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dave-gallagher 2010-08-25 11:12 AM

Feature Request: GUI Buttons for Copy/Paste Object Style
Hello! I was wondering if it would be possible in a future update for OmniGraffle to add the ability to put two GUI buttons into the Toolbar? They would be for:

1) Copy Object Style
2) Paste Object Style

Currently you can do this by accessing both options under the Format menu, though I find that a bit clunky to use most of the time. Also, and I blame my brainless fingers for this, I have a tough time remembering the shortcut for it too.

Adding the ability to drop both buttons into your Toolbar using "Customize Toolbar..." would definitely add a feature to OmniGraffle which I fondly loved in Visio. Thanks for reading! :)

masteridiotsavant 2010-09-06 03:05 AM

Actually that's already on the toolbar, it's the StyleBrush. Holding down the opton key turns it into a "copy style" brush.

fjordaan 2010-09-08 03:01 AM

Hi Dave,

There are a couple of ways to do what you want.

1. The most convenient, and the one I use most frequently, are the keyboard shortcuts [B]Cmd-Ctrl-C[/B] and [B]Cmd-Ctrl-V[/B] to copy/paste object styles. These are essential shortcuts to memorise.

2. The [B]Style Brush[/B], as masteridiotsavant points out. The keyboard shortcut for this is 7, and if you press it twice it's persistent (pressing it once will make it revert to your last tool after one use.) Please note the dropdown menu on the toolbar button, which indicates which styles get applied. For example, I always unselect Image and Shape as this is rarely what you expect of the tool.

3. The [B]style swatches[/B] or chits on the bottom toolbar allows you to drag particular styles from the selected object onto another object, e.g. only its fill, or only its stroke style. This is useful, but a bit laborious if you want to affect many objects.

Hope that helps!

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