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JochenR 2007-07-08 04:14 AM

How to make Omniweb always start up with start page

my question is really simple and probably silly but I did ot figure it out yet:
how do I make OmniWEB show the configured startpage on Startup?
My OmniWEB always shows the page(s) I was last visiting.



zottel 2007-07-10 12:20 PM

You probably set your default workspace to autosave, so the workspace will be restored every time you start OW. Just create a new workspace and use that; OW will always start up with the workspace that was active when OW was quitted. If you don't need it anymore, you can delete the other workspace afterwards.

Regards, zottel

troyb 2007-07-10 12:46 PM

You can actually turn this setting on and off for any workspace. The setting is called "Auto-Save while browsing" and can be found by clicking on "Show Workspaces" in the Workspaces menu. Just uncheck the setting and you will no longer preserve open windows and tabs between launches.

JochenR 2007-07-12 10:46 AM

Thanks al lot! This Workspaces menu was what I was looking for.



hardcoreUFO 2007-08-05 10:38 AM

On a related note -- how can you force OW to open the default workspace each time it is started. It currently opens the last viewed workspace, which is annoying if you just want to open a single page quickly but have to wait for an entire workspace full of pages to load before you can do anything.


troyb 2007-08-05 09:01 PM

You can't force the same workspace to open on launch right now. You can launch OmniWeb by double clicking on workspace files but that's the closest you can get to this behavior at the moment.

Workspace files are here:
~/Library/Application Support/OmniWeb 5/Workspaces/
(where ~ is your home folder)

live4ever 2007-08-06 11:09 AM

How about a feature in the OmniWeb dock icon when you hold click (ctrl-click) and you can choose the workspace to start up with.

troyb 2007-08-06 11:44 AM

Personally I'm totally for adding some way to do this. We'll probably have to wait for OmniWeb 6, but something hopefully :)

hardcoreUFO 2007-08-19 12:59 PM

It would seem reasonable, if you have a "Default" workspace, to have that workspace open automatically when you open OW. Perhaps if users wanted the "last-opened" option they could simply rename the default workspace.

The main reason that I am arguing for this is that, particularly when I get a link from another application, if the last workspace I was on had 8 or so tabs it is extremely slow loading OW just to see the external link.

JKT 2007-08-19 04:06 PM

[QUOTE=troyb;18814]You can't force the same workspace to open on launch right now. You can launch OmniWeb by double clicking on workspace files but that's the closest you can get to this behavior at the moment.

Workspace files are here:
~/Library/Application Support/OmniWeb 5/Workspaces/
(where ~ is your home folder)[/QUOTE]
Are you going to fix the bug that causes the Workspace to reload after clicking the Workspace menu in the menubar for the first time when you have launched OmniWeb this way?

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