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hhm 2007-10-10 10:05 PM

OnmiWeb sneaky peeks want an administrator password - Why?
I'm wondering why the OnmiWeb sneaky peeks want an administrator password during the install procedure. I've seen this behaviour only since a few days. And I couldn't find anything about it in the release notes.
You know, I trust the guys at OmniGroup, but a little information about it would be nice.
Just curious.

Thanks for the enlightenment.

troyb 2007-10-11 04:26 PM

where are you installing your copy of OmniWeb to? If you're not an administrator you'll need these privileges in order to save OmniWeb to your computer application folder.

hhm 2007-10-11 09:42 PM

I'm working in an administrator account and I can install (usually that means copy) any other file into the applications folder, where the runnning OmniWeb application is placed and where the new version is going to.

With OmniWeb sneaky peeks I rely on the automatic update procedure, so I'm not taking any influence about the place where the update is going to be installed. I figure the updater locates the running OmniWeb and installs the update in the same place.

This occurs not only on one machine, the same authentication issue comes up on the MacPro at work and on my MacBook at home, where the setup is quite similar.

One more thing: until about 8 - 10 days ago the new version of OmniWeb restored the session like it was was runnning before the replaced version was quit. That was a nice feature. Now I get only my standard workspace, which makes me a little more reluctand to update, because I need to organize my work around the update.


troyb 2007-10-12 03:55 PM

Here are the things that the updater does...

Downloads the disk image for the latest version via http.
Mount the disk image.
Rename and move the old copy of OmniWeb to the trash.
Move the new copy of OmniWeb from the disk image to the location of your old version.

It's likely one of these processes causing the authentication request. I'm not sure which but you might be able to get a better idea of which by looking at when the authentication appears.

As for you session not getting restored, you might check on OmniWeb's auto-save setting to make sure it's still storing your session.

In the workspaces menu, select "Show Workspaces"
In the window that appears, make sure "Auto-save while browsing" is selected.

Ilgaz 2007-10-14 06:55 AM

It happens here too, I thought it was a security measure (yes, it can be used that way!) against unauthorised updates by 3rd party people may be using the browser but it seems it is not the case.

What kind of report would Omni want to diagnose this issue for good? As you see, people hates giving Admin password for some reason I don't understand and it can be a negative issue when final version released.

adinb 2007-10-15 01:28 AM

I'll jump on this bandwagon as well; I've been seeing it off and on for a few weeks...

hhm 2007-10-21 11:58 PM

[QUOTE=troyb;22796]Here are the things that the updater does...

Downloads the disk image for the latest version via http.
Mount the disk image.
Rename and move the old copy of OmniWeb to the trash.
Move the new copy of OmniWeb from the disk image to the location of your old version.
But that's not the whole thuth, ist it? At some point the older version has to quit and the new one has to start. Where do these events fit in?

I tried to process the update manually:
1. downloaded the update from the website
2. mounted the image
3. quit the old version
4. renamed the old version to someting else
5. moved the old, renamed version to the trash
6. copied the new version from the image to /Applications
7. started the new version by double-clicking it
No problems with this course of action, no need to authenticate.

As for you session not getting restored, you might check on OmniWeb's auto-save setting to make sure it's still storing your session.
This setting must have gone overboard at some point, I restored it and it is working now.

troyb 2007-10-22 08:58 AM

You are right, and actually i've managed to hit this authentication snafu on my machine as well.

We're actually looking at making a few changes right now to get things functioning a bit more reliably. I'll be keeping an eye on this and see if it helps.

Forrest 2007-10-23 02:15 PM

FWIW, on my G5 with 10.4.10 I am asked for the admin password. On my MBP with 10.4.10 I am not asked for my admin password. This is when using the built-in update feature and going to the same version.

Oh, and OW crashed after clicking to restart the app on my G5. The MBP did not. Perhaps the password request, crash on update and the dock icon still linking to the previous version is all linked. (and I have renamed my OW to

hhm 2007-11-11 10:36 PM

Now I'm using the 5.7 SneakPeek and the problem still remains.
Just sayin'.

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