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Gizmo 2008-07-01 11:26 PM

iPhone sync options: MobileMe or other WebDAV, not calendars
Will Omnifocus on Iphone only sync via .mac as it states on the webpage or will we be able to sync without having to use the web/expensive .mac address?

curt.clifton 2008-07-02 09:00 AM

OF 1.1 includes an option to sync using any WebDAV server. WebDAV is built in to Mac OS X, so you could use your desktop or laptop for syncing to your iPhone. See [URL=""]this thread for more information[/URL].

Kandia 2008-07-19 08:43 AM

iPhone Setup
Found this link which is excellent for setting up your iPhone to work with OminiFocus on your desktop/laptop. Enjoy !


Duncan 2008-07-21 04:47 AM

$2 a week?
[QUOTE=Gizmo;39147]... the web/expensive .mac address?[/QUOTE]

Each to their own but, for all its faults and irritations I find the $100 for .Mac/MobileMe a bargain.

Not only does it handle OmniFocus syncing gracefully across my Macs and iPhone but heaps of other stuff. Easily worth the $2 a week to me.

I wish I got as much out of $100 spent with my telco.

Just wanted to contest what I see as the too common bashing of a flawed and imperfect product on the one thing (value for money) I think it is delivering on.

But again, just me.

simonclivehughes 2008-07-25 07:40 AM

How about a decent illustrated tutorial for setting up sync via MobileMe (.Mac)? I've been trying to get this going and am having zero luck.

While we're at it, how about a decent manual for the iPhone version of OmniFocus to include the above tutorial in?



Lizard 2008-07-25 10:18 AM

There's a section in OmniFocus for Mac's help called "Synchronizing between Macs and mobile devices"

There's also a help website for OmniFocus for iPhone here: [url][/url]

Can you be more specific about where those instructions seem to be missing information?

tzero 2008-07-27 11:50 AM

Sync help & tutorial
I second simonclivehughes's request for an illustrated syncing tutorial. i find it all a bit baffling. seems to me that when I enter a to-do into my iPhone Omnifocus, it could show up in any/all of four places: Omnifocus 1.1 for Mac; the iCal on my Mac; on my Mac; and my MobileMe calendar.

But so far here's what I've got:
- my iPhone to-dos show up in Omnifocus on the Mac and vice versa;
- my Mac/OF to-dos show up in my Mac iCal (and in my Mail to-dos), but by iPhone OF to-dos don't show up in either location;
- my iCal (and Mail) to-dos register in MobileMe
- but my Mac/OF and iPhone/OF to-dos don't show up on my MobileMe calendar.

The flow of info from one platform to another is opaque; a tutorial would definitely help (as would some advice about my own difficulties). Also, if info is routing through iDisk, it seems like potentially I could (somehow) get my iPhone/OF to-dos to show up in my Mac iCal and Mail programs without the benefit of OF 1.1 for Mac -- or am I missing something? Again, a diagram would go a long way ...

tzero 2008-07-27 12:14 PM

Yeah, just to confirm -- my Mac/OF to-dos will register on MobileMe but only if they first pass through iCal on my Mac; they don't seem to sync directly to MobileMe. (Nor do my iPhone to-dos.) I seem to have the correct settings in Preferences -- the wheel spins, stops, and I get no "failed" message -- so I can't figure out what's up. What iDisk folder should it be syncing with?

Lizard 2008-07-28 10:57 AM

OmniFocus for iPhone only syncs with OmniFocus for Mac. OmniFocus for Mac syncs with iCal for Mac. iCal for Mac syncs directly or indirectly with all those other Apple apps.

tzero 2008-07-28 04:12 PM

hmmmm. in my Mac OF, one has the option to 1) "Sync with Server" (my Documents folder in iDisk, for MobileMe users) and also 2) "Sync with iCal." but if I'm ultimately syncing with MobileMe via iCal (option #2), what's the "Sync with Server" option doing? seems like OF is taking the long way 'round to get to MobileMe, no?

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