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lmsboy 2012-02-17 01:33 AM

OSX Mountain Lion and OF!?
Hey there,
does anyone could start OmniFocus under Mountain Lion?

Mine hangs up on 'caching...' -.-

To bad x_X

mtpearson 2012-02-17 01:46 AM

Omnifocus and Mountain Lion - No Go, yet...
I ran the upgrade to ML overnight only to wakeup to my morning ritual and NO OmniFocus. I guess we should have checked for compatibility first. The majority of my Apps are working so lets hope this gets fixed fairly quickly.

Hey can we get a 60 day trial to OF for iPhone/iPad while this is being fixed? I feel like I can't live without my lists!!!

ramsesthethird 2012-02-17 02:29 AM

Indeed - same issue here. Really should not have done such a thing. Thankfully I'm a user of both iOS apps, so have access, but it's not quite the same.

I know it's not Omni's issue or fault - I hope a quick fix is possible.

lmsboy 2012-02-17 02:43 AM

I'm checking


every hour :D

mdiamant 2012-02-17 04:45 AM

I guess there's a little comfort in knowing it's not just me. i have a company bought version and tried everything including changing folder permissions, deleting caches and prefs, importing working DBs etc. No luck. I'm also hoping for a sneaky peek fix or some other temporary version. it's the only app so far on my upgraded dev machine that doesn't work. glad it's not my only machine but it's my only laptop :)

CatOne 2012-02-17 08:16 AM

Installing an early pre-release of an OS on a critical machine… precious.

It's a developer preview, not production. There's always the possibility there's a bug in Mountain Lion that the Omni folks can't easily work around (or, the workaround is a real pain and waiting for Apple to issue an update would be prudent). You guys may be SOL for a while.

whpalmer4 2012-02-17 11:00 AM

Some of us aren't even sure we are ready to install plain old Lion on our production machines yet :-)

Disk drives are so cheap that no one should experiment on their production system without a safety net. Clone the disk with SuperDuper! or Carbon Copy Cloner, then try out new operating systems on the clone. At such time as you switch to using the new OS, use the extra disk as a clone backup, updated regularly. Good news is that some of the Omni developers undoubtedly have installed ML and are probably hard at work on finding out why OF doesn't work.

Lizard 2012-02-17 12:45 PM

Thanks all for making sure we know about this. We're looking into it.

Patriot 2012-02-17 03:20 PM

Same behavior here, and glad you're working on this.

Ken Case 2012-02-17 04:18 PM

We believe we have a workaround which lets you use the current build of OmniFocus now, but Mountain Lion is still under NDA so we'll be posting the workaround to Apple's dev forums (where discussions of NDA'd material are allowed).

It's not posted there yet, but look for it later this weekend.

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