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Rutilate 2010-11-01 11:59 AM

Viewing/reporting on multiple (but not all) projects within omnifocus
As part of my strategy review, I have a number of projects that I'm specifically tracking for the next 90 days in addition to a plethora of projects/tasks as part of my normal workweek.

How can I highlight and report on only these specific 90-day, high priority projects and hide the rest so I can either share with a colleague or stay focused myself?

It seems like there should be a way to do this with perspectives by specifically selecting the projects in question and creating a perspective. However, it would be much easier if I could create a perspective with tags (ie. 90DAY).

Is there a better way?

Brian 2010-11-01 03:24 PM

If you want a perspective dedicated to this particular list of projects, you'll want to select them in the sidebar of project view, use View -> Focus on from the menu bar, and save the resulting view as a new perspective under that menu.

If you're looking for a more general solution, set up a perspective that includes one of the "is flagged" options in the Status filter, then flag the projects that are currently on your hotlist during your reviews.

Hope this helps!

webalstrom 2010-11-02 05:10 AM

You can also use a "sorta tag" solution but putting the phrase "90DAY" as a note (or even in the title) in each of your projects and then make a perspective using that search term in the toolbar (and whatever filters you want).

This frees up flags for other things (like a today perspective) and allows you to easily add or remove project to your 90 day outlook.


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