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mericleman 2011-03-12 06:34 AM

Recurring Shopping List
I am trying to use OF for a recurring grocery shopping list. I would like to have two lists (one for each store I shop at) that have all the items I may want buy and then be able to check (or uncheck) the ones I need to buy that week. I tried setting up a checklist with recurring items, but it is not working. The list shows multiple due dates for the same items.

Any help would be appreciated.

whpalmer4 2011-03-12 07:19 AM

I go with a Single Action List and repeating actions for staples, rather than trying to do a checklist like you described. Each action repeats (via Start again) at an interval that reflects how quickly we tend to use it up. One-off items I put on the list without repeats. If I notice I'm running low on something, I view the list showing remaining actions and make sure that the action is showing as available. If it looks like I'm going to run out in the next few days, I'll put a due date on as well.

I use just one project to cover all of the stores where I shop for groceries, but multiple contexts. I have an Errands : Grocery store which gets anything that I'm content to buy at any store, and then an Errands : Grocery store : XYZ nested underneath that gets anything I prefer to buy at XYZ. When I'm at XYZ, I buy what is shown in that context, then look at the Errands : Grocery store context and get anything else that is appropriate. I can also look at the whole Errands : Grocery store context tree and see if there's anything that is overdue and buy it (the theory being that maybe it is better to buy sandwich bread at the "wrong" place this week than to not have any bread to make my kid's lunch).

mericleman 2011-03-12 11:03 AM

After reading through some other posts it looks like I should just have a repeating project with each of my grocery items as tasks (non repeating). As I understand, and will have to test with a dummy project, is that the project will repeat and bring up all of the grocery items with it.

I do all of my grocery shopping the same day and time each week, so that may make it easier.

mericleman 2011-03-18 05:10 PM

Anyone else want to help?
Anyone else out there using OF for a recurring grocery shopping list who can help?

VincentA 2011-05-09 08:10 AM

I moved to [URL=""]Groceries[/URL] for iPhone for that kind of stuff - find it perfect for the job

denrael 2012-11-21 09:15 AM

My Ultimate Shopping List
[QUOTE=mericleman;94668]I am trying to use OF for a recurring grocery shopping list. I would like to have two lists (one for each store I shop at) that have all the items I may want buy and then be able to check (or uncheck) the ones I need to buy that week. I tried setting up a checklist with recurring items, but it is not working. The list shows multiple due dates for the same items.

Any help would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

I have played with other applications for the shopping list, and finally have brought everything into OmniFocus. I did it in the following way:

I have a single-task project trunk called "Shopping". Within there I set up the following nested items

Produce (Grocery)
- Apples (Grocery) Recurs Every 2 Weeks
- - Apples? (Needs)
- Bananas (Trader Joe's) Recurs Every Week
- - Bananas? (Needs)

Dairy (Grocery)
- Milk (Grocery) Recurs Every Week
- - Milk? (Needs)

and so on. By breaking down groups by section of the store, it shows up on my context list in the pattern I like to shop. As you can see from Bananas, I can designate a specific store if I want for an item. In my context list, Trader Joe's is under Grocery, so I can still get the overall list when I am out.

The "Needs" context is my trigger context. Whenever I realize I need something, I flip to that context and check it. So, in addition to food, I also have light bulbs, water softener salt, dry cleaning all set up within there. The Shopping list itself is huge now, but I rarely go in there except to set up something new. I spend all my time in needs or the location based context. So far it's been very effective.

atreinke 2012-11-21 02:44 PM

Here is an interesting way to do a grocery list:


Interesting blog post.

Lightstorm 2012-11-25 07:10 AM

There's a pretty extensive post on this forum here:


The method I use (although it's now slightly different) is in the sixth post of this thread. Good luck!

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