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Brian 2009-03-25 10:53 AM

OmniGraphSketcher Frequently Asked Questions (last edited 8/31/2011)
Right now, there's probably only one frequently asked question, which we'll answer below. In the future, we expect more to arise. We'll answer them here. :-)

[B]What the heck is OmniGraphSketcher?[/B]

Heh. This, and many other interesting facts, are available in [URL=""]this blog post[/URL].

dave_m 2011-02-16 09:43 AM

[B]OmniGraffle, OmniGraphSketcher, what's the difference?[/B]
OmniGraffle excels at creating flow charts, system diagrams, and layouts. OmniGraphSketcher is designed for creating quantitative diagrams (graphs). You can do a lot with both though!

[B]So what doesn't OmniGraphSketcher do?[/B]
OmniGraphSketcher is not a function graphing program (try Grapher in Mac OS X Tiger and Leopard). And although it does have some convenient calculation abilities, it is by no means a math or stat package (try Mathematica). Finally, although it contains a mini spreadsheet, it is not Numbers or Excel. Instead, OmniGraphSketcher combines just enough pieces from all of these worlds to let you make graphs fast and furiously.

[B]Can it do Pie Charts?[/B]
Not currently. In most cases, information that you might want to display in a pie chart is better displayed in a bar chart or table. We're committed to staying true to best practices for data visualization whenever possible.

[B]I have some data. How do I get it into OmniGraphSketcher?[/B]
OmniGraphSketcher will import directly from any other application (such as a spreadsheet or text editor). Just copy and paste the data right into the graph window.

Specifically, tab- or comma-separated values are imported as follows:

1 column of numbers: 1-dimensional data (series plot).
1 column of labels, 1 of numbers: axis tick mark labels with 1-D data (series plot).
2 columns of numbers: 2-dimensional data (scatter plot).
1 column of labels, 2 of numbers: 2-D data (scatter plot) with a label for each data point.
More than two columns of numbers: 2-D data, with the first column repeated as a pair with each other column.

[B]My data requires Logarithmic or Date/Time Axes[/B]
We released OmniGraphSketcher 1.2, featuring support for logarithmic axis scales, on August 29, 2011. If date and time axes are on your wish list, please send us feedback!

[B]Can I add a second y-axis with a different scale to my graph?[/B]
Not currently. Most of the time this type of graph offers no improvement in readability over two graphs arranged vertically with identical x-axes. There's more information in [URL=""]this blog post[/URL] written by OmniGraphSketcher lead engineer Robin.

[B]How is this different from Robin Stewart Software Graph Sketcher?[/B]
We've added a lot since the last release of Graph Sketcher (1.5.2), including a new user interface, complex curved lines, adjustable margins, and importing of multiple data series. For more detailed information, check out the archived release notes in the OmniGraphSketcher help menu.

[B]I have a license for Robin Stewart Software Graph Sketcher. Do you have upgrade pricing?[/B]
If you purchased Graph Sketcher in the past, you are eligible to upgrade to OmniGraphSketcher for free! If you didn't receive your coupon code via email, get in touch with us at [email][/email].

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