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stef007 2012-08-27 07:49 AM

Mountain Lion - Notifications
Is there any OF for Mac integration with Mountain Lion's Notifications?

Lizard 2012-08-27 03:38 PM

Not directly, though we're considering this for a future release.

In the meantime, since OmniFocus already has notifications through Growl, you could probably get something working with Growl and Hiss: [url][/url]

Lizard 2012-08-27 03:38 PM

Oh, huh, that blog post's 6 months old. You may want to scout around for more current information. /facepalm.

wilsonng 2012-08-27 05:04 PM

There is Mountain Growl that lets you linkGrowl notifications to Notification Center...

However, you have to buy Growl from the Mac App Store and then get the open source Mountain Growl...


TheMaJa 2012-09-03 11:00 AM

I would prefer native notification center support in OmniFocus sooner than later. Every Growl-based redirection solution has the huge disadvantage that every app that uses this mechanism shows up in the Growl section of notification center and that there is only one banner/alert setting for all Growl apps in notification preferences.

FatalError 2012-09-08 10:03 AM

Much needed. Growl + Growl Notification Center Tweak (for the time being until Growl 2.0 is released) isn't a great solution. Native support would be a lot better.

EDIT: Workaround with Growl 1.4 and [URL=""]MountainLion Growl[/URL] is okish. But [URL=""]no app icon support[/URL] currently.

gtdwannabe 2012-11-30 07:08 AM

please add native support
i would like to echo the requests for native support of the notification center.

Also, maybe the forums need some sort of like or +1 feature

belgian85 2012-12-06 12:21 AM

How about using [url][/url]

Ruefus 2012-12-09 11:42 AM

I have several Omni applications.

I find it more than a little disconcerting that Notification Center support not only isn't already included, but apparently is 'being considered'.

Terribly frustrating to pay THIS kind of money for (very) good apps and have a basic feature of the OS they support not included.

mikemikemike 2012-12-11 09:37 AM

I'd echo this request. I don't mind growl notifications, but I do mind that Growl asks me (again and again and again) to update it. I appreciate growl, but I have no interest in paying for the app that came bundled with omnifocus. Feels a little intrusive to decline to pay for it, with no obvious way to tell it permanently that I don't want to donate.

And, yes, it feels cheap on Omni's part to have built in something to an already expensive piece of software that asks for further handouts later.

-an omnifocus devotee

Good, fast response from Omnifocus. Obvious how to do this, in retrospect:

Sorry for the confusion! Our apps will make use of the Growl library if it's present on your Mac, but we didn't write the code for it. It looks like the info you're after is posted here on the Growl website:

but if that doesn't solve the issue, you can contact the developers here:

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