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pjb 2007-09-07 03:03 AM

[QUOTE=chrjohns;20738]I am wondering, since you have laid out your plan above, if it will be possible to make the InBox a child of the Library....[/QUOTE]

Oh, this is funny. (no offense) but that poor left hand pane has been so abused since it's appearance. First Inbox + Projects, then Inbox + Folders with Projects, but then "No! I want Inbox to be special!", so ok then Inbox + Library with Folders and Projects and Buckets... Now you want Library with Inbox and Folders? Makes my head spin (and I want the Inbox out of the left hand pane altogether; think Browser mode in iTunes).

[QUOTE]And it would seem consistent with the Library paradigm in the Apple apps. [/QUOTE]

Not exactly. iTunes has Library, Store, Shared, and Playlists (for example) and it's quite likely that OF will eventually have Shared and other goodies.

JohnEndahl 2007-09-07 04:47 AM

[QUOTE=pjb;20789] Now you want Library with Inbox and Folders? Makes my head spin (and I want the Inbox out of the left hand pane altogether; think Browser mode in iTunes).[/QUOTE]

I've just arrived recently at this party, but I think the InBox has to be *someplace*, and in my mind, it needs to be in that left pane. Granted, it's not really a project, but the way I understand GTD, you need to place items into the inbox prior to filing them into their folders/projects. I may need to refer to that inbox prior to filing as a stimulus for further items. I need a place to store those initial items and I need a way to refer back to them easily. Keeping the inbox in the left bar gives me an easy way to refer to them.

my 2 cents.

--> John

twilhite 2007-09-07 02:45 PM

Thanks Ken
Your procedure worked.

pjb 2007-09-07 03:45 PM

[QUOTE=JohnEndahl;20797]...I may need to refer to that inbox prior to filing as a stimulus for further items. I need a place to store those initial items and I need a way to refer back to them easily. ...[/QUOTE]

Agree completely. I think the Inbox is so special it should be able to be visible always, similar to the View Bar. It's the handle for it in the left pane I object to. If I were more of a mouser than a typer, I might want to be able to assign Contexts by dragging from the Inbox to a Context, too. And I want it to have it's own scroll bar.

Try this: go to Context view and use the command key equivalent Command 1 and what do you get? The Inbox, not the Projects. Of course a simple down-arrow gets you the Projects and their Tasks. It's all very confused right now. Both Command 1 and Command Option 1 really are equivalent to the Mode toolbar button which specifies the soon-to-be-named Planning View and the Context View.

Planning and Getting the Inbox to Empty are two different processes, but for the sake of keeping everything in software, I, too, would like to see my Projects and Buckets and Tasks while processing my Inbox for sorting those things that can't be done right way. I just think the app is a little confused right now (Ethan to the rescue?) but I'm sure they'll sort it out (and probably make me change my mind in the process).

danrochel 2007-09-07 06:23 PM

I made a project called miscellaneous, and lo and behold I got a special icon and it moved to the top just below Library.

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