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fredslz 2010-02-14 08:54 AM

Problem using clipping with Omnifocus 1.7.5 and Firefox 3.6
2 Attachment(s)
Hi Everyone,

I need help. I've just downloaded and installed Omnifocus to evaluate it.

When I try to create a new item in Omnifocus from Firefox (using clipping function), I go to Firefox->Service menu and then click in the option "Omnifocus: Send to Inbox". The Quick Entry dialog appears but I receive error messages (see attachments) and it doesn't work.

Is there a problem with my system or Omnifocus really works in such way?

I found out right now that when I try to do the same thing with the selected text in a html text field everything works fine. In the problem related above I select a text in a web page.

I did the same thing with THINGS and it works very well.


Frederico Alves

Snow Leopard
Omnifocus 1.7.5
Firefox 3.6

derekr 2010-02-17 09:15 AM

While Firefox is definitely working on Services support for future versions, they're not quite there yet. For the time being, you might want to use our bookmarklet: [URL=""]Here.[/URL]

gilesthur 2010-03-07 02:43 PM

This doesn't appear to work for me, it brings up the Omnifocus application but nothing else :(

kingsinger 2010-03-07 11:22 PM

[QUOTE=gilesthur;74366]This doesn't appear to work for me, it brings up the Omnifocus application but nothing else :([/QUOTE]

Open up the quick entry window after the bookmarklet opens up OF. You may find that while the QE window did not open as it should have it did populate the window with the correct info.

gilesthur 2010-03-08 12:37 AM

Thanks but there is nothing in the Quick Entry box when I check it. Is anybody else having these problems with Firefox 3.6?

Interestingly when you follow the link to the bookmarklet it makes reference to the fact that this is a feature of Omnifocus 1.8. Like the original poster I am running OF 1.7.5, could this be the issue, do I need to be running 1.8? I thought 1.7.5 was the latest version and check for updates confirms this

whpalmer4 2010-03-08 02:59 AM

Yes, that will be your problem, as the ability to add tasks via URL used by this bookmarklet is a 1.8 feature for the desktop software. 1.8 is in "sneaky peek" release, and not shown to you by the software updater until you have previously installed a 1.8 version because you have to make a conscious decision to use the alpha-test software. You can read more about the 1.8 sneaky peek releases, including what new features they incorporate, at [url][/url]. I do not recall any changes which would make it difficult to switch back to 1.7.5 if you try it and decide you don't like it at the moment.

kaijin 2010-03-12 10:20 AM

Send to OmniFocus Bookmarklet does not function in Firefox 3.6 using OF 1.8. Using the bookmarklet produces a page with this message:

File not found
Firefox can't find the file at omnifocus:///add?note=

OF Quick Entry is not called and a new task is not created. Previous versions of OF are not archived.

The bookmarklet functions correctly using Safari.

OSX 10.5.8 PPC
Firefox 3.6
OmniFocus 1.8 sneaky peek (v77.46.0.128249)

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