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vauha27 2008-11-18 11:11 AM

What is in your daily review?
I'd be glad if some of you would just share their daily review workflow using omnifocus. How did you set up omnifocus, which folders, projects, tasks do you use, are there any special perspectives you use?

Thanks in advance

curt.clifton 2008-11-18 02:21 PM

[QUOTE=vauha27;51095]I'd be glad if some of you would just share their daily review workflow using omnifocus. How did you set up omnifocus, which folders, projects, tasks do you use, are there any special perspectives you use?[/QUOTE]

I have a morning review that I do at work and an evening review that I do at home. Don't be put off by the complexity. These have evolved over time.

Morning Review:
- [ ] Process Email
- [ ] Empty In Folder
- [ ] Empty In Box
- [ ] Review Today's Calendar
- [ ] Empty OmniFocus Inbox
- [ ] Review active projects
Step through Active Projects due for review today
- [ ] Any projects to put On Hold or move to someday/maybe? (Be
- [ ] Any projects that are stuck?
- [ ] Planning/clarity needed?
- [ ] True next action identified?
- [ ] Attach purpose, "success looks like", etc.
- [ ] Review Next Actions Lists
- [ ] Important perspective
- [ ] Urgent Radar perspective

Evening Review:
- [ ] Review Tomorrow’s Ticklers
- [ ] Check mirror for notes
- [ ] Empty Moleskine
- [ ] Empty Voice Memos
- [ ] Empty In Folder
- [ ] Empty In Box
- [ ] Process Email
- [ ] Empty OmniFocus Inbox
- [ ] Verify Next Actions for all Projects
- [ ] Review Tomorrow’s Calendar
- [ ] Print Errands tasklists
- [ ] Sync phone

Here are the perspectives I use:[LIST][*] [I]OmniFocus Inbox[/I] Perspective opens in new window, project mode, focused on inbox, sidebar closed, view bar hidden, toolbar hidden[*] [I]Active Project Review[/I] Perspective opens in new window, project mode, sidebar closed, view bar hidden, active projects, grouped by next review, unsorted, remaining actions, any duration, any flag status[*] [I]Important[/I] Perspective opens in current window, context mode, active contexts, grouped by context, sorted by due date, available actions, any duration, flagged[*] [I]Urgent Radar[/I] Perspective opens in current window, context mode, active contexts, grouped by due date, sorted by due date, remaining actions, any duration, any flag status[*] [I]Ticklers[/I] Perspective opens in new window, context mode, sidebar closed, view bar hidden, remaining contexts, grouped by start date, sorted by due date, remaining actions, any duration, any flag status, all groups collapsed except start today and start tomorrow[*] [I]Errands[/I] Perspective opens in new window, context mode, sidebar closed, view bar hidden, remaining contexts, grouped by context, sorted by flagged, available actions, any duration, any flag status, just Errands contexts selected in side bar[/LIST]
Additionally, I use a script to [URL=""]Verify Next Actions Exist[/URL].

whpalmer4 2008-11-18 04:14 PM

Curt, any significance to the ordering of inbox, in folder, and email processing being different morning and evening?

Do you retain your review checklists for posterity, or just do them and discard?

Always interesting to see the details of someone's thoughtfully designed of the things I like best about this forum!

curt.clifton 2008-11-19 04:09 AM

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;51118]Curt, any significance to the ordering of inbox, in folder, and email processing being different morning and evening?[/QUOTE]

Mostly just to minimize my off-email time by pushing my last email check as close as possible to bed time and my first email check as close as possible to waking time.

[QUOTE=whpalmer4;51118]Do you retain your review checklists for posterity, or just do them and discard?[/QUOTE]

I keep my checklists in OmniOutliner. I open the checklist, uncheck all items, then work through it. I actually have iCal events configured with "alarms" that open the checklists for me.

steve 2008-11-19 12:38 PM

Curt- What do you see as the advantage to keeping it in OmniOutliner as opposed to having your actions repeat daily in OmniFocus? I suppose one advantage is the ability to have certain checklists fire up on weekdays and perhaps another one on the weekend.

I am hoping for finer grain control over repeating actions, but that topic is in another thread.

curt.clifton 2008-11-19 02:16 PM

[QUOTE=steve;51211]Curt- What do you see as the advantage to keeping it in OmniOutliner as opposed to having your actions repeat daily in OmniFocus? I suppose one advantage is the ability to have certain checklists fire up on weekdays and perhaps another one on the weekend.[/QUOTE]

I like having the checklist open automatically in a separate window at a specified time. I suppose I could make that happen with a properly focused perspective in OF, but I found a separate OO file easier to set up. (And truth be told, when I set up the review checklists OF didn't have perspectives. Come to think of it, OF didn't exist. ;-)

I don't really see an advantage personally to putting these checklists in OF. I don't need a record of having completed each step, and I complete all the steps in one sitting. Having the checklist in OO lets me Cmd-Tab between OF and OO and flip between windows and perspectives in OF without losing my checklist.

steve 2008-11-21 07:42 AM

Curt, as always, you are right. It is working out much better for me to have the list outside of omnifocus. As you say, I don't need to track this in anyway and I prefer the ability to have lists pop up when I need them.


curt.clifton 2008-11-21 10:18 AM

[QUOTE=steve;51348]Curt, as always, you are right. It is working out much better for me to have the list outside of omnifocus. As you say, I don't need to track this in anyway and I prefer the ability to have lists pop up when I need them.[/QUOTE]

That's pretty high pressure to always be right! But thanks for the kind words. I'm glad the technique is working for you.

Quorcork 2008-12-01 07:24 AM

Funny, i came to using oo for the checklists, too. :-)
My daily review task contains a link to the corresponding daily review.oo template, as do the other reviews...
So yeah, more pressure: I'd say, too, that it seems you were right...


Christopher 2008-12-03 07:00 PM

[QUOTE=curt.clifton;51112]I have a morning review that I do at work and an evening review that I do at home. Don't be put off by the complexity. These have evolved over time.


Curt, these are very helpful. Thank you for posting them. Do you have similar lists for a weekly review? How do you handle that?

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