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Arrow 2013-05-25 02:50 PM

Managing large number of documents on iPad
With the sync issue solved I would like to go back to using OO for iPad as a major tool. My concern is ending up with hundreds of OO documents and the cumbersome nature of the document handler and the lack of search. How have people who have very large document libraries handled this? I suppose there is some hope that iOS 7.0 will provide a better document management system, but until that day are there any tricks to make it more efficient?

Venture 2013-06-13 05:53 AM

Not a perfect solution, but I use two different OmniPresence servers to sync my stuff. I keep everything synced via the official server, and then move my "work in progress" stuff over to a free 2 GB Cloudsafe server, and sync via that. When I'm done working with something, I move it off of that server.

I guess it could be an iOS limitation, but it would be nice to see the folder structure on the Mac replicated in the iPad app. Apps like Goodreader do use folders.

owf 2013-09-21 07:09 AM

[QUOTE=Arrow;124618]With the sync issue solved I would like to go back to using OO for iPad as a major tool. My concern is ending up with hundreds of OO documents and the cumbersome nature of the document handler and the lack of search. [B]How have people who have very large document libraries handled this?[/B] I suppose there is some hope that iOS 7.0 will provide a better document management system, but until that day are there any tricks to make it more efficient?[/QUOTE]

In a word, by not using OmniOutliner on the iPad. It's too painful.

The limited file handling is nothing to do with iOS, but was a conscious implementation choice by Omni, and it is hopeless for dealing with hundreds of files.

I have several hundred outlines I'd like to be able to use/edit on my iPad. They're small enough that they fit easily on my WebDAV server without any difficulty, but OO's toy-like file handling makes it all-but-impossible to reasonably work with so many files.

I got around the lack of folders by adding each subfolder individually to OmniPresence (thankfully I only have 1 level of subfolders), but the lack of even rudimentary file-handling functions like reverse sort (Z-A instead of A-Z) and a list view (what use are previews when I have 100's of documents based on the same template?) make OO a massive PITA to use with lots and lots of documents.

In terms of performance, OmniPresence and OO do a wonderful job keeping hundreds of files in sync, but the file-management UI sucks badly.

To my mind, this is a deal-breaker in an app that is clearly aimed at serious users (at least in terms of price).

Simply adding reverse sort would go a long way to solving this problem (for me, at least). A multi-column file list (like Windows Explorer), so I can see more than 12 documents at once would be a great addition, too, as would a search-on-filename function.

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