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kitsch 2010-01-13 03:47 PM

"Next Tasks" script, with sorting
I'm a beginner AppleScripter, so I'm absolutely sure there are more efficient ways to implement this, but I hacked the following together. It's a modified "ListNext.scpt" script from [URL=""]this thread[/URL], with:[LIST][*]Bubble Sort by due date[*]intelligent sorting of items without a Due Date[*]merging of tasks by section[*]shell output (for GeekTool friendliness!)[/LIST]
Anyway, here it is - hopefully, someone might find it as useful as I have:
on run
set strList to ""

tell application "OmniFocus"
set oDoc to default document

set lstSections to every section of oDoc

set strList to my ListSections(lstSections, strList)
end tell

-- split the list by line
set arrayList to split(strList, return)

-- sort the list

set strCmd to ""
repeat with strTask in arrayList
set strDate to item 1 of (split(strTask, "|"))
set strName to item 2 of (split(strTask, "|"))
if strDate is not "" then
set strCmd to strCmd & strDate & ": " & strName & return
set strCmd to strCmd & strName & return
end if
end try
end repeat

set strCmd to ("echo " & strCmd)
do shell script strCmd

end run

on ListSections(lstSections, strList)
using terms from application "OmniFocus"
repeat with oSectn in lstSections
if class of oSectn is project then

set lstTasks to every task of oSectn
if lstTasks ≠ {} then
set strList to my ListTasks(lstTasks, strList)
end if

--set strList to strList & name of oSectn & return

set lstSubSections to every section of oSectn
if lstSubSections ≠ {} then
set strList to my ListSections(lstSubSections, strList)
end if
end if
end repeat
end using terms from

return strList
end ListSections

on ListTasks(lstTasks, strList)
using terms from application "OmniFocus"
repeat with oTask in lstTasks

if next of oTask and not completed of oTask then

tell oTask
set dteDue to due date
set strList to strList & short date string of dteDue
end try
set strList to strList & "|[" & name of containing project & "] " & name & return
end tell
end if

set lstSubTasks to every task of oTask
if lstSubTasks ≠ {} then
set strList to my ListTasks(lstSubTasks, strList)
end if
end repeat
end using terms from

return strList
end ListTasks

to split(someText, delimiter)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
set someText to someText's text items
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} --> restore delimiters to default value
return someText
end split

on BubbleSort(theList)
set FAILED_COERCION to -1700

if class of theList is list then
set theSize to length of theList
repeat with i from 1 to theSize
repeat with j from 2 to (theSize - i + 1)
set strDate1 to item 1 of (split((item j of theList), "|"))
set strDate2 to item 1 of (split((item (j - 1) of theList), "|"))
if (date strDate2 > date strDate1) then
set temp to (item (j - 1) of theList)
set (item (j - 1) of theList) to (item j of theList)
set (item j of theList) to temp
end if
on error number FAILED_COERCION
set temp to (last item of theList)
set (last item of theList) to (item j of theList)
set (item j of theList) to temp
end try
end try
end repeat
end repeat
return theList
return false
end if
end BubbleSort

on replaceText(theText, swapOut, swapIn)
(* This bit comes from Apple's own "Replace Text in Item Names" script
with some of the variables changed to make it a call-able handler *)
if the theText contains the swapOut then
-- replace target string using delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the swapOut
set the text_item_list to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the swapIn
set the theText to the text_item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
end if
return theText
end replaceText

kingsinger 2010-01-18 01:53 AM

What is the name of the txt file it outputs? I'm not sure it's working, and I know nothing about reading scripts?

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