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marxes 2012-06-04 04:37 PM

Omnigraffle 5.4 - Apple Script Font Issue
I just updated to omnigraffle 5.4 and my usual script for creating a table of contents is no longer working. I believe the error is in the setting of the font attribute. The text boxes are being created in omnigraffle however they have no font attributes set for them. I just select them and set a font and size and everything shows up just fine. Was there any modification made to this function?


earleymw 2012-06-04 06:31 PM

Same Issue here...I'm trying your solution to see if it works...(processing)...yep, that works, thank goodness. I would also like to know a fix for this.

RobTrew 2012-06-05 12:00 AM

One long-standing piece of flakiness in OmniGraffle's scripting of text properties is that the scripted change is sometimes only shown at other zoom levels - change the zoom and it become visible, return to the original zoom level and it vanishes.

(A backfiring of some attempt to economize on screen refresh events ?)

Hard to know whether this is a factor without seeing your script. But it might be worth adding a zoom level nudge at the end of it. (Subject to the caveat that things will initially still be amiss at the original zoom level).

Something like:

tell application id "OGfl"
tell front window to set zoom to (zoom * (0.999))
end tell

The most important thing, however, is to report this through OG [B]Help > Send Feedback ...[/B]

(things can easily get missed on this forum)

Joel 2012-06-06 08:33 AM

Just dropping a quick note here to let you know that this issue should be fixed in the latest 5.4.1 beta, which can be found on our [URL=""]sneaky peek page[/URL].

We're hoping to have 5.4.1 wrapped up early next week and submitted to the Mac App Store as well as putting out a release candidate for it.

Tmik 2012-06-07 09:39 PM

It worked
[QUOTE=Joel;111162]Just dropping a quick note here to let you know that this issue should be fixed in the latest 5.4.1 beta, which can be found on our …[/QUOTE]

I was having the same problem and downloaded the 5.4.1 beta. Happy to report that it worked!


royzornow 2012-06-12 12:48 PM

5.4.1 beta fixed printing problem
This not only fixed the TOC issue but also corrected a printing problem I was having where I could not print beyond page 2 of a document. I was getting the error message (on the 2nd page printout) of:

ERROR: undefinedresult

[ ]


Now it seems to be fixed, thanks.

wjbsea 2012-06-13 09:17 AM

I installed it, but something weird is going on: I run the TOC script and see the lines created, but I can't view the numbers or canvas names until I quit the document and then relaunch it. Any thoughts on that?

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