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acg521 2007-09-04 09:02 PM

Previews for webpages
[SIZE="2"]my addiction to cooliris previews prevents omniweb from being my main browser. in firefox (and other browsers) cooliris previews is an add-on where everytime you hover the pointer over a link a little blue dot appears next to it. Move the pointer over to the dot and a temporary pop-up of that webpage appears. move the pointer away from the preview screen and the pop-up disappears-no clicking necessary.

I'd love to see a similar feature on omniweb. generating pop-ups on command, without clicking, rather than creating tabs, is indespensible when using search engines, online shopping, and browsing forums. it's especially helpful when using a desktop computer where the keyboard and mouse combo to create tabs is painful - on laptops tab creation is more convenient, obviously, but omniweb's side tabs are not (due to the smaller screen).

while I work my way towards a mouse-free existence on the desktop, a preview function would be wonderful. I want omniweb to be my main browser, but without a preview feature, i'm suck using rediculously unstable firefox. help![/SIZE]

live4ever 2007-09-14 12:57 PM

This would be a sweet feature for version 6 - a [URL=""]Quick Look[/URL] plugin for the web page links (Leopard only I'd assume though), where you'd hover over the link and press the spacebar to get a "Quick Look" at it. I wonder if it is in the Leopard development releases for looking a plain html files within the Finder. I'm going to submit via email feedback (Help>Send Feedback) make sure you do the same.

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