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Handycam 2007-07-25 04:34 PM

Auto-closing tab drawer
In other tabbed apps, there's always a pref to "always show tab bar" -- or not.

In OW, we are currently effectively "stuck" with this, since the tab bar, once opened (i.e. by opening a link in a new tab) stays that way, even if only one tab is left (i.e. after closing all the other tabs you may have opened).

I know it's been requested before, but I'd like to have (at least as a pref, even a hidden one) for the drawer to close itself if only one tab is open.

I'll submit this via feedback, too, to get my vote "counted".

slooude 2007-07-27 01:25 AM

Yep I agree this would be a great addition.

forum member 2007-07-27 02:27 AM

Mega Dittoes

Smithcraft 2007-08-02 08:42 PM

While I would agree, I find that even with a single tab open the the drawer, close the drawer, only to start opening new tabs right away!

Of course your mileage may vary!


Splutter 2007-08-03 08:43 AM

It's always surprised me that OW was in the minority on this point - so a yes please from me.

mlankton 2007-10-08 05:39 AM

Absolutely, OW needs to close the drawer if tabs<2.

marc 2007-10-28 09:01 PM

Some complications
I tend to agree, but there are a couple of complications; an open tab drawer is a convenient drag location for a tab from another window, a Web Location file or URL.

...or indeed for dragging a URL from a page to create a new tab.

These issue might be partially mitigated by the Tab Drawer gaining a 'Spring-loaded' behaviour (like the Finder) wherein the user could pause over the edge of the screen (or the Tab Drawer button on the toolbar as a shortcut) to open the drawer.

Likewise you would ideally be able to drag a URL/webloc from another app and slide open the drawer by pausing during the drag.

Dragging a Tab from a window drawer to another window without an open drawer would cause the drawer to open. This could be modified to require a delay, to allow the user to drag a tab to replace an existing page (depending on which behaviour is most needed/natural).

Dragging a URL from one window to another (without an open drawer) could replace the URL on drop, or upon sufficient pause over the window, open the tab drawer (or simply require the the user target the edge of the window, for consistency which is probably paramount.)

IMHO these minor additions would make moving tabs/pages around windows a much more fluid and simple process.

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