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pmangiafico 2011-05-05 09:05 AM

URLs in the notes field and high CPU usage?
I've noticed recently that pasting long URLs into the notes field of a task (for examples, links that have a lot of querystring parameters, or a link to an asset in another local app like Curio) causes OmniFocus CPU usage to shoot to 99% and often stay there for a long time rendering the app unusable until I delete the URL. Is Omni trying to validate URLs or do something special with them? Anyone else see this behavior?

whpalmer4 2011-05-05 09:43 AM

Haven't noticed it, but maybe I don't use the right sorts of URLs to trigger whatever you're seeing. Can you share an example? Better yet, share it with the support ninjas via Help->Send Feedback...

pmangiafico 2011-05-05 10:28 AM

Interestingly enough I noticed it didn't happen when I dragged in a URL from my browser (via the site icon) instead of copying and pasting the URL of the text. This produced a different font than my customized font for notes ("Chalkduster"). I then tried switching my default font for notes to a more standard Arial, and things went back to normal. I can now copy and paste hyperlinks to assets in other apps (like Mail, Curio, etc.) and it doesn't hog the CPU. That is odd behavior - it doesn't seem to like a certain type of font in the notes field.

whpalmer4 2011-05-05 02:20 PM

Interesting. Might be worth verifying that font in Font Book. Not impossible to imagine that a corrupted font might somehow cause trouble...

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