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Firetrigger_ONE 2010-06-04 01:08 PM

MobileMe 403 error
Set up OmniFocus before on my previous MobileMe account without any problem. Recently got a new MobileMe account due to business name change and now I can't get OF to synch.

I can access iDisc fine and all seems good with the Me side. However, can't create a new client. Getting this error:

[I]Unable to perform WebDAV operation.

The server returned “forbidden” (403) in response to a request to “PROPFIND /firetrigger_one/Documents/OmniFocus.ofocus”.[/I]

I've tried doing the iDisk synch method and then go back to Me but that does not work.
The headache is throbbing. Pills anyone?

whpalmer4 2010-06-04 02:21 PM

Use the Keychain Access application to delete any iDisk/MobileMe/OmniFocus/ entries you can find, then try OmniFocus again. To be on the safe side, duplicate your login.keychain file (found in Library/Keychains in your home directory) before deleting any entries so you can easily put it all back if this doesn't fix it. Most likely, OmniFocus is still trying to use the details of your old account with the new one.

Firetrigger_ONE 2010-06-07 06:49 AM

Partly solved...
Yup. The keychain was the culprit. Deleted all the mobile me keychain items via Keychain Access app. (had 3 - but my gut feel is the iDisk keychain that was the specific one. Just nuked the other 2 just in case.)

[B]Now, I need to solve the same thing on my iPhone app. I'm getting the exact error on there and I've tried sending settings from Omni OSX to Omni iPhone. [/B]

I'm going to go digging for keychains on my iPhone. Anyone knows where to find it?

whpalmer4 2010-06-07 07:31 AM

To reset your OmniFocus keychain entries on the iPhone, visit this link and follow the directions:


Firetrigger_ONE 2010-06-07 09:05 AM

Flying again

The debug was all the pills my OmniF iPhone needed to get well.

Let's GTD!

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