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bushi 2011-01-15 02:44 AM

Problem with periodic task (spanish version)
I updated the last version of ominifocus. I have spanish language version and I am seeing some problem:

I cant set now recurrent task with a period of 1 month. When I try to set "x meses", omnifocus set "x minutos". If I try something like "2 semanas", it does not set nothing.

shinfu 2011-01-22 11:57 AM

Bushi sí funcionan las abreviaturas. Prueba a poner "1semana" sin espacios en medio y en el caso de meses pon "1m".


It works fine, try out these words "1semana" or "1m" for month or week.

bushi 2011-01-23 02:46 AM

I have the last version (1.8.2), Snow Leopard last update too. It doesnot work for me.
Omni ninjas have accepted it is a bug. It is a problem with spanish but with other languages too.

RobTrew 2011-01-23 04:00 AM

[QUOTE=bushi;92134]other languages too.[/QUOTE]

Yes, there does seem to have been a Genesis chapter 11 moment in the localisation work. In (简体) Chinese it offers 1 周 (1 week) as a prompt, but seems to have difficulty parsing or retaining 2 周, or any other interval expression except, puzzlingly, 1 秒 for which I could not immediately devise a use ... (1 second).

Genesis 11:9 is just a part of the rich tapestry of human life, I guess :-)

CarlosJG 2011-01-23 01:55 PM

[QUOTE=shinfu;92115]Bushi sí funcionan las abreviaturas. Prueba a poner "1semana" sin espacios en medio y en el caso de meses pon "1m".


It works fine, try out these words "1semana" or "1m" for month or week.[/QUOTE]

Lo he intentado y siempre que trato de poner 1m (tanto junto como separado) me lo transforma en 1 minuto. ¿Como puedo repetir una acción cada día 1 del mes?

RobTrew 2011-01-23 02:39 PM

[QUOTE=CarlosJG;92160]¿Como puedo repetir una acción cada día 1 del mes?[/QUOTE]

It looks like you'll have to wait until the localisations are fixed. Sending feedback through the help menu is the best way to push for this fix.

(In the meanwhile, for due dates, there is a [URL=""]script[/URL] which may help)


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