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okuhl 2012-10-04 09:53 AM

Change default due time
Hi, I tried searching the forum and manual, but could not find the right spot:

Is it possible to change the default due time from 5pm to something different and if yes, how?

Thank you very much!


whpalmer4 2012-10-04 11:16 AM

If you have OmniFocus for Mac, the default due time is set in the Preferences, Data tab. It will sync to your iPhone, etc.

If you don't have OmniFocus for Mac, it's a little trickier to adjust the default due time. In Safari on your iPhone (or iPod Touch, or iPad), you need to visit the URL [code]
Yes, it really has three '/' characters in a row, that's not a mistake. You'll want to change "22:00" to the appropriate 24-hour clock value for your needs.

okuhl 2012-10-04 10:50 PM

Great! That did the trick!!

Thank you very much!!


Dayala 2012-10-06 09:48 AM

Thank you so much! This has been one thing that has bugged me. Problem solved!

TMWard 2013-03-28 09:43 PM

Thanks so much! I thought it wasn't possible to change it on the iPad, so am delighted to find otherwise.

Kbs 2013-04-05 05:55 AM


Is there a similar script as above for changing the default start time on OF for iPad?

nicoledb 2013-04-05 05:57 AM

Setting a default start time is not an option on the Mac, so I suspect it's not possible on the iPad either.

whpalmer4 2013-04-05 07:09 AM

I saw something recently that gave hope that we might see such an option one of these days, but so far as I know, it is not possible with the currently shipping software.

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