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atn 2009-02-10 06:42 PM

ical sync and then publish
hi all,

a newb here. so, 1 of my contexts from OF is synced to a cal in ical that is set to sync hourly. i then publish that cal and check to publish to dos and don't see them on the website when i do that. not sure what the prob is. i'm just playing around w/ this feature, and trying to find out how i can use it personally, bc i sync w/ an iphone, and don't see a benefit yet.

any suggestions?


Greg Jones 2009-02-11 01:52 AM

You'll want to break this workflow down into steps to help isolate where the problem lies. You don't mention if the tasks that are synced to iCal appear in iCal? If they do, then there is something amiss in the settings to publish your iCal calendar to the Web.

atn 2009-02-11 09:08 AM

you know what it looks like... when you publish to dos in ical, that only shows up for a person on the receiving end if they subscribe to that calendar. it doesn't seem to show up on a website. i'm just trying to find a use for this ical sync for myself. i know it's really designed for people trying to sync pdas that aren't an iphone, so, other than that, i'm looking for other features than just initial syncing.

thanks so much for your help.


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