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hardcoreUFO 2010-03-30 08:58 PM

Sort descending
Is there any way to switch sort order between ascending and descending in perspectives? I have a perspective that uses sort by date added, to spot tasks that have been lingering for weeks, but in this case, I want the old tasks at the top of the list, not the new ones. I'm hoping there is a way to reverse the default ordering, which is ascending.


whpalmer4 2010-03-31 04:53 AM

No, there isn't, but you can use the scroll bar to go to the other end of the displayed material and look there for that which you seek. Use Help->Send Feedback to make a feature request if you find that solution insufficient.

hackeron 2011-04-18 03:01 PM

I too would really love such a feature. Was quite surprise you can't control the sorting :/

Brian 2011-04-19 03:22 PM

As Bill mentioned in his post, the thing to do here is email the [EMAIL=""]support ninjas[/EMAIL] and ask to be attached to the existing feature request. We browse stuff on the forums as we're able to on top of our other duties, but things do fall through the cracks from time to time.

If you email the ninjas, though, you're guaranteed to get your request recorded - their primary responsibility is handling customer email.

(Requests with more customers attached are generally the ones that get highest priority, as well...)

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