Any links to this ‘debate’? I just searched this forum and turned up nothing relevant.

whpalmer4 2009-02-28 06:02 AM

Here's one link, there are certainly other threads if you're willing to search for them that say much the same thing at greater length :-)


It is rendered moot by a feature in the 1.6 sneaky peek release that allows one to set on a per action group or project basis whether ticking off the last item marks the group/project complete (and to set the default for newly created action groups/projects).

whpalmer4 2009-02-28 06:16 AM

Another link: [URL=""][/URL] (start near the bottom of page 4)

Richard Flynn 2009-03-01 11:54 AM

Thanks. I might be being thick, but I don't think that the discussion in those threads is the same thing I'm talking about here, however much I was amused by the extensive discussion of how The Bride in the two [I]Kill Bill[/I] movies might have managed her list of mortal actions in OmniFocus.

Those threads are talking about having projects/action groups automatically be marked as complete as soon as the last child action has been completed. That's not what I want (at all). I merely want a project that I have marked as complete on one computer to be similarly marked as complete on another computer once OmniFocus has synced. At the moment, the second computer syncs, the actions are complete, but the project has become overdue because for some reason its 'completion state' hasn't been synced. This is not the same thing as auto-completion of projects with no remaining tasks, surely?

JKT 2009-03-03 01:05 AM

Sorry, misunderstood what it was you were asking about - this sounds like a bug, so you should contact OmniGroup directly using the [B]Send Feedback...[/B] link in the [B]OmniFocus>Help[/B] menu.

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