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hexsprite 2008-11-10 07:35 AM

Move to project?
Would be great to be able to move an action to a project from the Library just by typing a few letters of its name via a keyboard shortcut.

Does this exist?

Or would this make a great feature?

abh19 2008-11-10 11:07 AM

Yes, I believe 1.5 rc2 does this. Create an item in the inbox. Set a context if you wish, then enter the first few letters of your project into the project column. You should see a drop down list of any matching projects. Use the arrow keys to move to the right one, then press enter. When you press clean up (or wait long enough), your item will move to the desired project (it becomes the last action in the list).

This is a great feature and I'm glad Omni added this one.

steve 2008-11-10 11:18 AM

Yes it does exist-- just outdent it Command+[

steve 2008-11-10 11:22 AM

sorry. I answered: can you turn an action into a project.

hexsprite 2008-11-16 06:14 PM

Just to clarify! What I meant was within the Library you don't have a Project column by default. Was wondering if existed a menu command (preferably with keyboard shortcut) to move an item to another Project.

The popup window should let you select the project the same way the project column does...

hexsprite 2008-11-19 06:51 AM

So for those who were confused.

I want a quick way to move an Action from one Project to another Project without using my mouse.

How I could see it working is as follows:

1. Select the action you want to move.
2. Type Cmd-Shift-M (for example) and a little window will popup that lets you complete a project name to move to.
3. Hit enter and the action is moved!

The reason why I want it is that I have a lot of projects and to move an action to a project i have to use my mouse, drag and then let my project list scroll down while I wait, then drop it into the correct Project.

Maybe there's another way to do it but I haven't heard it yet...

ext555 2008-11-19 08:34 AM

sounds like a life balance feature I recall .
Unfortunately, I'm not sure it will happen , unlike other programs that limit you to " exact matching " of project names, OF indexes projects with a dynamic search filter that makes it very quick to enter new tasks for an existing project etc .
Anytime I've seen " move to " used , it was with a program that kept a "flat list " of titles that it could pop up whenever needed .

The trade off here is, when you want to enter a new action for " install new lamp in kitchen ceiling " you have to remember that install is the first word , or the project isn't found . With OF any of the words or even parts of the words will get you there .

curt.clifton 2008-11-19 11:34 AM

There are a couple of other ways to move actions from one project to another.

In context mode, with the Project column visible, you can just enter the new project by tabbing to the right field. With an action selected in planning mode, Cmd-Opt-R will take you to that action in context mode. (So far there's no Project column in planning mode, so you have to change modes for a keyboard-only solution.)

You can use the inspector to set the project of the action in either mode. This involve clicking on the inspector to give it focus, but it does eliminate the long drag, which can be. (a drag, that is)

Lucas 2008-11-19 11:50 AM

Another idea might be to write a script that moves the selected action(s) into the quick entry window.

Brian 2008-11-19 12:52 PM

I don't tend to move my actions from project to project very much, but I can see how that would be handy. I'm out of the office, so I'm not sure if we have a formal request for that recorded. Interested parties, please send email to the support ninjas so we can make sure this gets into the development database.

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