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DJinVT 2008-10-28 11:25 AM

Mail Rule to Create actions not working
Hi -

I am trying to get the auto action creation to work and have been unsuccessful so far. The messages are coming into my Inbox with the "+omnifocus" in the address line, so I know its not my mail server choking on them.

The script specified in the Mail Rule created by OmniFocus is supposed to be located at: /Applications/

I checked, and it IS there. It just doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Any clues on how to troubleshoot this ?

Also, any info you could direct me to concerning how to do clipping from Mail and Safari would be really really appreciated !


whpalmer4 2008-10-28 12:17 PM

Okay, here are some things to check:

1) your message has to be plain text, not rich text.

2) turn off any archiving -- that way, if the mail stays in your mail inbox, you know that the rule didn't do anything with the message

3) make sure the address you are sending from is on the list of valid recipients

4) send a message that doesn't have any special characters as a test to your "user+omnifocus" address. It should end up in your OF inbox with the message text as a note if you've got the things above correctly set. Once you know that you can successfully get a message delivered to OF, you can start tinkering with the various characters to route things to projects, contexts, dates, etc. Prove that you can walk before you try to run, so to speak.

For clipping, see the OmniFocus help command and enter "clipping" as the search string. There's a nice page of info, complete with pictures.

DJinVT 2008-10-29 06:05 AM

GOT IT ! Thanks much. I was using the mail rule pretty much as Omnifocus installed it without paying enough attention to how it was looking at senders & recipients.

Done crawling. I'm ready to walk now! Where do I find out about using special characters to route things to contexts and dates, etc.?

Will look into clipping later today... (note to self.... nope, note to Omnifocus !)

thanks again.

whpalmer4 2008-10-29 07:35 AM

[QUOTE=DJinVT;49647]GOT IT ! Thanks much. I was using the mail rule pretty much as Omnifocus installed it without paying enough attention to how it was looking at senders & recipients.

Done crawling. I'm ready to walk now! Where do I find out about using special characters to route things to contexts and dates, etc.?

Here again, there's some excellent documentation available in the OmniFocus help command if you use "mail action" as your search string. More than half a dozen simple (and not-so-simple) examples to look at (including an answer key :-)

ericlundstedt 2008-11-10 12:02 PM

rule order...or heads up if you have Mail Act-On installed
just a reminder that rule order in the inbox rules section within OS X mail matters as well. i got frustrated messing about with this....until i realized i needed to move the "Send to OmniFocus" rule above another rule I had that automatically "stopped" rule processing. If you have Mail Act On installed, it usually takes the form of a "Stop Processing Receive Rules" rule.

RJG 2008-11-12 04:27 AM

Having trouble with Gmail
Could you please walk through how to set up the Mail Rule when using Gmail? The message ends up in my Gmail account, but never goes to OF Inbox. I don't know how to set the filters in Gmail to tell it to send to OF. Thank you.

RJG 2008-11-12 05:38 AM

Please ignore this post
[QUOTE=RJG;50666]Could you please walk through how to set up the Mail Rule when using Gmail? The message ends up in my Gmail account, but never goes to OF Inbox. I don't know how to set the filters in Gmail to tell it to send to OF. Thank you.[/QUOTE]

I searched around some more, and found this very useful post (proving that you should always start with FAQs).


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