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aearle 2007-11-21 10:00 AM

actions are immovable
Since updating to most current omnifocus i cannot reorder (structure or move) actions in context view. I get this message (with exclamation point icon): Unable to move to this location.

Anyone else having problem?

curt.clifton 2007-11-21 10:29 AM

I don't recall ever being able to rearrange actions manually in context view. I've been using the alpha full time since May.

jasong 2007-11-21 10:32 AM

Maybe... any chance that action is part of a single action bucket?

jasong 2007-11-21 10:43 AM

The Structure menu gives the impression that you can, and I also seem to recall being able to do it, and recently encountered this very error, but remember if I was in Context mode when it happened.

If in fact you can't restructure your actions (it makes sense not to, except when it does...), those menu items should be dimmed.

aearle 2007-11-21 11:25 AM

I don't get it; if I'm going to look at a list of (for example) phone calls I need to make, surely it's helpful to have been able to prioritize them?

jasong 2007-11-21 12:22 PM

I think the reasoning behind this inability (assuming it's not just a bug) is that you can visually scan the list and make calls as you want to, and not simply go down the list of calls in order. All calls are equal, and if they're not, you usually know why and which ones to make.

Not making a judgement on whether this is appropriate or not. I suggest filing feedback with Omni.

aearle 2007-11-21 01:14 PM

Clifton, The feature or constraint may well have been this way for ever; I just today came across it, and it was actually the first Omnifocus action I've wanted to perform and couldn't. Glad its my issue (listing & not-doing) and not a bug!

Thanks Jasong, I do see your point; I must admit that tinkering with my lists is a vice of mine .....

Tim Wood 2007-11-23 08:40 PM

[QUOTE=jasong;25535]If in fact you can't restructure your actions (it makes sense not to, except when it does...), those menu items should be dimmed.[/QUOTE]

We have some bugs logged on this, <bug://bugs/39828> ("Move" menu validation isn't right) with variants for the Group and Indent menus. So far you are the only user that's noticed, but it's on our radar. These are current scheduled for UI freeze; so hopefully they'll make it in to 1.0.

sylvaticus 2009-06-02 07:30 PM

this thread is a bit old, but i wanted to mention that i just tried to sort some actions: books i put on a reading list. i wanted to sort the books in the order i wanted to read them, not the order i entered the action. unfortunately, i can't drag them to their new order.


whpalmer4 2009-06-02 09:19 PM

It seems to work fine for me. I grab the row handle (the dot in front of the checkbox), and drag the row where I want it, judging by the moving row outline and arrow where to drop it. Are you trying to do this in context mode, perhaps?

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