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curt.clifton 2009-08-14 06:43 AM

OF 1.7 Perspective Problems
Besides the problems with loading 1.6.1 perspectives, documented [URL=""]here[/URL], there are several other issues with perspectives in 1.7, sneaky peek 117140:
[LIST][*] There no longer seems to be any UI to control whether a perspective open in a new window or the current window by default. Perspectives from 1.6.1 remember that setting, but I don't see a way to change it.[*] The presence of the View Bar and side bar in a perspective are not remembered from 1.6.1. Resetting those, then saving the window back to the perspective, seems to get 1.7 to remember them, though not consistently.[*] Perspectives no longer remember the expand/collapse state of grouping headers, even with the Restore Expansion box checked. This renders my Tickler perspective worthless.[/LIST]
(All submitted by Help → Send Feedback.)

Given the number of changes in this area, it's probably one place where testers can provide lots of good feedback. What other issues with perspectives have folks found?

curt.clifton 2009-08-14 06:52 AM

The release notes claim that "Perspectives are no longer stored as files on the disk". However, renaming a perspective in OF 1.7 still causes the perspective file in ~/Application Support/OmniFocus/Perspectives to be renamed. There must still be some legacy code doing untoward things there.

(Submitted by Help → Send Feedback.)

Ken Case 2009-08-14 07:13 AM

[QUOTE=curt.clifton;64589]However, renaming a perspective in OF 1.7 still causes the perspective file in ~/Application Support/OmniFocus/Perspectives to be renamed. There must still be some legacy code doing untoward things there.[/QUOTE]

This is fixed in the latest sneaky peek.

Kosjer D 2009-08-14 07:31 AM

well in the field of perspective it has to be noted that since 1.6.1 it was possible to have the sidebar visible e.g. in projects perspective but hidden in the inbox perspective. since 1.7 the sidebar is visible all the time or hidden all the time. not bothering what was set for the perspective.

on the migration from 1.6.1 to 1.7 all custom perspectives were lost (happened a few times, like read on twitter)

Greg Jones 2009-08-14 07:47 AM

The icons assigned to perspectives also do not appear to stick after quitting and re-launching OF, using SP ...7151

omnibob 2009-08-14 07:49 AM

1.7 (v77.32.0.117151)

Didn't bring my Perspectives back.

When I spotlighted a Perspective name, the window shows the Perspective name exactly as I created it. Kind: OmniFocus Project Metadata. Last opened: Today, 8:36am (just now). But, it shows up as: ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/com.omnigroup.Omnifocus/g5V-Wp-nfOv.ofocus-project-metadata . Openable from the Finder, but not from within OF. I reported all this to OG.


curt.clifton 2009-08-14 08:02 AM

[QUOTE=Greg Jones;64598]The icons assigned to perspectives also do not appear to stick after quitting and re-launching OF, using SP ...7151[/QUOTE]

Confirmed. This seems to be a regression in that SP. They stuck previously.

omnibob 2009-08-14 08:27 AM

I downloaded 1.6.1 and overwrote 1.7; crash. I then made my last 1.6.1 data file active, and no crash, but no Perspectives. I think this is because upon moving to 1.7, the Finder Perspectives were renamed like this: ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/com.omnigroup.Omnifocus/g5V-Wp-nfOv.ofocus-project-metadata I'm away from my system backups right now; do I need to restore the Perspectives folder, or is there another way? The Perspective names show up in Spotlight -- probably they are in the metadata.

(also sent to OG help)

Brian 2009-08-14 10:16 AM

[QUOTE=curt.clifton;64588]There no longer seems to be any UI to control whether a perspective open in a new window or the current window by default. Perspectives from 1.6.1 remember that setting, but I don't see a way to change it.

The thinking here is that, rather than have a setting in the perspective on new-window-opening, you can hold down the option key while bringing up any perspective to open it in a new window. This should work from the menu, or from a toolbar button.

Slightly different approach than we've taken in the past, but we feel like this is simpler overall. Does it work for your purposes once you've gotten used to it?

Toadling 2009-08-14 01:58 PM

[QUOTE=Brian;64625]Does it work for your purposes once you've gotten used to it?[/QUOTE]

For me, it seems that accepting a lot of the 1.7 updates comes down to just getting comfortable with the change. When you've been doing/seeing something a particular way [I]everyday[/I] for months, you tend to get used to it. And when something suddenly changes, it's a bit jarring, even if it's an improvement. There's a bit of resistance at first before things get better. :-)


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