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gopi 2007-08-04 11:00 AM

Remote server hack?
I'm not sure if this is a reasonable idea or not, but I have a problem that I would like to solve:

I use a laptop and an iPhone. I want to use the web interface to OmniFocus. My laptop is often offline.

What about storing my OmniFocus data file on a file server? Now, on its own, that won't really solve any problems.

What I'm thinking is, I have OmniFocus both on the server and on my laptop, both pointed at the same data file. I won't run them both at the same time. When I wake up my laptop, I'll have an AppleScript that sends a remote message to the server's instance of OmniFocus and makes it quit, and then starts up OF on my laptop.

Any thoughts on this? I know that, with some appropriate scripting, I can make it work at _some_ level, I'd just like to figure out how to do it in a safe and clean way.

My current thoughts on the quickest hack:
* Normal system state: OmniFocus + web interface running on file server.

Start up wrapper around OF on laptop:
* Laptop talks to file server. File server is asked to shut down OF and the web interface.
* OF's data file is copied over to the laptop *or* OF is pointed at a shared file.
* Play around in OF for awhile.
* When I quit OF, either re-upload the file automatically, or, if the file is shared via the file server, just send a message to the file server to restart the web interface.

After all this, though, when I look at what the OF web interface does right now, I'm actually tempted to take an entirely different approach:

Essentially, write my own version of the web interface. The web interface has a fairly static view of the OF data, and allows only a few (two) operations on the data:
1. Check an item off
2. Add a new item to the inbox

The laptop would feed data to the server side, keeping it up to date with the state of the current OF document. This could be done by using AppleScript to read data from OF, or it could be done via directly reading the XML data files.

On the server side, the iPhone interface would feed both check and uncheck actions, and new inbox items, to the OmniFocus instance on your laptop, probably via AppleScript.

Any thoughts? It seems a bit convoluted, but I've been poking around at the AppleScript support in OF, and something like I described would be reasonable to implement in Python, I think.

(I'm submitting this as a feature request, but I would prefer for the web interface to be single-finger scrollable. I know that this would mean the top banner scrolled all the time, but I would find that a worthwhile tradeoff)

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