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yann 2010-07-30 02:06 PM

I bought OF for iPhone to use on my iPhone, but never could. Can you help me?
Startup was always 5-10sec minimum so I could never use it as an inbox which, let's face it, is the #1 function you'd wanna use it for on the go.

Synch kept on bugging out (aka. "can't find synch server"), not every time, but often enough for me not to do it every day which, as any GTDer will tell you, kind of defeats the purpose.

I tried all kinds of things from the info I found on the forum to no avail... So, a while back, I just basically stopped trying to use it... Then I see this rebate you have going on for newbie users and I'm starting to wonder why you're nicer to them than the old timers.

Brian 2010-07-30 02:47 PM

Yann, I've got a short answer and a long answer - figure I'll post the short answer then finish up the long one.

Short answer: we can absolutely help and we would love to do so. While I wouldn't rule a refund out, I don't think it's the first step.

The kind of problems you're describing are the ones that our [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] are very successful in solving with the customers that have had them. If you call or email, we'll start that process.

Now, back to the long answer. :-)

yann 2010-07-30 03:03 PM

OF iPhone has always been slow... I don't think it's a tech issue ninja could help with (although I did post on forums before and emailed too I think, and we tried a few things), but more of a level expectation that's different bt. OG and me. I believe the startup of OF on iPhone to be usable should be similar to the iPod app. The all point of GTD is to get out of the way... open > inbox > jot down action/project > done. If you have to wait between any of those steps, then the system implementation get in the way and I think it goes against the GTD principle.

I should mention I have an iPhone 3G (not S, not 4) and I'm sure it's much better on newer phones, but when OF iPhone came out, those phones didn't even exist ;)

Thanks though.

Brian 2010-07-30 03:09 PM

Yann, I'm really sorry that the reimbursements left you feeling like we didn't care about you. That's absolutely not the case. Whenever possible, we want customers to feel good about us and the products they purchase from us. We know we'll never reach 100% customer satisfaction, but we're going to try to get as close to that mark as we possibly can.

We've seen a few people left feeling this way, so we're working on clarifying the reason behind the purchase reimbursements we're doing. They aren't meant as a sales gimmick or a "new customer discount". In fact, it's not a discount at all; we're reimbursing the purchases a specific group of customers made. Customers with iPads but no iPhone. (Will some folks with both devices take advantage of this program? Probably. Don't like it, wish they wouldn't, but hey, them's the breaks.)

Why? So they can buy the product they really wanted - OmniFocus for iPad - without paying the extra cost of the iPhone product they were using temporarily.

Ideally, all of our applications would have been available on iPad launch day, but our team is not big enough to do that. When we decided that OmniFocus for iPad wouldn't be available at iPad launch day, part of the reason we did that was because the option of using the iPhone app on the device was there.

Now that the iPad application is ready, iPad-only customers can use either product. Customers with both devices can either buy both products, or use the iPhone application on both. And if someone wants to use the iPhone app on their iPad to save some money, they should have that option. That's great.

What we didn't want was to collect [I]extra[/I] money from someone that was willing to wait for us to finish the iPad application and use the iPhone one in the meantime. We want those folks to spend the same amount as everyone else that chooses to buy OmniFocus for iPad.

Brian 2010-07-30 03:15 PM

[QUOTE=yann;81773]I believe the startup of OF on iPhone to be usable should be similar to the iPod app.[/QUOTE]

Can you explain what you mean here? Did you mean Mac app? iPhones and iPod Touches both run the same app, so I'm a little confused.

We try to make startups as fast as we can, but the processors in desktop Macs are close to 1000 times faster than the ones in iOS devices, so there are some limits to what we can do. In my experience, we can almost always help improve things if you let us lend a hand.

Also, are you aware of the Quick Entry button being active during app launch? We made sure that was there to enable quick capture while the rest of the app got things rolling.

Fireproof 2010-07-31 11:02 AM

[QUOTE=Brian;81777]Can you explain what you mean here? Did you mean Mac app? iPhones and iPod Touches both run the same app, so I'm a little confused.

We try to make startups as fast as we can, but the processors in desktop Macs are close to 1000 times faster than the ones in iOS devices, so there are some limits to what we can do. In my experience, we can almost always help improve things if you let us lend a hand.

Also, are you aware of the Quick Entry button being active during app launch? We made sure that was there to enable quick capture while the rest of the app got things rolling.[/QUOTE]

Yann - what OS version are you running on your iPhone? Because if you've updated your 3G to iOS 4, then I bet that is the culprit. My phone slowed to a crawl, particularly on startup of apps. My OF startup slowed down significantly. And while I don't remember how it affected OF compared to other apps, I do know that some apps were worse than others. Searching MacRumors forums will reveal this is a common problem with OS4 on iPhone 3G.

Contrast to my colleagues iPhone 3GS - OF starts up fast. And on my new iphone 4 - OF starts up REALLY fast.

endoftheQ 2010-07-31 11:36 AM

Hi Yann,

I had exactly the same problem as Fireproof, so if you've upgraded a 3g to iOS4, you have my sympathy.

Greg Jones kindly found me a solution, you can find it amongst my anti-Apple ranting in this [URL=""]thread[/URL].

However, be warned, I lost all the data associated with my Apps and settings. So you might want to wait for iOS4.1 in which, it's rumoured, Apple will be addressing this issue.

If you have the OmniFocus for Mac program, another solution that some Members have found useful is [URL=""]here[/URL].

Hope that helps.

howiem 2010-07-31 12:34 PM

[QUOTE=yann;81773]I believe the startup of OF on iPhone to be usable should be similar to the iPod app.[/QUOTE]

I think this is referring to the iPod music app on the phone.

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