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enderland 2011-10-19 07:22 AM

How to control behavior of repeating+flagged actions? How to sort by due date?
Hey everyone,

I've recently started using OmniFocus and LOVE IT! Great program. Two questions which have come from this:

1) When I have a flagged task that recurs daily, whenever I check it off, another task is created (as I want), but the new task is also flagged. Is there a way to have all new tasks NOT be created flagged (so it still will create the task but not display it in the "flagged" search category). I'm using flagged tasks to indicate tasks I intend to work on each day, and so having to remove the flag from the newly created item is an extra step.

2) when viewing my Library, is there a way to sort all individual items within projects by due date? I've not been able to find a way to do this by playing with any of the filters.

Thanks in advance :)

SFF 2011-10-19 05:38 PM

1. Not that I know of.

2. If you are in Planning Mode, select all the actions within the project (CMD-A or shift-click the full action list), then Edit->Sort->By Date Due. If you are in Context Mode, you should simply be able to Sort by "Due" using the View bar, or clicking on the "Due" column heading.

whpalmer4 2011-10-20 06:15 AM

It is important to note that what SFF suggests produces two very different results. Edit->Sort actually rearranges the actions, just as if you had dragged them into the desired order. If you have two windows open, both will change. The order that OmniFocus will give you the actions to do will change. Using the View options does not rearrange the actions, and if you have two windows open, only the one in which you change the options will change. The actions will still be given to you in the same order. If you just want to see a list of your actions arranged in some fashion, using Context mode and the View options is probably the way to go. If you need your actions and projects permanently rearranged, then Edit->Sort is what you want.

avandelay 2011-10-20 06:35 AM

[QUOTE=enderland;103095]When I have a flagged task that recurs daily, whenever I check it off, another task is created (as I want), but the new task is also flagged. Is there a way to have all new tasks NOT be created flagged...[/QUOTE]

I use flagged items to indicate "today" tasks too. I have one for taking out the recycling which recurs every week, on Tuesday. I set the START date to Tuesday at 8am and the DUE date to Tuesday at 11pm. It stays flagged, but because my flagged perspective only shows "available" actions, I don't see it there until Tuesday at 8am when it becomes available. Until then, it's hidden from that view.

Brian 2011-10-20 11:41 AM

First off, welcome to the forums and thanks for the kind words!

[QUOTE=enderland;103095]1) When I have a flagged task that recurs daily, whenever I check it off, another task is created (as I want), but the new task is also flagged. Is there a way to have all new tasks NOT be created flagged (so it still will create the task but not display it in the "flagged" search category)?[/QUOTE]

This isn't currently possible, but we do have a feature request open on something like this; I'll attach you so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added in the future. Thanks!

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