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David_Haddad 2013-04-26 09:34 PM

Perspective that shows only Repeating Actions?
I'd like the perspective to be based on the actual data of whether the action is repeating, rather than giving the actions a context of repeating or putting them under a project or action list titled repeating. But I don't see any way to do it, is it possible?


Cypher 2013-04-27 01:59 PM

I prefix all my repeating tasks with a $ sign, followed by a letter to remind me if its daily, weekly, monthly etc. $2w would be a two weekly task. I do this because its hard to quickly see if a tasks is a repeating one when using the iPhone forecast mode.

I sometimes mark a repeating task completed, even though I know it isn't and won't be before its next due. I know that it will pop back up again next week anyway and I like the confirmation of knowing I'm safe to close the task by seeing the prefix. Before I used the $ I closed some none repeating tasks in error and lost them for good.

I haven't done what your asking as part of my work flow but given that all my repeating items have a $ in them I guess I could now create a new perspective, then save the search as part of that perspective.

I've just tried to create it but found the menu item Perspective - Save Window As - New Perspective was greyed out when I tried to save the search. To get around this I just create a new perspective without the search and called it Repeats. I then selected a different perspective from the list to change the view, then reselected the Repeats perspective to make sure it viewed ok. Once that was showing I added the search using $. The view changed to only showed items containing a $. Then I selected Perspective - Take Snapshot of Repeats to save the search and create the new perspective.

If the Save Window As - New Perspective is available then you could just use that. I tried the above in a context view and in that mode I could save it ok using Save Window As.

David_Haddad 2013-04-27 04:43 PM

Wow, AWESOME response, thanks. Works perfect. Same thing did happen with the graying out BTW.

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