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eronel 2007-12-12 03:26 AM

New Inspector - love/hate
I love that the inspector does not take up so much screen real estate now.

I hate that everything is split up into separate modes, even things that are in common. This means that when I arrow up and down the project hierarchy I can no longer view the inspector info for each item without mousing over to the inspector and changing the mode. Sorry, Omni, but this is a really bad thing. Please tell me there are plans to change this.

type11 2007-12-12 03:34 AM


I agree, splitting the inspector into separate modes makes for a really poor UI experience.

filmgeek 2007-12-12 04:27 AM

It's a problem because now you have to do tons of clicks to switch to different panels.

SpiralOcean 2007-12-12 05:28 AM

Agreed. Maybe they have plans to allow a person to drag on of the groups off to make their own window?

eronel 2007-12-12 05:38 AM

[QUOTE=SpiralOcean;28325]Agreed. Maybe they have plans to allow a person to drag on of the groups off to make their own window?[/QUOTE]

That would solve the new problem created by the modal inspector, but it wouuld negate the gains in screen real estate and consolidation that I think were the goal of the new format. For me, I'd rather not have a bunch of little inspectors all over that I have to dismiss.

coconino 2007-12-12 05:39 AM

Hate. It adds clicks, adds mental processing overhead in remembering what the icons mean, and doesn't allow easy quick assessment of items when arrow-keying through the list. I understand that more features means gizmos need to be squeezed onto each inspector, but the current layout is a backward step IMHO.

Also, it seems broken when inspecting projects.

joelande 2007-12-12 05:45 AM

Couldn't they just make it so that when you click on an action, the action inspector is shown, when you click on a project, the project inspector is shown, ditto for group and context?

Auto-switching the inspector based on selection would eliminate all of the clicking....

eronel 2007-12-12 05:48 AM

As long as the position of common items is retained for the different views. If I'm arrowing around my list and looking at repeats, for example, I want to anchor my eyes in the same place and see all repeat info there, whether it's project, action group, or task repeats.

iNik 2007-12-12 06:06 AM

There's some more discussion about this [url=]in this thread.[/url]

I think having the inspectors (optionally?) switch dynamically depending on what you select might be ideal. You can always click on the Project inspector tab/mode while a task is selected if you want to change the containing project, but otherwise you'll get everything you need to edit that task as soon as its selected.

The movement of the inspector might be a bit jarring, but I think it could be made to work well.

I'm NOT a fan of splitting up property types (repeats, etc.) as with the old inspectors. I think there's great value to having the ability to edit every property of an item in one place. (Even if it DOES have a disturbing similarity to many Windows apps' "properties" panes)

SpiralOcean 2007-12-12 06:18 AM

The inspectors didn't take up that much more room than what we have. You could always collapse the ones you didn't want to see and you would have the same real estate you have now. Only now, for those that have the real estate to see all inspectors at once... can not see all inspectors at once.

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